
四年级英语下册第六模块 Module 6 Music教学设计

第六模块 module 6 music教学目标 1、词:good, better, bad, worse, agree, think.2、句型:a is better/worse than b.   think--- do you agree?   yes, i agree.    no, i don’t agree.教学重点与难点 1、good 和bad 比较级的运用2、如何把握评价的难度,公平,如何用英语合理地表述自己的想法 教学设想 1、课时安排:   unit 1 …………………………………..1课时   unit 2 …………………………………..1课时2、多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。3、设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。  课题module 6unit 1 this girl is good.课时新授教学目标1.     be able to say:this girl is good .this boy is better than he girl .this picture is bad.this picture is worse.2.     listen to the tape and repeat the conversation. 教学重难点in ttoduce some of the irregual comparatives.准备  a recorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图i.warmer 1.write the following adjectives at random on the board,big,small,good,bad,fat,thin.2.get individual students to call out one of the adjectives and you say the comparative form.ii.new teaching1.     write the following comparatives better louder worse smaller bigger.2.     listen to the tape and tell me   ask the students what is different about ‘good’and ‘bad’compared to the other adjectives in the list. get the students to work in pairs and continue to do the activity.    lisren to the tape and say out which comparatives they hear.   this can have the students learn to say some of the irregular comparatives.           from listening to the tape ,the pupils can improve their hearing.教师活动学生活动设计意图which comparatives  they  hear.3.play the passage once and let the students listen .they should hear both ‘better’  and ‘worse’.4.read the conversation together.5.devide into  some groups act out the  conversation 6.point and say.this picture is good,this picture is better.  listen gagin.    read the dialogue together.     work in pairs.        this can improve the students’ speaking.  拓展升华the students can summarize the comparatives tall short old young strong ~er big fat thin good bad. 课后反思most of the pupils’ can say dialogue very well .but someone’s pronunciation needs to practise.3页,当前第1123板书设计:module 6unit 1 this girl is good.  good    better 课题unit 2:lingling is better than daming.课时拓展教学目标1.     be able to say :lingling ia better than daming.               amy is worse than sam.amy is better than sam.2.work in pairs.﹙ask and answer﹚ 教学重难点   compare two persans  who is better?  who is worse?准备  a recorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图i.                   warmer1.     on the board write the following words:pop music,chinese music jazz.2.     i;m going to call out the names of different types of music .if they like that music,they should stand up.ii.                new teaching1.     listen to the tape and point.2.     read after the tape.3.     put the students into groups of   look at the words on the blockboard.   if you like the music ,you should stand up     listen to the tape and read after it.    from this ,they can improve the class,atmosphere.         to improve the students’ hearing.教师活动学生活动设计意图   three and get them to look at the book .have them read the example dialogue in their groups.4.     listen to the tape again and tell me who is better?who is worse?5.     play a game :find out two pupils act,and the others say who is better?6.     work in pairs. have the students read the example dialogue.    play a game :two students act,and other say.  ask and answer in pairs.  read after the tape the students can practice more.    the students learn to compare two persons.  拓展升华the stusents are able to compare other two things .课后反思  most of the pupils’ can say dialogue very well .but someone’s pronunciation needs to practise.板书设计:unit 2:lingling is better than daming.                 the erhu            the zither3页,当前第2123            the guitarplay        the drums  课题music课时综合教学目标2.     be able to ask and answer in pairs:what music do you like?ilike pop music.3.     learn to sing a song. 教学重难点  have the students learn all kinds of music.准备  a recorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 i.warmer .2.     tell the students i’m going to call out the names of different types of the music.if they like that music ,they should stand up. ii. teaching1.i remind the students of the different kinds of music,eg. pop music,chinese music jazz,dance music.2.put the studends into groups of three and get th   the students have to listen to the teacher carefully , if it is necessary ,they should stand up.   read the music on the blackboard more.      have them read the example dialogue in groups.    this can have the students learn about all type of music.       to learn about all type of music.教师活动学生活动设计意图m to look at the book.3.ay the tape and learn to say a song. 4.work in pairs  what music do you like?i like ……    have the students look at the words of the song.    this can improve the students’ oral english.    课后反思  the students are very interested in instruments .they say the conversations very well.板书 设计:music pop music chinese music 3页,当前第3123
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