

课题lesson13 at school课型新授课课时1教学目 标知识目标1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:school, classroom, library, playground, where2. 学生能听懂、会说下列句子:where’s the computer room? i can show you.能力目标在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。情感目标1.培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。2.找机会练习学生的听力技巧。3.在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点同知识目标1—2难点特殊疑问词where的用法教具教学光盘、school, classroom, library, playground的图片或课件                          教  学  过  程  二次备课开始上课和复习class opening and review问候greeting  hello, class! welcome to our classroom.课文导入lesson hook:我们学习新的单元。今天我们将会了解学校,并学会在学校附近如何找到路。新概念new concepts:1.my school(1)教授新单词school, classroom, library, playground课件出示和平东路小学正门教学楼图片,问:what do you see in the picture?(生:学校大楼)出示并板书单词school,拼读并记忆s-c-h o-o-l----school. 下面让我们一起来参观一下我们的学校吧!其余三个单词也用以上方法教学。拓展学习:computer room(微机室),science lab(科学探究室),skilled(巧手吧), music room(音乐室),art room(美术室),dance hall(舞蹈厅)(2)教师演示用新词汇组成对话:look! this is my school/classroom/ library/ playground/ computer room/ science lab/ skilled/ music room/ art room/ dance hall. your____is(looks) great.(3)练习:角色扮演:学生甲:look! this is our library. 学生乙:it looks great!2.where is the computer room?(1)看书35页,讨论图片情节:how to jenny ask the way?   (2)播放录音跟读第二部分。(3)强调礼貌用语的重要性:同thank you 和you’re welcome一样,excuse me也是常见的礼貌表达方法。练习:角色扮演:甲:excuse me.where’s the classroom/ desk…?   乙: i can show you. here it is. 甲:thanks.                               乙:you’re welcome.教师先与一名志愿者做练习,再让其他学生2人一组练习并展示。3.let’s do it!draw and talk.   where’s your classroom? i can show you. 还可以谈论图书馆、操场微机室等。画出地址。巩固检验check for understanding:活动手册34结束课堂教学class closing  教师问一个同学: where’s the door?教学反思板书设计lesson13 at schoolwhere’s the school/classroom/ library/ playground?i can show you. 课题lesson14 near and far课型新授课5页,当前第112345课时1教学目 标知识目标1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:near, far, from, the2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:…is near…  …is far from…3.学生能听懂、会说下列句子:is it far from here? no, it’s near.能力目标在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。情感目标1.培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。2.找机会练习学生的听力技巧。3.在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点同知识目标1—2难点知识目标2教具教学光盘、前一课的学校各室的课件、near, far的卡片                          教  学  过  程 二次备课开始上课和复习class opening and review问候greeting  hello, class! welcome to our classroom. where’s the school/classroom/ library/ playground? 让学生回答:i can show you.课文导入lesson hook:今天我们学习学校中的路线,尤其是远和近的位置表述。新概念new concepts:1.near or far?(1)教授near和far的含义。看书讨论图片:两幅图中李明离学校的位置怎样?(第一幅离得近,第二幅离得远)板书单词并拼读记忆:near和far,播放第一部分录音,学生跟读。(2)使用一个物品(一本书或一个桌子),通过指和说来展示近和远。this ___is near. that __ is far. 练习:示范展示:让持有near卡片的3位同学站在教师附近,对他们说:you are near. 再让持有far卡片的3位同学走到教室后排,说:they are far. 重复几次。通过将物品摆放的离教师远或近进一步展示:is it near? or is it far?2.is the library far from here?看书37页,播放光盘课件,大声朗读课文两遍,回答问题:what is happening? w hat’s li ming doing? where does he want to go? who does he ask for help? is the library near or far?再次播放录音并看书跟读。练习:(1)示范展示:志愿者扮演李明和教师练习对话。(2)小组活动:利用单词卡classroom/ library/ playground等,拿起一个问:甲:where’s the classroom/ library/ playground?     乙:i can show you.甲:is it near or far from here?                    乙:it is far from here.3.let’s do it!pair work. point and talk.巩固检验check for understanding:活动手册36结束课堂教学class closing  教师问同学:is the playground near or far from our classroom?教学反思板书设计lesson14  near and farthis ___is near. that __ is far.is it far from here?no, it’s near.课题lesson15 in the city课型新授课课时1教学目 标知识目标1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:street2. 学生能听懂、会说下列句子:where is the zoo?  go straight and turn left.能力目标在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。5页,当前第212345情感目标1. 找机会练习学生的听力技巧。2. 在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点同知识目标1—2难点听懂指令并做动作:go straight, turn left, turn right教具教学光盘、前一课的卡片、street,go straight, turn left, turn right的卡片,城市city、街道street与建筑课件                          教  学  过  程  二次备课开始上课和复习class opening and review问候greeting  hello, class! where’s the school/classroom/ library/ playground? 让学生回答:i can show you. is the library/ playground near or far?课文导入lesson hook:你迷过路吗?这是很可怕的,但是不要担心,今天我们来学习当你不知道如何到达某地时怎样找到路。新概念new concepts:1. where is the zoo?(1)出示课件学习city : what’s this? (city) what do you see in the city?(car, bus, people, shop)展示street图片,教授表示方向的三个标志:举起直行的卡片,在黑板上画一个大大的直行箭头,板书:go straight ,领读并做动作向前直行。举起左转的卡片,在黑板上画一个大大的左转箭头,板书:turn left,领读并做动作向左转弯。举起右转的卡片,在黑板上画一个大大的右转箭头,板书:turn right,领读并做动作向右转弯。(2)播放第一部分录音,学生看书跟读,多放几遍。解释lost的含义:迷路。(3)回答问题。hho is lost? where does danny want to go and how can he get there?课件出示答语:go straight and turn left.there’s the zoo.(4)练习。将学生分成3组,分别举着go straight, turn left, turn right卡片,向不同的方向前行,边走边说出短语。2.let’s do it!pair work. point and talk: where is the school/ library/ restaurant/ zoo? 回答时要运用go straight, turn left, turn right3.let’s chant!看书39页第三部分,阅读歌谣,并解释每句话的意思。播放歌谣,先听再跟读。边说边做动作。巩固检验check for understanding:活动手册38页。结束课堂教学class closing 教师问同学:where is the playground?   生:go straight, turn righ.教学反思板书设计lesson15 in the city  go straight       turn left      turn right课题lesson16 cars and buses课型新授课课时1教学目 标知识目标1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:bike, taxi, car, bus, thirty2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:i go to…by…3.学生能够从20数到30.4.学生能够辨认20到30的数字形式和书写形式。能力目标在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。情感目标1. 找机会练习学生的听力技巧。2. 在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点同知识目标1-3难点同知识目标2教具教学光盘、前一课的卡片、bike, taxi, car, bus的卡片或课件图片、数字20到30的卡片                          教  学  过  程  二次备课5页,当前第312345开始上课和复习class opening and review:问候greeting  hello, class! please go straight/ turn left/turn right!课文导入lesson hook:交通工具有多种,乘车方式有多种,今天我们学习交通方式,很有趣哦。新概念new concepts:1.how do you go to school?(1)教授新单词bike, taxi, car, bus谈谈人们去各地的方式。问:how did you get to school today? what are some ways for us to get around? what is your favourite way?课件(或卡片)出示bike, taxi, car, bus,问:what’s this? 学生拼读,教师板书单词并大声读几遍。(2)分别出示第一部分四幅图,讨论:where does jenny go? how does she get there?依次出示句子:i go to school by bike. i go to the zoo by taxi. i go to the restaurant by car. i go home by bus. 播放第一部分光盘录音,看书跟读。(3)练习。小组活动:更换地点和交通方式,练习句型:how do you go to school/ the zoo/ the restaurant/ home ? i go to______ by______.2.numbers板书数字1-20,按顺序读后,随机指数字,志愿者大声朗读。板书数字 20-30,教师必须教学生读这些数字,然后播放录音,每个人大声说出数字。重点指导单词thirty的读音,字母组合th和ir的读音,并指导学生书写记忆。练习:let’s count from 1—20 and count from 20—303.let’s play!   count by three.  让学生看书,解释游戏方法,大家围成一个大圈,第一个人说出three,下一个人要说出six,以此类推。three—six—nine—twelve—fifteen—eighteen—twenty-one--twenty-four   巩固检验check for understanding:活动手册40页。结束课堂教学class closing     how do you go home today?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5页,当前第412345教学反思板书设计lesson16 cars and buseshow do you go to school?i go to______ by______.twenty,  twenty-one,  twenty-two,  twenty-three,  twety-four,  twenty-five  twenty-six,  twenty-seven,  twenty-eight,  twenty-nine,  thirty5页,当前第512345
上一篇:四年级英语下册Unit 8英文教案表格式 下一篇:unit 9 I like my toy soldier第一课时