
四年级上册《At the sanck bar》导学案苏教版

四年级上册《at the sanck bar》导学案苏教版
  unit6 at the sanck bar
period 3
【教学内容】cartoon time
1、复习巩固句型:what would you like? i’d like…并能综合运用。
2、复习食品和饮品类词汇hamburger, noodles, a cup of tea,a glass of milk, rice, sandwich, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee.
3、能初步听懂、会读、会说句型can i help you?what a big fish!
4. 能听懂、会读、会说,会写单词fish
5. 能理解动画并用正确的语音,语调和语气朗读课文。
6. 能体会cartoon time的幽默。
1、复习巩固句型:what would you like? i’d like…并能综合运用。
2、复习食品和饮品类词汇hamburger, noodles, a cup of tea,a glass of milk, rice, sandwich, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee.
3、能初步听懂、会读、会说句型can i help you? what a big fish!
1、能初步听懂、会读、会说句型can i help you? what a big fish!
step1. greeting  
step 2. revision
单词:hamburger, noodles, a cup of tea,a glass of milk, rice, sandwich, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee
句子:what would you like? what about you ? here you are. anything else?
step 3. presentation
1 today we’ll go on learning unit6 at the snack bar. look! here is the snack bar. (指着黑板上画的房子)what’s in it? guess!
2课件出示句型:what would you like? i’d like…,please. /…,please.
t:what would you like?
s: i’d like…,please./ …,please.
3 we can replace ‘what would you like?’with ‘can i help you?’教学句型:
t:can i help you?
s: i’d like…,please./ …,please.
4 but i’m not the waiter. the waiter in coming.教师出示金刚图片。the waiter is a king kong. 带领学生多读两遍king kong 。here are two customers. who are they?教师出示人物图片。
s:bobby and sam .
t: yes, bobby and  sam are hungry. what would they like?
课件出示问题: what would bobby like? what would sam like?
bobby would like an egg.
sam would like a fish.
如果前面没有教学fish(强调元音i的发音) 的,就在这个环节中教,并帮助学生初步理解:一些鱼some fish 一条鱼:a fish
5 出示问题:what about their fish and egg?
预设一:学生说出big! how big! 请他们自读课文,在文中找出bobby是怎么说的。
预设二:学生直接说出what a big egg! 请学生模仿bobby的语调和语气说一说这个句子。
6 出示一个漂亮蛋糕的图片帮助学生回忆以前学过的what a nice cake! 并出示一些其他图片,帮助学生理解和学说what 开头的感叹句。2页,当前第112
7 what may sam say when he sees his fish?
让学生猜猜:wow! / what a big fish!```
step 4. consolidation: let’s read and act.
1 跟录音读课文,模仿语音,语调和语气。
2  三人小组分角色朗读或表演。提出星级要求:
step 5. consolidation:
we can order food at the snack bar now. can you buy things in the shop?
教师出示例句:a: can i help you?
              b: i’d like a toy monkey.
              a: anything else?
              b: a pencil, please.
              a: fifteen yuan, please.
              b:here you are.
              a: thank you.
step 4 homework
1、会用正确的语音语调背诵cartoon time.
上一篇:Unit 6 Meet my family!第五课时导学案 下一篇:四年级英语上Lesson26--Department Store导学案