
4A Unit 8 In class教学设计



4a  unit 8 in class



本课题教时数:5      本教时为第1教时               备课日期:12月3日


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写四会单词:eat ,drink ,write ,read, close ,open.

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句: ……, please.并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。








1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写四会单词:eat ,drink ,write ,read, close ,open.

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句:……, please.并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。


2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句:……, please.并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。



教学过程:    教师活动



step 1:warm up          


t: class begins.

t: good morning, boys and girls.

t: how are you today?


t: i’m fine, too. sit down, please.

2. sing a song〈hello, how are you?〉

t: hey, boys and girls, do you like singing?

t: let’s sing a song. (出示歌曲视频)

3. game: listen and act

t: now, let’s play a game: listen and act. i’ll give you some orders and you should act them. do you understand?

t: ok. let’s begin. stand up, please. are you ready?

sit, stand, sit, stand, sit, stand, run, stop, swim, stop, jump, stop, sing, stop, dance, stop.

t: open, open(手势打开), open your books, please.(手势翻开书本) yes. good job. sit down, please.


step 2: look, read and learn

1.learn the words: open and close

⑴now, let’s listen to the tape and repeat it.         (teach) open

(边打开书、盒子、门、窗等边说:open the…, please.)(课件呈现句型)open the…, please.

t: now, look at me carefully and you should say it together.( t做动作,让ss说)

 (向靠近门和窗的1-2位同学发出指令open the doo/window, please.)

⑵game: listen and do.

t: now, let’s exchange. are you ready?

open your pencil-box, please.

  open your book, please.

open the door, please.5页,当前第112345

open the window, please.

  close your pencil-box, please.

⑶t: good! let’s listen to the tape and repeat it.

(teach) close

(合上开书、盒子、门、窗等边说: close the…, please.)(课件呈现句型)close the…, please.

t: now, look at me carefully and you should say it together.( t做动作,让ss说)

 (向靠近门和窗的1-2位同学发出指令close the doo/window, please.)

⑷exercises: look and say.

t: look here. what can we say?(出示图片)

t: well done. sit down, please.

2. learn the words: eat and drink

⑴t: look, i have a box. what’s in it?

t: (走向一学生)open the box, please.

t: oh, here’s a cake. here you are.

t: (做吃的动作) eat the cake, please.

t: first, let’s listen to the tape and repeat it.

          (teach) eat

t: hey, boys and girls. look here. here’s a big plate. and there is some food on it. (边拿下物品给学生,边说eat a/an…, please.引导回答:ok./all right.)(课件呈现句型)eat a/an…, please.

t: now, look here. there’s some food on the desk.(做吃东西的样子,引导学生说eat a/an…, please.)

⑵t: are you thirty? drink some water, please.

t: first, let’s listen to the tape and repeat it.

(teach) drink

t: look here. here’s a big plate. and there is some drink on it. (边拿下物品给学生,边说drink some…, please.)(课件呈现句型) drink some…, please.

t: now, look here. there’s some drink on the desk.(做喝东西的样子,引导学生说drink some…, please.)

⑶exercise: match

t:(出示练习)let’s read the two words together and the six pictures.

t: now, let’s match.

3.learn the words: draw, word, write, read, copy

⑴but in class, we can’t eat or drink. (课件)

(teach) in class→unit8 in class

t: (课件呈现问题)what can we do in class?

t: yes. in class we can draw, we can read, we can write and we can copy.(出示课件)

⑵t: we can draw in class. first, let’s listen to the tape and repeat it.

 (teach) draw

t:(边画边说)now i draw an apple. i draw a tomato.

t:(边画边说)now i draw an apple for you.(给学生) here you are.

t: (边画边说)now i draw a flower for you.(给学生) here you are.

(课件呈现句型)draw a/an…for…, please.

t: now, look at me and say.(t画,学生说)

t: now take out your papers and pencils. let’s draw.

t: draw an apple for me, please.

t: do you finish? now, put it up and show it to me.

t: great! now draw an orange for me.

t: now show it to me again.

⑶t: well done! let’s read the new words, please.

t: good job.

(teach) read.

t: (出示课件单词、句型:read the new words.)now, let’s read the new words again.

t: look, “open” is a word. and “close” is a word, too. they are words. (教授a word→words)5页,当前第212345

t: boys and girls, let’s read the new words together.

⑷t: boys and girls, you read good. let’s copy. (边写边看)first, let’s listen to the tape and repeat it.


t: i copy the new words “draw” and “read”.

(课件出示句型)copy the new words

t: open your copybook, please. let’s copy the new words together.

⑸t: hey, boys and girls, look here and read the two words, please.

t: can you find that they have sth in common?(你们可以发现它们之间有相同点吗)

t: great. you’re right.(出示课件同音词)

t: now, let’s learn the word “write”.

(teach) write

t: let’s write the new word “write”.(手势)

t: now open your copybook, write the new words in your copybook.

 (课件出示句型)write the new words in your…

⑹game: magic eyes?

t: let’s read the news words together.

t: let’s play a game. you should the word or sentences that you can see. do you understand?
t: are you ready? let’s begin.


step 3. summary


祈使句用于表示命令、请求、嘱咐、号召他人做某件事情等。如open the door, please. read the new words…

t: 对于祈使句肯定的回答有: (引导学生说)ok./all right.

一、exercise: look, choose and say

t: read the sentences, please.

t: look at the5 pictures carefully. you should choose the right answer for each picture.

二、fill in the blanks using the following words.(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每词用一次)

(eat, drink, draw, copy, read, write, open ,close)

1. it’s hot(热).          the door, please.

2.          an apple for me, please.

3. i’m hungry.       a banana, please.

4.          the window, please.

5.         the storybook, please.

6.         some water, please.

7.          the words in your notebook.

8.         the new words 3 times(次).

check the answers.


step 4. assign homework

1. copy the new words 3 times on page 62.


2. read the sentences 3 times on page63.


4a  unit 8 in class

   open   open the…, please.  draw   read

   close  close the…, please.   read   read

   eat                      copy   copy5页,当前第312345

   drink                    write             




ss: stand up.

ss: good morning, miss zhang.

ss: i’m fine, thank you. and you?



ss: yes, i do.

ss sing the song.




ss: yes.


ss: yes.


ss act.








ss learn the word.




ss learn the sentence.


ss say.



ss say.


ss: yes.








ss learn the word.


ss learn the sentence.


ss say.





ss look and say.




s1 opens the box.

s1: thank you.


ss learn the word.




ss learn the sentence.



ss say.



s2:ok./all right.

ss learn the word.





ss learn the sentence.



ss work in pairs.




ss read.


ss match.





ss think and say.





ss learn the word.




s3: thank you.


s4: thank you.

ss learn the sentence.





ss draw.

ss put the picture up.

ss draw.

ss show it.


ss read the new words.

ss learn the word.


ss read the new words.




ss read the new words.




ss learn the word.




ss learn the sentence.




ss read the two words.


ss: 读音一样。




ss learn the word.

ss write the new word “write”.

ss learn the sentence.


ss read the new words.


ss : yes.

ss play the game.









ss: ok./ all right.





ss choose the answers.







ss do the exercises.



































通过听听、做做的游戏来学生在欢乐、轻快的氛围中操练和巩固巨型:open…, please.同时,引出close、eat的教授。














通过看看、说说、练练的方式来学生在欢乐、轻快的氛围中操练和巩固巨型:close the…, please.






































交流中,教师自然引出in class的学习,在学生理解和掌握新知的基础上,更容易被学生接受与掌握,同时拓展学生思维,加强语言运用能力。





















这一环节的设计既让学生运用了新句型“read the new words.”, 又对这节课所学的新单词作一整理,从而帮助学生更容易掌握本节课的新单词。


























































上一篇:Unit 5 What would you like?第三课时导学案 下一篇:牛津英语4A---My body