
Unit 1

unit 1
teaching aims:
(1)        using imperatives to give simple instructions.
(2)        using formulaic expressions to greet people.
(3)        using nouns to identify common classroom objects.
(4)        using model verb “can” to express abilities.
(5)        lean an english song.
teaching schedules:
5 periods
period 1
teaching aims
using imperatives to give simple instructions.
teaching points
listen and act. e.g. stand up, please.
teaching difficulties
ask pupils to speak and act themselves.
teaching aids
multimedia, cassette

teaching procedures
pre-task preparation
1.        t: class begins. p: stand up. t: good morning, boys and girls .p: good morning, april. t: sit down, please.
2.        repeat sit down please. stand up, please. ask the class to do the actions. then play a game of quick response, teacher says: boys stand up or girls sit down, see who is better.

while-task procedure
1.        show the picture with a boy sitting on the chair, and elicit “sit down”. let ss response to the order. let students read it one by one. correct the pronunciation.
2.        use the same method to teach “stand up”. look, the boy is standing up.
3.        to elicit “stand up, please.” let students read it one by one. correct the pronunciation.
4.        play a game to practice these two orders. let boys and girls do the                actions and go on a competition. and see which team wins. boys and girls, let’s play a game, i say you do. after playing once, let a students to be a teacher, try to say the requirement.
5.        quick response. teacher gives order and ss do the action together.
6.        read a rhyme.
up, up, stand up. down, down, sit down. up, up, down, down. up, up, down. when say this rhyme, do the action.
7.        let ss listen to the tape. ask the ss to listen and point to the pictures with   their fingers, and read.
8.        say “close your book”. do the relevant action, and let ss understand. let students read it.
9.        show the picture “close your book”, and let ss practice.
10.        practice “close…” let all the students shout, , close the door! then the student who is named should close the door. teacher can change “door” into “window, book…”5页,当前第112345
11.        let one capable student do the action and elicit “open your book”. let students read it.
12.        practice “open…”let all the students shout, , open the door! then the student who is named should open the door. teacher can change “door” into “window, book…”
13.        show the picture “open your book”. ask the class to do the action.
14.        say a rhyme: o, o, open your book, c, c, close your book.
15.        a competition between boys and girls. t: close your book. t: boys, stand up, please. girls, open your books.

post-task activity
1.        let group of 4 to practice and show themselves in front of the class.
2.        play a game: class is over. (practice)

speak and act.

period 2
teaching aims
using formulaic expressions to give people.
using formulaic expressions to ask how someone is, and responding
teaching points
learn dialogue: how are you? fine, thank you.
learn greeting: good morning.
teaching difficulties
ask how someone is and responding.
teaching aids
cassette, multimedia.

teaching procedures
pre-task preparation
1.        listen and do the actions. t: stand up, please. sit down, please. open your book. close your book.
2.        say good morning to ss, and see their response.

while-task procedure
1.        show a picture, tell students the boy is baby, and the woman is mum, first let them read these two words. then let them guess what will they say. some good students can say: good morning. to elicit “good morning”.
2.        stand in front of a student and say good morning . let the student    answer good morning teacher.
3.        repeat with other students. greet each other. ask one student to greet with teacher, then ask one pair of students to come to the front, and greet each other.
4.        show a picture of the sun, tell students it’s in the afternoon and it’s in the evening, to elicit good afternoon and good evening.
5.        say good morning and let ss answer good morning. then teacher say “good afternoon, children.” see if they can answer “good afternoon teacher.”
6.        hold a competition to consolidate. show a picture of a lion and a rabbit. then to imitate them. pay attention to the intonation of these two animals. group 1 say good morning, group 2 say good afternoon, group 3 say good evening. 5页,当前第212345
7.        making a dialogue: good morning, good morning. how are you? see if the good students can answer: fine, thank you.
8.        show the picture how are you. and let some capable ss to answer fine, thank you.
9.        practice in pairs “how are you? b: fine, thank you.”
10.        introduce the other answers: just so so. not very well.

post-task activity
1.        do a dialogue with the greetings learned in the class.
2.        play a game. s1: how are you? s2: fine, thank you. find friends in the classroom following the music “good morning”.
listen and respond.

period 3
teaching aims
using nouns to identify common classroom objects.
teaching point
learn words: book, pen, pencil, bag, ruler, rubber.
teaching difficulties
pronounce words properly.
teaching aids
cassette, multimedia.

teaching procedures
pre-task preparation
1.        do the actions, e.g. stand up, please. play a game: i say you do. this time i will ask a students to be teacher. and he should say: stand up. sit down.
2.        chair drill around the class. good morning. how are you? fine, thank you. then ask students to go around .the class to find his/her good friend to greet.

while-task procedure
1.        t: what can you see in the classroom? (hold up a pupil’s book.) look, this is a book. read: book. t: have you a book? (the pupils hold up their books) p: book. read it one by one.
2.        ask what it is, and let ss answer. if the pupil is right. all the pupils clap their hands. yes. if wrong then say the right word.
3.        t: is this a book? point to the pencil. students will say no. then i will tell them it’s a pencil. read: pencil. t: have you a pencil? (the pupils hold up their pencils) p: pencil. read it one by one: p, p, pencil
4.        t: is this a pencil? point to the pen. students will say no. then i will tell them it’s a pen. read: pen. t: have you a pen? (the pupils hold up their pens) p: pencil. read it one by one: p, p, pen
5.        ask students to look at a pencil and a pen. play a game, quick response. help them to distinguish these two words.
6.        show the sentence: i can see _______. let students say the words they have learned.
7.        (the same)teach: ruler, rubber and bag, desk.5页,当前第312345
8.        show the pictures. t: point to the ruler. point to the rubber. let ss read the words. match the pictures with the right words.
9.        missing game. let ss tell which stationery is missed.
10.        listen to the tape, and read the new words after the tape.

post-task activity
1.        guessing game: t: what’s on the desk? p: bag. then let ss guess what’s in the bag.
2.        activity. let ss show their stationery on the desk and say the word. say show me your ruler, and ask ss hold up the ruler, and repeat ruler.

read the words.

period 4
teaching aims
using model verb “can” to express abilities.
using formulaic expressions to indicate sharing.
using nouns to identify common classroom objects.
teaching points
learn the rhyme. learn word paper
teaching difficulties
pronounce correctly words: paper.
express abilities: i can see.
express sharing: for you and me.
teaching aids:
cassette, multimedia.

teaching procedures
pre-task preparation
1.        do the actions. stand up, please. sit down, please. open your book. close your book. clap your hands. stamp your feet. come here, please. go back to your seat.
2.        read the words together. t: what’s this? p: book.

while-task procedure
1.        learn new word sentence what can you see? i can see… show a piece of paper, and ask what can you see? let ss follow me i can see a pencil.
2.        discriminate between two words. t: this is paper (hold up it) t: this is a pencil. (hold up it) read them several times.
3.        show some other stationery and let ss practice more using dialogue in pairs.
4.        show the pictures and let ss practice while looking at the pictures …, i can see.
5.        say a pencil and a rule and show the two things. let ss chose two things to practice … and ….
6.        give something to a student and say this is for you. let ss practice in line.
7.        read the paragraph in groups and hole a competition.
8.        the teacher acts it. let them understand it. repeat paper, a pencil i can see. paper, a pencil for you and me.
9.        the same to teach: a ruler. a rubber i can see. a ruler. a rubber for you and me.

post-task activity
1.        listen to the tape. 5页,当前第412345
2.        ask pupils read the rhyme. act out.

repeat the rhyme.

period 5
teaching aims
using formulaic expressions to greet people.
using simple present sense to indicate habitual actions.
teaching points
learn the song.
teaching difficulties
simple present tense. i take my bag and book to school.
teaching aids
cassette, multi-media.

teaching procedures
pre-task preparation
1.        do the actions. stand up, please. sit down, please. open your book. close your book. clap your hands. stamp your feet. come here, please. go back to your seat.
2.        say a rhyme learned in last class.

while-task procedure
1.        greeting each other. good morning, a. good morning b.
2.        teach word, teacher. (point myself) t: i’m a teacher. let ss repeat: teacher.
3.        say i take a pencil, and do the action.
4.        teach word school. show a picture of school. let ss say my school. say to school.
5.        (teacher act and say). t: i take my bag and book to school.
6.        i take my bag and book, my bag and book to school.
7.        listen to the tape.
8.        sing after the tape.

post-task activity
sing and act the song.

sing a song .5页,当前第512345
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