
What do you have?(大班)

what do you have?(大班)
what do you have? 
cla :grad  3  i tructor:stellar 
1、  学习新句型“what do you have?i have……”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达; 
2、  大胆和同伴一起用新句型对话。 
teaching aids: 
每人一个小书包 一件小围裙 小熊木偶一个 
t:good morning,boys and girls!we will begin our cla .are you ready?(yes!)let’s sing a song.(hello song) 
tlease close your eyes.one two three.open your eyes.what’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包) 
s:it’s a bagpack. 
t:yes.it’s a bagpack.it’s teddy’s bagpack.gue !what’s in the bagpack? 
s:it’s a pencil.(book pencil-box ru er) 
t儿歌)what do you have?what’s do you have? 
teddy:gue .gue .gue ! 
t:i don’t know.i don’t know. 
teddy:i have a book.i have a book. 
(pencil,pencil-box,ru er) 
teddy: have you a bagpack?please open your bagpack.what do you have?what do you have? 
t and s:gue .gue .gue ! 
teddy:i don’t know.i don’t know. 
t and s:i have a book(pencil,pencil-box,ru er) 
t:you can find a friend and ask eachother:“what do you have?” 
tet’s play a game.when the music begin,you music find a friend and stand back to back.when the music sto ,you need to turn around and ask “what do you have?”the another one anwser“i have a……”(学习用品事先已经放在小围裙里) 
tet’s sing a song.(改编自hello song) 
(歌词)hi,hello.how are you?i’m fine.i’m fine.what do you have?i have a(pencil pencil-box ru er book).how are you!how are you! 
t:you are very good!see you next time.byebye.

what do you have?

cla :grad 3 i tructor:stellar



1、 学习新句型“what do you have?i have……”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达;

2、 大胆和同伴一起用新句型对话。

teaching aids:

每人一个小书包 一件小围裙 小熊木偶一个



t:good morning,boys and girls!we will begin our cla .are you ready?(yes!)let’s sing a song.(hello song)


tlease close your eyes.one two three.open your eyes.what’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包)

s:it’s a bagpack.

t:yes.it’s a bagpack.it’s teddy’s bagpack.gue !what’s in the bagpack?

s:it’s a pencil.(book pencil-box ru er)

t儿歌)what do you have?what’s do you have?

teddy:gue .gue .gue !

t:i don’t know.i don’t know.

teddy:i have a book.i have a book.

(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)


teddy: have you a bagpack?please open your bagpack.what do you have?what do you have?

t and s:gue .gue .gue !

teddy:i don’t know.i don’t know.

t and s:i have a book(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)

t:you can find a friend and ask eachother:“what do you have?”

tet’s play a game.when the music begin,you music find a friend and stand back to back.when the music sto ,you need to turn around and ask “what do you have?”the another one anwser“i have a……”(学习用品事先已经放在小围裙里)

tet’s sing a song.(改编自hello song)

(歌词)hi,hello.how are you?i’m fine.i’m fine.what do you have?i have a(pencil pencil-box ru er book).how are you!how are you!

t:you are very good!see you next time.byebye.

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