
牛津小学英语4B全册教案4B Unit4 Buying fruit (Part A)教案


4b unit4 buying fruit (part a)
teaching plan

teaching aims: 
1. 能听懂、会说单词buy, pears, grapes, some。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型what are these/those? they’re … how many kilos? … kilos, please. 并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。要求读音正确,语调自然。
keystone and difficulties:
1. 能正确理解运用句型what are these/those? they’re … how many kilos? … kilos, please.

teaching steps

step one: warm up and lead in
1. t: hello, boys and girls. nice to see you.
t: look, this is a fruit. what’s this? guess! (show a shape of a pear)yes, it’s a pear. (出示清楚的图片)
t: (呈现问句和三个梨子的图片)what are these?
(呈现答句) they’re pears.(带读两遍,拼读一遍)
2. t: 刚才有一个梨子,用什么句子提问的呢?what’s this?
近处有三个梨子,又是怎么提问的呢?出示what are these?(呈现句子,带读两遍,学生看老师口型)在这里,these是“这些”的意思。所以,当我们想知道近处有一些什么东西的时候,我们可以这样问:what are these? 回答用的是they’re ...它们是......(呈现句型,带读两遍)
3. t: boys and girls, look there. (show a grape)what’s that? it’s a grape. (出示单词卡,带读两遍,拼读一遍).
(show a bunch of grapes)now, a grape? yes or no? no, they’re grapes. (出示句子,带读单词两遍,句子一遍)因为那儿不止一颗葡萄,我们该怎么提问呢? what are those? (呈现问句,带读两遍)当我们想知道远处有一些什么东西时,就可以用这个句子进行提问,回答时,依然可以说:they’re ...

4. t: 现在跟老师一起来复习一下我们刚才学习的两组句型。(呈现两组句型,带读一遍)这两组句型都是用来询问一些东西是什么的,区别在于询问近处的物品是什么用what are these?询问远处的物品是什么用what are those?但是它们的回答都可以用they’re …
5. t: 同学们,你们学会了吗?我们来练习一下吧。(呈现图片,教师带读) what are these? they’re apples. they’re pears.
what are those? they’re grapes. they’re oranges.
well done!

step two: presentation
1. t: (呈现果园图片)who’s she? yes, she’s miss li. today, miss li is in an orchard. she sees some fruit. what fruit?(教师讲解)
let’s go and watch a cartoon.
t: there are so many fruit. miss li看到了哪些水果呢?(分别呈现对话第一、二幅图)what are these?(ppt呈现句子,带读一遍。下同) they’re pears. what are those? they’re grapes.
2. t: 看到这么多水果,miss li想做什么呢?让我们继续看动画吧(播放三、四两幅图动画)
t: what is miss li doing?
yes. she’s buying fruit.她在向果农买水果。(呈现画面,带读短语两遍,拼读单词buy一遍,句子一遍)
3. t:(呈现填空题)what fruit does miss li buy? miss li买了哪几种水果呢?我们再完整地看一遍动画吧。(再完整播放课文动画)5页,当前第112345
t:?now, let’s check the answer together. (出示答案)miss li buys some pears and grapes. 因为水果的数量不止一个,所以我们可以用some“一些”来表示。
4. t: (出示填空题)how many kilos are they? kilo是一个重量单位“千克”。
say after me, please.(看教师口型,带读kilo两遍,how many kilos? 一遍)how many kilos of the pears? 买了几千克梨呢? yes, three kilos of pears.三千克。(出现答案)
 and how many kilos of grapes? (出现图“葡萄”)two kilos. (出现答案)
5. t: 同学们还记得miss li想买一些梨时,是怎样表达的吗?(呈现画面,点击后出现句子)i’d like some pears, please. 果农不清楚她要买多少,问:how many kilos? miss li告诉他要买三千克,说:three kilos. t: read after me, please. (带读句子一遍)

6. t: now, open your books at page 30 and 31. follow me, please.
7. t: well,let’s act it out!
  (分别显示课文的四幅图,点击播放miss li的声音,出示果农的句子让学生齐读)

step three: consolidation
time: 5mins
1.students act the text out.
2. summary
t: 今天我们学习了两个水果类单词pears和grapes。(呈现图和单词,带读一遍)下节课我们还将接触到更多的水果类单词。
t: 我们还学习了如何询问一些物品是什么的句型(呈现句型),但是在使用这两组句型时要注意区分物品的远近关系。
t: 此外,我们还学会如何询问物品的重量how many kilos? 回答时可以根据物品的千克数来说… kilos.

4b unit4 buying fruit (part bcd)
teaching plan

teaching aims: 
1. 能听懂、会说单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, watermelons, pineapples
2. 能听懂、会说、会读主要句型what are they? they’re … i’d like some…, please. how many kilos? … kilos, please. here you are.并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。
keystone and difficulties:
1. 单词apple, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, pears的拼写。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读主要句型what are they? they’re … i’d like some…, please. how many kilos? … kilos, please. here you are.

teaching steps
step one: warm up and lead in
1. t: (显示课题) hello, boys and girls. we bought many fruit with miss li last lesson. let’s watch the cartoon again.(播放课文动画)
t: (呈现miss li图片)miss li买了哪些水果呢?what are they? (显示单词)how many kilos?
three kilos and two kilos.(显示千克数)
2. t:师再播放一遍课文动画,请你一边看一边为课文动画配音吧!(播放课文无声动画)

step two: new words learning
1 t: well done!在以前的学习中,我们已经知道了许多水果,同学们还记得它们吗?(呈现三种水果的局部,问what are these?让学生猜)(停两秒)yes, they’re apples, bananas and oranges. (带读单词一遍,拼读一遍)5页,当前第212345
2. t:(呈现另三种水果图片),还认识它们吗?what are those? 你来告诉bobby吧。(呈现bobby和问句)
they’re peaches, watermelons and pineapples. (点击水果图片,分别教学单词)
t: 记忆单词时,我们可以把watermelons(出示单词卡片)分成water和melon两个部分,(分开拼读一遍)
3. t: play a game: what are missing? 给出四副图片,快速消失一副(注意学生在回答的时候要用复数形式)
4. t: 这些水果的个数都不止一个,在英语中称为名词的“复数”形式,大部分的复数单词的末尾都有字母s。(出示单词卡片)grapes, grapes, 这个单词中字母s的读音是什么呢?/s/, /s/, grapes. 
t:  (出示单词卡片)apples, bananas, pineapples, watermelons和pears这些单词末尾的s又是什么读音呢?good. /z/,/z/. 跟我读一遍。(拿出单词卡片带读一遍)
t: 还有两个特别的单词peaches和oranges,末尾的读音却是/iz/ 。(拿出单词卡片带读一遍)
5. t: boys and girls, do you remember them? 现在我们一起来玩一个游戏“快速闪现”, 请你仔细看老师出示的画面,它将很快消失,请你看到后立刻说出来。are you ready?(闪现图片,让学生猜单词grapes, peaches和pineapples)they’re … yes, you’re right.

step three: practice words and sentences
1. t: (呈现c部分图2)guess: what are they talking about?
t:男孩a正在向女孩b询问近处和远处的水果分别是什么。read after me, please. (请学生和老师对话,再出示句子,带读)
2. t: here are three pictures. (呈现另三幅图)
please ask and answer in pairs.
ok, let’s check the answer.(出示答案,带读一遍)
3. t: 在上节课的学习中,我们知道miss li去果园购买了三千克梨和两千克葡萄。今天,miss li又想买些什么水果呢?买多少千克呢?let’s look and say.(呈现d部分图4)
4. t: (呈现另三幅图)再请大家看看这三个人想要买些什么水果呢?各买多少千克呢?请同桌两位同学一人扮演顾客,一人扮演售货员,please ask and answer in pairs.
t:(出示答案,带读一遍)到第三幅图时,说明:这幅图中的这位老奶奶,她想买的是一千克的橙子,她说的是one kilo, please. 你们说对了吗?

step four: summary
1. t: 今天的学习大家完成得真不错,我们一起做个回顾吧。我们复习了八个水果类单词。(呈现单词,带读一遍)课后请你认真复习,并且想办法,找一找我们身边的其它水果,它们该怎样用英语来表达。老师先说两个,芒果mangoes,樱桃cherries。你还能找到其它的吗?试一试吧。
2. t: 当我们询问近处或远处的一些物品是什么时,用到的句型是:……(分别呈现两组句型)
3. t: 想购买水果时,我们可以说:i’d like some …, please. 我们还可以用… kilos, please.来告诉售货员要买多少千克。
4. t: 下节课,我们将做一个和水果有关的游戏,请大家记得带一些水果噢。see you next time.

4b unit4 buying fruit (part efg)
teaching plan

teaching aims: 5页,当前第312345
1. 进一步复习巩固水果类单词和主要句型。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语can i help you? these or those? 并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。
3. 了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。
4. 能有表情地诵读歌谣i like fruit.
keystone and difficulties:
1.句型can i help you? these or those?的理解实际运用。

teaching steps
step one: free talk and review
1. t: (显示课题)hello, boys and girls. glad to see you.
2. t: look, here’s a bag. there’re some fruit in it.(拿出水果)they’re apples.
t: now, another bag here is. please touch and guess. 你可以来摸一摸,猜一猜。(师生示范)
t: 刚才老师让她猜袋子里的水果,问的是:(在老师讲解完后分别呈现句子)what are these? 她猜的时候用are they ... ? 第一次,她没猜对,我说:no. 第二次她猜对了,我告诉她:yes.
3. t: 你们会玩这个游戏了吗?拿出你们带来的水果做游戏吧。

step two: learning efg
1. t: 和水果做完了游戏,我们再来看个小故事吧。now let’s watch a cartoon.你能记住动画中的句子吗,为动画配音吗?(播放g1动画)
t: what a naughty monkey!这只小猴子真调皮!其实它就藏在我们的英语书上。open your books at page 36. please read in pairs.
2. t:再次播放动画,静音
3. t: 看完了这个小故事,我们再来看看这两位女士在做什么。(播放e部分动画)what’s she doing? yes, she’s buying fruit, too. 她又是怎样买的呢?
now, look at your books, page 35. read in pairs, please. 同桌分角色读一读,找找这段对话中有哪些与a部分不同的购物用语。
4. t:售货员是怎么招呼顾客的呢?她说的是:can i help you? 我能为你效劳吗?(ppt6点击呈现句子)这是服务人员常用的招呼语,当然,在你想帮助他人的时候也可以使用。因为这儿有红苹果和青苹果两种,所以售货员又详细询问顾客要哪一种。she says ‘these or those?’ 这些还是那些?

5. t: now, listen and repeat.现在请大家跟读一遍。 (完整呈现对话,点击播放句子读音)
6. t: ok. please try to act this dialogue in pairs. one will be the custom, one will be the saleswoman. 请你和同桌分角色表演这一小段对话。先请这两位同学给大家做个示范吧。(学生示范)
t: have a try, please. 大家开始表演吧。
7. t: i think all the fruit are very good. so i like fruit. does mimi like them? 我喜欢水果,mimi也喜欢吗?let’s go and see. (播放歌谣动画)
8. t: mimi likes fruit, too. she says ‘i like fruit’. (呈现歌谣题目) mimi喜欢苹果,她说(呈现歌谣第一段)apples, apples,  red and sweet. i like to eat. 苹果又红又甜。sweet, sweet, “甜”的意思。mimi还喜欢香蕉和梨,她说(呈现歌谣第二段)bananas and pears, green and yellow. 香蕉和梨也很好吃,但是要等到明天再吃。eat them tomorrow.(带读句子一遍,单词tomorrow一遍,再读句子一遍)5页,当前第412345
t: ok. let’s read again. (看老师口型,读一遍)
9. t: (呈现单词图片)look at the picture. what are those over there?(点击呈现句子) three thin dogs. (点击呈现句子)字母组合th在单词中的发音有两种,请跟我读,并且思考该怎么读。(带读what are those over there? three thin dogs.)在问句中有两个词those和there,其中th的发音是/  /。而答句中three和thin这两个词中th的发音是/  /。
10. t: 下面我们来总结一下字母组合th的发音,一种是/  /,把舌尖放在两齿之间,不出声音,(呈现单词)three, thin, think。另一种是/  /,口型一样,这次要发出声音,(呈现单词)there, those, they。
t: 同学们,学会了吗?试试读一读下面的句子。(呈现句子)
t: 再请大家读一读这些单词(呈现单词),注意th的发音。(带读单词一遍)
 11. t: 在第四单元中,我们一起学习了水果类单词,以及如何询问“一些物品”是什么的句型,还学会了怎样购买水果。相信你在今后的学习生活中能很好的运用所学到的知识进行交流。 goodbye, boys and girls!

上一篇:PEP四年级英语上册第二单元导学设计 下一篇:四年级英语Unit 5 what would you like教案及教学反思