
Unit 5 What would you like ?

一、teaching contents:  a. let's learn  let's play
1. six words about food : rice , noodles , fish , beef , soup , vegetable .
2. use the sentence : what would you like ? can i have some … , please ?
teaching materials :
 some card about food . radio .
二、teaching organization :
3. enjoy ing english song : what would you like ?
4. play game : the next number .
the teacher says: one! if the students know the next number, and stand up . answer it : two! when the teacher says :
 unit4! some students stand up and answer it :unit5!
5. rreview
a. ask some students to make a dialogue with the teacher .
t: i'm hungry , let's eat something . do you like chicken ?
s: yes, i do / no, i don't .
t: what would you like ?
s: i like……
b. play game:
the teacher show a picture that they know it to the students as soon as possible , and some students answer it , then ,
give the picture to the right student .
6. presentation :
let's learn
a. the teacher acts: i'm hungry . can i have some rice , please . the student will think it , and show the word
 "rice" to the teacher .and say: sure ,
here you are . and then, show up the new word : rice , and read it .
b. use the same way teach the words : fish , beef , vegetable .
and the students read them after the teacher . but pay more attention the new word "vegetable" , it's pronunciation
c. show up the new words : rice noodles soup the students make a dialogue with each other : " i'm hungry .
can i have some …, please ? sure , here you are .
let's play
a. play game : let's find out .
the teacher asks a students to go to the blackboard and close the eyes .
put the word card (vegetable) in the teacher's desk . and then , let the student
open the eyes and look for the card . the other students read it : vegetable vegetable .
 when the student find it out , read it : can i have some vegetable , please?
b. listen the tape , and read after it .
四、assignments :
d. know well the words by oneself .
b. do some exercises.
上一篇:Unit 7 It’s late! 下一篇:四年级上册Module3 Unit1 What are they doing?教学设计