
牛津英语1B unit 1 New Year(oxford 1B)教案


unit 1 new year


let’s act
language focus: using imperatives to give simple in structions.
eg: show me your present.
   try your new shoes.
language skills:
listening:  locate specific in formation in response to simple instructions.
speaking:  use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:  a beautifully wrapped preset picture of a new pair of shoes.
          pictures cut out from newspapers or magazines that are related to the new year.
          a large sheet of card which has the actline of a lantern on it.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
《good morning》 song
2. rhyme
t:let’s have a cutest.
each group read a rhyme
eg: one, two, three
   read, sing, draw
   my father is coming
   this is my nose.
ⅱ. teaching new lesson
(一) pre-task preparation  (中英文对应)
1. t:the new year is near.
                 whether your parents are going to buy you new clothes or shoes?
t:whether you will re cavies’ presets from your relatives.
2. t:(point to the shoes)
look, my shoes are old.
i need new shoes for the new year.
(still pointing)
t:(point to a student’s shoes)
         encourage the class to point to their own shoes.
      t:read: shoes
3. t:(show a beautifully wrapped present)
                 what is it?
t:present. it is a presart.
t:present  /present/  (slowly)
   follow me.
4. t:(open the present & take out a picture of a new pair of shoes)
         new shoes.
      编儿歌  shoes         .  new shoes.
ⅲ.  while—task procedure
1. play the cassette tape.
listen to the instructions:
“show me your present”
“try your new shoes”
2. open the book to page 2
(1) play the tape, ask the strdats to act out the scere.
(2) read the commands for the class to follow.
3. give comments
t:each group repents & acts them.
ⅳ.  post—task activity5页,当前第112345
 bring in pictures cut out from newspapers.
    which are to do with the new year.
 give stadarts a large sheet of card on which you have drawn the outline of lanterns.
 invite undivided to give the pictured inside the lantern.

let’s talk
language focus: 
1. using formulaic expressions to greet people
eg: happy new year!
2. using formulaic expressing to ask how some one is, and responding
eg. how are you?
   i’m fine, thank you.
language skills:
speaking:       use modeled praises to commuaicate with the teacher & the other leaners.
    open an interaction by greeting someone politely.
materials:       pictures of or real things liked to chinese new year such as red packets, fire crackwe, cte.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
good morning
turen into four lines.
2. rhyme
t:each group read a rhyme
ⅱ.  pre task-preparation
t:show the picture of or real things linked to the chinese new year.
出示图片(1) mid autmmin festivel
(2) what festival do these things make you think of
(3) t:the spring festival new year. 
ⅲ.  while—task procedure
1. prt up the wall chart.
    t:dig doing.
2. t:why did sam’s aunt & uncle come to visit them?
       what did they ask sam when they arrived.
       what did sam reply?
       what did may say to her grandfather & grandmother?
3. t:how are you.
    s:fine, thank you.
   t:i am fire.
4. t:happy new year!
       follor me.
5. play the tape.
practise in pairs.
6. train
(1)  how are you.
i am fine, thank you.
          (2)  happy new year!
ⅳ.  post-task activity
1. act out the scene
2. pay attertion the thank you.
ⅴ. consolidatior
   work book page 2: look, listen & respond.

let’s learn
language focus:  using nouns to identify relatins
eg. grandfather
language skill:
speaking:       pronounce words proparly
materials:       word & picture cards 1b
               a vocabulary sheet for each student.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up, daily talk5页,当前第212345
1. greeting
what’s your name?
how old are you?
how are you?
2. rhyme  出示图片
t:point to your father.
s:my father.
t:have you got a bother?
s:yes, i have got a bother.
  no, i have got a sisther.
3. train
(1) word
father, mother, brother, sister
(2) this is my father
(3) have your got a brother?
yes, i have.
no, i haven’t.
    ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. t:(greet individual students)
 how are you?
              s:i am fine, thank you.
2. t:what can you say when you meet people during the new year.
s:happy news year!
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. put up the wallchait. (p3)
t:who is this?
  t:uncle, aunt.
2. put the appropriate word cards under the four relatives on the wall chart as they said.
3. read the words:  uncle
4. open the book to p4
play the tape & point to the correct person on the pages as they lister.
5. scatter the picture & word cards for  “uncle” “aunt” “grandfather” “grandmother”
ⅳ.  post—task activity
    give each student a sheet of paper on which are written the four relatives’ names.
    draw them
1.listen & tick the correct picture.
2.glue the words beside the worrect picture.

let’s play
language focus:  1. using imperatives to give in structions.
eg. draw, write
2.using formulaic expressions to greet people during the new year.
  eg. happy new ywar, teacher.
language skill:
speaking:       pronounce words proparly
listening:       identify specific information in response to simple instructions.
materials:       the enlanges picture of page 5.
some colour pens and a drawing card.
              some new year cards made by children.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. a contest
read phyme
3. train: uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. show the class some new year cards
t:the cards are made by other students.
2. t:do you like these cards?
     do you want to make are?
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. put up the enlarged picture of student’s book page 5.
introduce the steps of making a new year card.5页,当前第312345
t:draw à write à fold
2. t:( demonstrale /’dem nstreit/)
draw, write, fold.
t:follow me.
3. play the tape.
listen to the correct pronunciation of the instructions for each step & the new year greetings.
4. show some good samples of card to the class.
ⅳ.  post-task activity
t:please make new year cards for your parts & teachers.

let’s enjoy
language focus:  1. using simple present tense to express interests and preferences
eg. i like the new dress.
2. using the definite article “the” to refer to specific things
   eg. i like the new shoes.
speaking:       use modellde phrases to open and maintain an interacion by providing information.
                use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:       a box of sweets.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. show a box of sweets. pick a sweet from the box.
t:what is it?
   sweet (encourage the class to repeat the word)
   read after me.
2. point to box of sweets
t:i like the sweets.
let the students point to the box of sweets and repeat.
3. show picture cards for ‘shoes’ and ‘dress’ to the class
t:i like the new shoes.
   i like the new dress.
   students repeat.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. open the student’s book to page 6.
t:what new year presents you want to buy?
2. put up the wallchart.
tell a story
t:it was the day before new year’s day. sam and may’s whole family was shopping together in the first shop, the salesgirl was helping the two children choose some sweets sam like all of them he said,’ i like the sweets’ then they went to buy some new clothes and shoes. in the shop, may saw a beautiful dress and to mother,’ i like the new dress.’ father took sam to a shoe shop. the salesman was helping sam to put a pair of new shoes on. sam told the salesman,’ i like the new shoes.’
          the nest morning, may and sam were wishing their parents ’happy new year!’ do you recognize may’s new dress and sam’s new shoes?
3. t:now, i have many questions.
* where were sam and may’s family in each picture?
* what were they doing?
* what did sam say in the sweets’ shop?
* does may like the new dress? what did she say?
* how did sam and may greet their parents on new year’s day?5页,当前第412345
ⅳ.  post-task activity
get students to pretend that they are going shopping to buy a new item of clothing. they should work in groups of three, one being the shopkeeper, the other two the customers.
ⅴ.  consolidation
workbook page 4
l trace the line and say who has what.
l draw lines to show who likes what.

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