
Unit5 Crossing the road

period1 let’s act

teaching aims:

basic aims:

to learn the words: light, stop, wait, goto learn the colors: red, yellow, green to learn some instructions. e.g. red light. stop!developing aim:

free talk

education aims:

pay attention to the traffic lights.

obey the traffic rules.

materials: cassette player, pictures

teaching procedure:

教学步骤方法与手段补充和修改pre-task preparationsing a song: follow me ask and answer:e.g. how do you go to the park? what do you like to do?

where do you live?

i see a---. what colour is it?

what colour do you like

is it red

3listen and act

get in the car.

get on the plane.

play with me.

dance with me.

have some soup.

 while-task procedurelearn: lighta. t: (show the picture) look, what’s this?it’s a light.

try to say: light ask and answer:e.g. what’s this?

is this a light?

what colour is it?

is it a red light?

learn: stop t: if we see the red light, we must stop. try to say: stop try to say: red light. stop! work in pairse.g.s1: red light. stop! s2: action

learn: wait what’s this?is it red?

what colour is it?

can we go? no, we must wait.

try to say: wait try to say: yellow light. wait! work in pairslearn: got: look, this is the green light. we can go. try to say: go try to say; green light. go!   d.  work in pairs

 post-task activitiest: look, this is the red light.s: red light. stop! play the cassette and read after it. free talk play a gamefour students each group.  one acts a policeman to order. the other three do actions

 assignment:read after the tape after class.  




period two

teaching aims:

1.basic aims;

a: to learn the word: fast, slow, ice-cream, jelly

b: to learn the letters: i i,j j

2.developing aim

free talk

3.eduation aims:

don’t eat too many ice-creams.


cassette player, pictures, word cards and so on

teaching procedure: 

教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改pre-task preparation:sing a song: down by the bus stop ask and answer:what can you see?

if you see the red light, what should you do?

listen and act

t: red light. s: red light. stop!

 while-task procedure learn: fast take out a modle car and drive it.say: look at the car. it is fast. the car is fast. try to say: fast try to say the sentences.  e.g. the car is fast.

the plane is fast.

learn: slow take out a modle bus and say:

look, the bus is slow.

try to say: slow 3页,当前第1123make sentences

e.g. the ferry is slow.

the bicycle is slow.

listen and act post-task activities read the words together. play a game: match the pictures and the words. game: what is missing? learn: i i point to the word “ice-cream” and say:this word begins with the letter “i”

b. repeat: i  /ai/   ice-cream

c .show the capital letter “ i “. let the students compare the small letter “ i “ with the big letter “i”.

say sth. about writing.

5. do the same with “j” & “j”

assignmentread the words and the letters. write the letters. workbook page16find the correct word for each picture.

workbook page17

trace the letters.





period three

teaching aims:

basic aims:

using imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g. look at the light.

using adjectives to describe objects.e.g. the car is fast.

developing aim:

free talk

education aim:pay attention to the traffic safety.

materials:cassette player, picturesteaching procedure:

教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改pre-task preparation;sing a song free talke.g. have some soup. may i have____?

what can you see?

 while-task procedurelearn: look at _____. listen and actclean the desk, please.clap your hands.

look at the blackboard.

look at me.

look at ____.

try to say: look at_____. point to the light and try to say:look at the light.

ask and answerwhat can you see?

what colour is it?

work in pairs using three colours.e.g. look at the light. it’s red.

learn: look! the car is fast. show the car and drive it.t: look! the car is fast.

try to say: look! the car is fast. work in pairs using other objectse.g. look! the plane is fast.

look! the bus is slow.

 post-task activities 1.  put up the wallchart and play the cassette. students repeat. 2.  free talk:

e.g. look at the light.

it’s yellow.

look! the car is fast.

 assignment:read after the tape after class. workbook page 15.listen and write the correct number in the box. 


period fourteaching aims:

basic aims:

using imperative to give instructions.e.g. look at the light. go!

using adjectives to describe colours.e.g. it’s green.

developing aims:

free talk

education aims:

educate the students to be a good child.


cassette player , pictures and so on

teaching procedure:3页,当前第2123教学步骤方法和手段i补充和修改pre-task preparation:sing a song ask and answere.g. what can you see? what colour is it?

is it a__(colour) light?

is it fast?

s it slow?

look and guess read the words talk like thise.g. look at the light.

it’s red.

the car is ___.

 while-task procedureput three pictures of traffic lights in three corners of the classroom, each showing a different colour. get a pair of students to come to the front to help you demonstrate. tell them to stand in a low facing you.ask the student at the back to close his/her eyes. explain that when you say “look at the light.” and point to a picture of traffic lights in one of the corners, the student in the front should say “it’s___(colour of the light). then the student at the back with his/her eyes closed should say “go!” or ”stop!” or “wait!” according to the colour of the light he/she heard. play the game with pairs of students.4.  play in groups of three. post-task activitiesread after the tape. act assignmentread after the tape. workbook page 17listen and colour the light. then use the same colour for the correct word. 


basic aims:

1. using imperatives to give simple instructions.

e.g. stop on the road.

2. using adjectives to describe objects

e.g. all very fast.

developing aims:

to say the rhyme using appropriate stress.

education aims

educate the students to be a polite child.

materials: cassette player, pictures

teaching procedure:  

教学步骤方法与手段补充和修改pre-task preparationsing a song free talk listen and act talk like thise.g. look at the light. it’s red. stop! 
 while-task procedurelearn the first verse show the picture of the lightt: what colour is it? if you see the red light, what should you do?

t: stop. stop on the road.

listen to the tape and read after the tape.     ask individual students to saylearn the second verseshow the picture of lightt: is it red? what colour is it?

if the light is green, can you go?

learn: cross t: if the light is green, we can cross the road.

 cars can go past, too.

listen to the tape and read after the tape. invite individual students to say    post-task activities1. ask the students to read the rhyme. 2. invite the students to act out the rhyme.

    assignment1. listen and read after the tape.

2. act out the rhyme after class.



unit5 crossing the road 来自皮皮范文网。 3页,当前第3123
上一篇:Unit 3 Things I like to do 下一篇:Unit3 What can you see? 第2课时