
1A Unit 7 Period 2

teaching contents:
 pattern: touch your …
teaching aims:
 a. to understand the imperative sentence: touch your …
    and can make correct actions according to the imperative sentence listened.
 b. ss can use the imperative sentence: touch your … to indicate others to finish the specific actions pay attention to the pornunciation and the intonation.
 c. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
 teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
 pictures (eye, ear, nose, mouth)
 teaching picture (part a)
 word cards (eye, ear, nose, mouth, a, an, your, my, touch, follow me)
 recorder, tape
teaching procedure:
 step 1. warm up
  1. greetings
  2. free talk.
     hello/hi, .
     hello/hi, i'm .
     good morning/afternoon, .
     is this a …?
     what's this? (review the words learnt last lesson)
 step 2. presentation
  1. teach the new sentence: follow me.
   a. t: do you like p.e. ?
      ss: yes.
      t: what do you do in p.e. lesson?
      ss: …
      t: you will follow the p.e. teacher.
         today, we will learn unit 7. follow me.
   b. teach the pronunciation
      follow /'fɔləu/   me /mi:/
   c. drills: group work -- drive trains -- pair work
   d. clap: follow me, 跟我做!
   e. t: now, follow me, please. stand up.
      ss stand up.
      t: follow me, sit down.
      ss sit down.
   f. ss act as p.e. teacher to say orders
      ss: follow me. sit down/stand up/…
  2. teach the new sentence pattern: touch your …
   a. t show the teaching picture (part a).
      t: great! now, su hai and mike are having a p.e. lesson.
         what are they doing? please listen!
      recorder play: touch your nose.
                     touch your eye.
      t: what are they doing? what do they mean?
   b. teach the pronunciation.
      touch /tʌtʃ/   your /jɔ:/   my /mai/2页,当前第112
   c. drills: group work   touch / your / my
              drive trains touch / your / touch my/your nose
              pair work    touch my nose (say and do)
                           touch your nose (one say, one do)
 step 3. consolidation
  1. follow me (say and do)
     follow me, touch my eye/ear/nose/mouth.
  2. listen and respond
   a. t: touch your eye/ear/nose/mouth
      ss make the corresponding actions and say: touch my …
   b. one student act as p.e. teacher: touch your …
      other students make the corresponding actions and say: touch my …
   c. group work.
      t show the picture.
      one group say the orders: touch your …
      other groups make the corresponding actions and say: touch my …
  3. listen and repeat
     open english books, turn to page 30, listen to the tape and repeat.
 step 4. end
  say "goodbye".
 step 5. homework
  listen to the tape and read the text and the words 3 times to your parents.
1a unit 7 period 2 来自皮皮范文网。 2页,当前第212
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