
Module 2 My favourite things


module 2  my favourite things
teaching contents: p19—p31
teaching aims:
1. learners read a poem about a pet dog 
2. learners read three short stories about animal friends
3. learners tell the price and the name of the toys in the pictures
4. learners read the story about the li family and decide if the statements about the story are true or false 
5. learners read and role play the story about supergirl on the moon 
6. learners talk about what each member of eddie’s family is doing
7. learners read the story about a cartoon character ‘spiderboy’
8. learners make an album of cartoon characters
teaching focus:
1. asking about and describing personal possessions
2. comprehending simple narratives
3. counting from 21to 50
4. talking about money and the price of objects
5. asking and describing where people are and what they are doing
6. giving a simple description of oneself in terms of family members
7. saying the sound ‘sh’
8. saying the sound ‘sk’
9. saying the sound ‘sp’
teaching time:
13 periods

unit 1 my pet
teaching contents: p19—p22
teaching aims:
1. learners read a poem about a pet dog 
2. learners read three short stories about animal friends
3. learners do a survey in groups about who has a pet and what the pet is like
4. learners draw and write about their pet if they have one
5. learners read and talk about the bar chart about pets , and transfer information to a table
teaching focus:
1. asking about and describing personal possessions
2. asking for things that are needed to complete a task
3. comprehending simple narratives
4. saying the sound ‘sh ’
teaching time: 4 periods

period 1
teaching contents: p19
teaching aims:
learners read a poem about a pet dog
learners do a survey in groups about who has a pet and what the pet is like
language focus:
asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out various kinds of information about an animal
e.g. what colour is it ?
asking ‘yes/no’ questions to find out a person’s possessions
e.g. have you got a pet ?
teaching type : new
student’s book 4b page 19
cassette 4b and a cassette player
workbook 4b page 11
photocopiable page 17
pre-task preparation
asking students to look at the picture in read a poem and list the things in it .
introduce :mop by drawing a mop on the board .
invite students to guess where the dog is .
while-task procedure
1. play the cassette :read a poem . students listen and follow in their books .11页,当前第11234567891011
2. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
3. divide students into three groups . group a reads the first three lines, group b reads the fourth to the sixth lines and group c reads the last three lines .
4. invite individual students to read the poem .
5. encourage students to list the animals they know on the board .
6. invite individual students to circle the animals that people keep in their houses as pets . introduce : a pet .
7. asking students if they have got a pet .ask: have you got a pet? to elicit: yes, i’ve got a_______./no, i haven’t got any pets.
8. play the cassette: do a survey. students listen and follow in their books.
9. play the cassette again. students listen and repeat.
10. distribute a copy of photocopiable page 17 to each student .
have students do a simple survey on the pets of their classmates using the dialogue in do a survey .
11. allow five minutes for the students to finish their survey .
12. divide students into groups . 
students take turns to report to their group members on their survey .
post-task activity
workbook page 11
1. students work in pairs to complete the dialogue orally .
2. invite pairs of students to read the dialogue to the class .
3. have students fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue .
at this stage grammar practice book 4b, page 17 and 18 could be used to practice and consolidate the oral and written language in this section further .
这堂课是关于宠物的,学生对于小动物非常感兴趣。经过学习学生对话朗读流利,还能改编小诗,总体来说,课文内容的学习对学生不造成困难。我觉得课堂时间比较充裕,可以适当补充一些介词短语的训练,学生对这几个介词掌握的不是非常扎实:behind, beside, near, out of。

period 2
teaching contents: p20
teaching aims:
learners draw and write about their pet if they have one
language focus :
using imperatives to give instructions
e.g. fold the paper .
using predicative and attributive adjectives to describe animals
e.g. it’s small . it has got short ears .
teaching type : new
materials :
student’s book 4b page 20
cassette 4b and a cassette player
photocopiable page 18
colour pencils
make copies of photocopiable page 18 . remind students to bring colour pencils .
pre-task preparation
ask students questions about their pets , e.g. have you got a pet ? is it big/small ? what colour is it ? has it got long /short ears ? has it got a tail ? has it got long /short hair?etc.
while-task procedure
1. play the cassette :play a game .students listen and follow in their books .11页,当前第21234567891011
2. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
3. distribute a copy of photocopiable page 18 to each student . students draw and colour their own pet or a pet they would like (if they haven’t got any pets ) .
4. students write a few sentences similar to the ones on page 19 of the student’s book .
5. for more able students , encourage them to write a few more sentences to describe their pets . for example , it has got ________ eyes . it likes ________ .
6. remind students to fold the paper in the same way as shown in the student’s book .
7. divide students into pairs or groups . students take turns to read their classmates’ work and make guess of what pets they have got .
8. members of a group put their work together and form a pets book . encourage students to design and make a cover for their book .

period 3
teaching contents: p21
teaching aims:
learners read and talk about the bar chart about pets , and transfer information to a table
language focus :
asking ‘how’ questions to find out quantity
e.g. how many children in class 4a have got ?
using numerals to show quantity
e.g. three children have dogs .
teaching type : new
student’s book 4b page 21
cassette 4b and a cassette player
workbook 4b page 12
photocopiable page 19
preparation :
make copies of photocopiable page 19 for each students .
pre-task preparation
tell students how to read the bar chart in ask and answer . for less able students , have them write 4a ,4b or 4c on the top of each bar . check answers with students . encourage students to use a ruler to help them read the chart .
while-task procedure
1. play the cassette : ask and answer .students listen and follow in their books .
2. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
3. go through the nouns at the bottom of the chart with the students . remind students to use the plural form of the nouns when the quantity is more than one .
4. ask all the questions about the pets of class 4a .invite individual students to give you answers as examples .
5. have students fill in the column of 4a on the table on page 21 of the student’s book.
6. students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions about the pets of class 4b and class 4c . student a asks questions about class 4b and answers questions about class 4c .students b asks questions about class 4c and answers questions about class 4b.11页,当前第31234567891011
7. encourage students to refer to the chart and check if the answers given by their classmates are correct .
learn the sound
1. play the cassette . students listen and follow in their books .
2. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
3. invite individual students to read the sentences.
post-task activities
1. workbook page 12
a. students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions .
b. invite pairs of students to read and answer the questions .
c. have students fill in the answers to complete the dialogues .
2. a survey
a. distribute copies of photocopiable page 19 . give every two students a tasksheet .students cut along the dotted lines .
b. each student has half of the bar chart . they work in pairs to ask and answer and fill out the number of students in class 4d who have the other four kinds of pets .
c. students put their tasksheets together and check their answers
at this stage grammar practice book 4b ,page 19 could be used to practice and consolidate the oral and written language in this section further .
今天我们学习了一个新的句型:how many … have …? … have …大部分学生能掌握,但有一小部分学生没有例句的话就不能独立完成练习。

period 4
teaching contents: p22
teaching aims:
learners read three short stories about animal friends
language focus :
using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking
e.g. superdog is digging a hole .
asking ‘wh’ questions to find out specific information about an animal
e.g. who is min’s friend ?
teaching type : new
materials :
student’s book 4b page 22
cassette 4b and a cassette player
word and picture cards : dig , hole , bone
large pieces of drawing paper (poster size )
colour pencils
preparation :
bring large pieces of drawing paper . remind students to bring colour pencils .
per-task preparation
ask students to glance at the pictures on page 22 on the student’s book . encourage students to guess whether the animals are friends or not . encourage individual students to tell the class what animals the three stories are talking about .
while-task procedure
1. play the cassette for the first story in look and read . students listen and follow in their books .
2. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
3. asking the first question in ask and answer :who is min’s friend ? to elicit : mog
4. ask : what’s the name of the white cat ? to elicit : min .ask :what’s the name of the black cat ? to elicit :mog 11页,当前第41234567891011
5. play the cassette for the second story in look and read . students listen and follow in their books . stick the word and picture cards : dig ,hole , bone on the board to introduce these words .
6. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
7. ask the second question in ask and answer : who is superdog’s friend ? to elicit : peppy .
8. ask :what colour is superdog ? to elicit : it’s black and white .
ask :what colour is peppy ? to elicit : it’s brown .
9. play the cassette for the third story in look and read . students listen and follow in their books .
10. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
11. ask the third question in ask and answer: who is min’s friend ? to elicit : ella .
12. ask :what’s the name of the mouse ? to elicit :milly . ask: what’s the name of elephant ? to elicit :ella .
13. divide students into groups and ask them to prepare to act the story they liked best .
14. groups take turns to act in front of the class .
post-task activity
a poster for the story
a. students work in groups to design a poster for each of the stories on page 22 of the student’s book .
b. have students discuss and decide on a name for each of the stories and have the names written on the posters .
c. display the students’ work on the display board in the classroom .
d. have students vote for the best name and the best posters for each of the stories .
oxford english practice and assessment series 4b part1 ,module 2 , unit 1 presents further grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as listening and reading skills development tasks .
这堂课是关于六个动物朋友的故事,经过学习,学生朗读流利、表演生动,但个别单词如:bone, hole发音不准确,一些词组的搭配不熟练,不是少the 就是没加s。

课题 4b mid revision(1)
教学目标 单词、词组、句型四会
教学重点 背默单词、句型转换。
教学时间 one period
 1. 教师默写单词
2. 复习句型转换的方法:
作业布置 1. 朗读课文10分钟
2. 背单词
3. 订正练习卷
 单词默写错误率很高,主要是音标错的多;句型:don’t run in the classroom, danny.改成现在进行时错的很多,大部分没有改成否定句。

课题 4b mid revision(2)
教学目标 单词、词组、词性转换
教学重点 背默单词、词性转换
教学时间 one period
 1. 教师默写单词
2. 复习词性转换的方法:
can 后加动词原形
作业布置 1、朗读课文10分钟

课题 4b mid revision(3)
教学目标 强化训练听力和完成对话
教学重点 听力、完成对话
教学时间 one period
 1. 教师默写单词
2. 教授听力技巧
作业布置 1、朗读课文10分钟

课题 4b mid revision(4)
教学目标 综合练习。
教学重点 综合练习。
教学时间 two period
作业布置 1、朗读课文10分钟

unit 2 my toys
teaching contents: p23—p26   
teaching aims:
1. learners tell the price and the name of the toys in the picture
2. learners count and talk about the number of each type of toy in the toy shop
3. learners set up a toy shop in class and use shopping language to obtain toys they like
4. learners read the story about the li family and decide if the statements about the story are true or false
5. learners guess what the characters are doing in the picture
6. learners read and role play the story about supergirl on the moon
teaching focus:
counting from 21 to 50
talking about money and the price of objects
asking and describing where people are and what they are doing
comprehending simple narratives
saying the sound ‘sk’
teaching time: 4 periods

period 1
teaching contents: p23
teaching aims:
learners tell the price and the name of the toys in the picture
learners count and talk about the number of each type of toy in the toy shop
language focus :
using nouns to refer to more than one object
e.g. bears
using nouns to identify things
e.g. mask
using numerals to describe quantity
e.g. twenty-one
teaching type : new
student’s book 4b page 23
cassette 4b and a cassette player
photocopiable page 20
word and picture cards : soldiers , masks
wallpicture : count the toys
plastic bags
preparation :
make copies of photocopiable page 20 for each student . bring plastic bags .
pre-task preparation
review : one to ten by asking the students to hold up their fingers . say :five . students hold up five fingers . students then work in pairs to review : eleven to twenty .11页,当前第61234567891011
while-task procedure
1. introduce : twenty-one to thirty by pointing to the arabic numbers and the words in pairs on the wallpicture . for less able students , draw some apples on the board and count with the students when you introduce each number .
2. introduce : forty ,fifty by referring to the arabic numbers and words (in pairs ) on the wallpicture .
3. play the cassette : look and learn . students listen and follow in their books .
4. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
5. write the arabic numbers : 31 to 39 and 41 to 49 on the board . encourage students to write the numbers in words on the board to match with the arabic numbers . for less able students , ask them to refer to the formation of 21 to 29 in words on page 23 of the student’s book as examples .
6. review : dolls , balls , bears , robots , cars , aeroplanes , boats by inviting students to make simple drawings on the board . introduce : masks , soldiers , puzzles using the pictures in look and say . tell students that though there is only one mask in the picture , it is correct to have masks on the price tag . the mask in the picture represents all that kind of mask in the toy shop . explain for dolls , robots , boats , balls and aeroplanes as well .
7. ask students to count the toys and write the numbers in words above the illustrations.
8. divide the class into groups . play the toy-bag game .
9. ask students to put the small objects they have brought to class on their desks . have each group put a variety of the small objects , e.g. rubbers , pencils , rulers , buttons , wrapped sweets , marbles , etc. into the bag . the amount in each should be less than fifty and different for each group . ask students to record the contents of each bag on a piece of paper .
10. exchange the bags between groups . students then work in their groups to put the various objects on a desk , group them and count them . ask students to write down the answers on a piece of paper .
11. tell each group to ask for the record sheet from the group which the bag originally belonged to . students check the answers .
12. students count the objects again if the amount on the answer sheet doesn’t match that on the record sheet .
post-task activity
count and write
a. distribute a copy of  photocopiable page 20 to each student .
b. ask students to count the insects and animals in the picture and write the numbers of each in the table .
c. students work in pairs to check answers .11页,当前第71234567891011
d. students stay in pairs to discuss the colouring of the insects and animals . students then fill in the blanks .
e. get students to colour the insects and animals individually according to the sentences at the bottom of their tasksheet . remind students not to look at other’s work when they do the colouring .
f. students exchange their and check the colouring . for less able students , tell them to circle a certain animal /insect of a certain colour when they are counting .
at this stage grammar practice book 4 b ,page 20 could be used to practice and consolidate the oral and written language in this section further .

period 2
teaching contents: p24
teaching aims:
learners set up a toy shop in class and use shopping language to obtain toys they like
language focus :
using nouns to refer to more than one object
e.g. puzzles
using numerals to describe quantity
e.g. they’re forty-six yuan .
asking ‘how’ questions to find out the price
e.g. how much is it ?
using demonstratives to refer to things
e.g. how much are these puzzles ?
teaching type : new
student’s book 4b page 24
cassette 4b and a cassette player
workbook 4b page 13
preparation :
ask students to bring some soft toys (optional)
pre-task preparation
invite five students to come to the board .ask them to draw as many apples as they can in five seconds . count the apples with the students . write :________apples on the board .
while-task procedure
1. write : how many apples are there ? there are _______apples .on the board . count the apples with the students . ask :how many apples are there ? to elicit : there are _______apples . continue the game by asking students to draw and count different objects .
2. ask students to look at the picture in look and say on page 23 of the student’s book . ask :how many ______are there ? to elicit : there are __________(students have counted the number of each toy in the previous lesson )
3. draw a doll with a price tag on the board . introduce : how much is it ? it’s ________yuan .
4. draw a few apples on the board . add a card with ¥5 on it in front of the apples . introduce : how much are these apples ? to elicit : they’re five yuan each . tell students that it means five yuan each by pointing at each apple and saying : how much is it ? it’s five yuan . after pointing at the last apple , circle all the apples and say : they’re five yuan each .
5. draw various objects of different quantities on the board . review : these and those by standing close or staying away from the pictures on the board when you ask the questions .11页,当前第81234567891011
6. have students look at the picture on page 23 of the student’s book again. invite a student to read the dialogue with you . you read ben’s part and the student acts as the shop assistant and reads jack’s part .
7. students work in pairs to read the dialogue in say and act . remind students to pay attention to where ben is standing in the picture and decide on whether these or those should be used as the determiner in the question .
8. draw a picture similar to the one in look and say on page 23 of the student’s book on the board . change the positions of the toys . students exchange their roles an dread the dialogue again .
9. invite pairs of students to read the dialogue to the class . for more able students , ask them to use their own soft toys when they do the role-play .
learn the sound
1. play the cassette . students listen and follow in their books.
2. play the cassette again . students listen and repeat .
3. invite individual students to read the sentence .
post-task activity
workbook page 13
a. ask students to count each toy and write down the number beside each of them .
b. students work in pairs to check the answers .
c. students stay in pairs to ask and answer the questions .
d. students fill in the blanks to complete the exercise .
e. invite pairs of students to ask and answer the questions .
f. the rest of the class check answers .
at this stage grammar practice book 4b ,page 21 could be used to practice and consolidate the oral and written language in this section further .

period 3
teaching contents: p25
teaching aims:
learners read the story about the li family and decide if the statements about the story are true or false
learners guess what the characters are doing in the picture
language focus :
using nouns to identify things
e.g. bedroom
using present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking
e.g. i’m doing a puzzle .
asking ‘wh- ’questions to find out specific information about a person
e.g. what are you doing ?
teaching type : new
student’s book 4b page 25
cassette 4b and a cassette player
workbook 4b page 14
word and picture cards : bedroom , sitting-room , kitchen , bathroom , dining-room
pictures of bedrooms , sitting-rooms , kitchens , bathrooms , dining-rooms from magazines .
preparation :
collect pictures of bedrooms ,sitting-rooms ,kitchens ,bathrooms , dining-rooms from magazines.
pre-task preparation
show students pictures of bedrooms ,bathrooms , kitchens , dining-rooms and sitting-rooms collected from the magazines .11页,当前第91234567891011
mix up the pictures . invite a few students to group the pictures and stick them on the board .
while-task procedure
1. introduce : bedroom ,bathroom ,kitchen ,sitting-room and dining-room using the pictures on the board .stick the word cards beside the pictures on the board .
2. say : bedroom ,bathroom ,kitchen ,sitting-room and dining-room and have students repeat after you .
3. take away the magazine pictures on the board .put the picture cards on your desk . invite individual students to match the picture cards with the word cards on the board .
4. play the cassette : read and answer . students listen and follow in their books .
5. play the cassette again .students listen and repeat .
6. play the cassette for the third time . students listen and look at the five statements in true and false . students write true statements and false for all the false statements .
7. invite individual students to read the new statements .
8. for more able students , encourage them to rewrite the false statements to make them true . for example , change grandma is singing in the dining-room . into grandma is making a doll in the dining-room .
9. invite individual students to write the new statements on the board .
10. divide students into groups . ask each group to prepare to act the story .
11. groups take turns to act the story in front of the class .
post-task activity
workbook page 14
a. tell students that miss li is standing at the top of the staircase and she is looking for the other characters .
b. have students find out where the characters are and fill in the box in each picture .
c. students work in pairs to complete the dialogues orally .
d. students fill in the blanks to complete the dialogues .
e. invite pairs of students to read the dialogues. the rest of the class check the answers .
at this stage grammar practice book 4b ,page 22 could be used to practice and consolidate the oral and written language in this section further .

period 4
teaching contents: p26
teaching aims:
learners read and role play the story about supergirl on the moon
language focus :
using nouns to identify places
e.g. a restaurant
asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a person
e.g. what does supergirl /superdog like ?
teaching type : new
student’s book 4b page 26
cassette 4b and a cassette player
word and picture cards : rocks , mountain , restaurant
drawing paper
bring drawing paper .
pre-task preparation
students have their books closed . ask students if they remember supergirl and superdog .tell students they are going to listen to a story about supergirl and superdog on the moon . stick the word and picture cards : rocks , mountain , restaurant on the board as clues .introduce the new words .don’t disclose the story in detail at the moment . encourage students to guess what the story  will be about .
while-task procedure
1. play the cassette : read a story . students listen .
2. ask students to compare the story that they have just heard with the one they had thought of . ask : are they the same or different ?
3. play the cassette again . students listen and follow in their books .
4. play the cassette for the third time . students listen and repeat .
5. students work in pairs to answer the questions in point ,ask and answer . for some of the pictures , students are required to point to a certain character on a certain object when they ask the questions .
6. invite pairs of students to read and answer the questions .
7. students stay in pairs and practice acting the story .
8. for more able students , encourage them to add more details when they prepare the play .
9. invite pairs of students to act the story in front of the class .
10. students vote for the best group .
post-task activity
a collection of supergirl and superdog’s stories
a. divide students into groups . distribute drawing paper to each group .
b. ask each group to think of a new story about supergirl and superdog .
c. students discuss and decide on their different responsibilities .
d. students start drawing ,painting and writing .
e. remind students to design a cover and a poster .
f. conduct a small book fair in the class .
oxford english practice and assessment series 4b part 1 , module 2 , unit 1 presents further grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as listening and reading skills development tasks .
the students are very interested in the story “supergirl on the moon ” .i ask them to learn the text by themselves . and invite them to answer the questions at the bottom of the page .some of them can answer the question ,but they will make a few mistakes .

上一篇:PEP四年级Unit 1 My Classroom教案!(已整合) 下一篇:Unit 9 Day and night 第一课时