
牛津英语1B Unit 5 Doctor and nurse(oxford 1B)教案


doctor and nurse

let’s act
language focus:  using imperatives to give simple instruction
eg. listen to me.
listening:       locate specific information in response to simple instructions.
speaking:       use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:       casette 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. read a rhtme
1,2     red &blue
up and drun orange & brown
kites in the sky
flying very high
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. play a game.
“simon says”
stand up. sit dowm.
raise your hand. wave your hand.
clap your hand. follow me.
turn left. turn right.
2. ask some more able students to give the commands
s:stand up ……
   ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. t:listen to me, shhh.
(repent several times)
follow me
2. t:let’s act.
follow me
3. t:(point to your mouth)
open your mouth
let the class do the same
(repeat several times)
4. repeat the process with “say ah
5. t:open you bools to page 22
read aften it.       
ⅳ.  post-task activites
1. t:play a matth
who is the quickest students to respend?
let’s act.
2. divide the class into two teams.
have a more able student give co,,amds and the rest perfore the actins in each tear.
ⅴ.  summary

let’s talk
language focus: 
1. using formulaic expressions to identify people.
eg. she is a ……
2. asking yes/no questions to identify people.
  eg: is she a ……
listening:      locate specific information in response to simplw instructions.
speaking:      use modeled phrases to communicate with other leaners.
matericals:     wallcharts 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
follow me
turn left
turn right
listen to me
open your mark
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. press two girls up as a doctor and a nurse.
ask the “nures” to hold up a classmate’s jacker. the “doctor” could listen to his/her chest.
2. t:(point to the “doctor”)
look, she is a doctor.
(point to the “nurse”)
she is a nurse.
(repeas several times)
3. use a doctor and nurse toy set to teach students.
t:doctor, nurse
follow me.
4. have another girl dress up as a cook.
t:can you cook a meal for us?
   (ask the class)
   is she a doctor?4页,当前第11234
t:is she a nurse?
s:she is a cook.
   let the students repeat after you.
5. teach the class
t: “cook”
have the students follow you.   
 ⅲ、 while-task procedure
1. put up the wallchart.
t:sam had a high fever. he had stryed in hospital for three days, the was still lying in bed, but he was feeling much better now. the doctor was asking sam “how are you”. the nurse, who was ready to give sam an jnjection. sam didn’t want any more injections or medicines. he was thingking about delicions food already.
2. t:what kinds of people you can see in the picture.
(point to the cook) is she a doctor?
no, she is a cook.
3. t:open your books. listen to the radio.
ⅳ、  post-task activity
       allow students to act out the story by taking differeny roles.
       t:she is a ……
           is she a ……?
ⅴ、 consolidation
练习册  p16

let’s learn
language focus: 
1. using nouns to identify people.
eg. doctor, cook
2. using adjectives to descrike people.
  eg: old young
speaking:      pronowce words properly
materials:      wallchartc 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
is she a ……?
yes, she is.
is she a ……?
yes, she is.
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. ask three girls to pretend that they are either the doctor nurse or cook.
have each of them do the oppropricte gestures
t:who is she?
s:she is a nurse
2. show the picture cards.
t:she is a doctor (nurse, cook)
   repeat the sentences and the words.
ⅲ、 while-task procedure
1. hold up the picture card for “doctor”
repeat for students to copy.
stick the word card & picture card next to each to each other on the board. encourage students to read the word.
2. repect step 1 using the picture and word cards for “nurse” and “cook”
3. put up the wallchart for page 3
point to s am’s father
t:this is sam’s father.
he is young.
t:(point to his grandfather)
   this is sam’s grandfather.
   he is old.
   (to ask the students to copy)
4. hold up the picture cards for “old” and “young”
t:old, young
  (follow the teacher)
5. t:(point to sam’s mother)
is she young?
t:(point to sam’s grandmother)
   is she young?
t:no, she is old.
6. listen to the tape.
iⅴ、 post-task activity
     circle the correct word.
ⅴ、  consolidation
      workbok p17
1. trace the lives to find who they are.
2. listen & tick the correct box.

let’s play
language focus: 
1. asking yes/no questions to identify poeple
eg. is she a doctor?
2. using adjectives to describe people
 eg. she is young
3. using imperatives to give instructions.
eg. open your mouth.
4. using formulaic expessions to exprees thanks.
  eg: thank you, doctor.
speaking:      use modelled phrases and sentances to communicate with other learners.
listening:      identify key words in an atterance by recognizing stress.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ、warming up
1. greeting
2. traid the words
nurse, doctor, cook
old, young
ⅱ、 pre-task preparation
1. put up the wallchart for page 23
point and ask students to identify the vocabulary items.
2. stick on the board all the picture cards
t:who’s she?
   (nurse, doctor, cook)
3. review the adjective.
young, old
        ⅲ、  while-task procedure
1. put up the wallchart for page 25
t:(point to may)
   who is this?
   (may) hello may!
t:(use may’s voice)
   hello, i am may.
   i am not feeling well.
   i am going to see a doctor.
2. discuss with students what they can see in each picture.
do group work.
3. t:open your books p25
listen to the tape.
(have them say the expressions with the tap.)
4. press up as a doctor.
act out the student with a more able student.
use the doctor and nurse set to enhance dramatizatin.
5. act out the story in group (pair)
ⅳ、  post-task activity
      t:what night you go and see doctor for?
         do group ush
         act it out
v、  consolidation
     write the correct number in the box according to the pair of words

let’s enjoy
language focus: 
1. using imperatives to give simple instructions
eg. look at the doctor.
2. using adjectives to describe people.
  eg. all very old
listening:     identify key words in an atterance by recognizing stress.
speaking:     pronounce correctly words in connected speech.4页,当前第31234
materials:     paper cut- outs of the old dactor the old nurse the old cook and the old book
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. act out a story
(in group)
a:is she a doctor?
   she is young.
b:open your mouth.
   say “ah”
   you are fire
a:thank you, doctor.
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation    
1. stick the cut-outs of the old doctor nurse cook & book on the board.
t:(point her)
   she is a doctor.
   she is a nurse.
   she is a cook.
   this is a book.
2. discuss with students
t:look at the doctor.
   she is old.
   what is she doing.
   she is had a book.
   this book is about a nurse and a cook. today we’ll recel the rhyme ab the old nurse        
ⅲ、 while-task procedure
1. t:open your books to page 26
discuss the picture.
she is a doctor.
she is old.
2. listen to the tape.
3. student follow it.
4. act the rhyme
5. clap & recd the thyme.
6. do group work
7. act out the rhyme.   
 ⅳ、  post-task activities
1. divide the class into groups.
read the rhyme.
2. help the less able students
while walking

上一篇:Unit7 the first period(上海版牛津英语1a) 下一篇:小学牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals第一课时教案