
Lesson 8


lesson 8teaching aims and demands:  knowledge aim:1.to enable ss to understand and speak the pattern: what is blue? the sky is blue. what is white? the clouds are white. what is green? the grass is green. what is red? the sun is red when it goes to bed. 2.to demand ss to hear and speak these words correctly: cloud,grass. ability aim:can talk about the colors about something.emotion aim:improve the ss’ abilities of communication and cooperation.teaching materials:  teacher’s tape; some cardsteaching steps:                                           step 1 warm-up/ review1.     sing the song together:row your boat.2.     guessing riddles.3.     play simon says game.step 2 presentation
to learn the sentences:yellow and blue make green. yellow and red make orange. white and red make pink.
learn to chant.
1).introduce the new sentences: what is blue? the sky is blue. what is white? the clouds are white. what is green? the grass is green. what is red? the sun is red when it goes to bed.
2).write the new sentences on the bb and speak it and the ss repeat.3).the teacher plays the tape for the ss and the ss listen and point.4).say and act.step 3 consolidation.1.     show some fruit pictures and ask:what is red / yellow / orange ? make the ss answer:the apple is red. the pear is yellow. …2.     play a game----listen and point3. listen and connect.step 4 learn the english sounds.step 5.homework:listen to the tape and try to recite the chant.finish off the activity book of lesson 8.

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