
4A Unit 9 What’s the matter?教学设计


4a unit 9 what’s the matter?
  teaching plan (the second period)
teaching content:
4a unit 9 what’s the matter? part a
teaching aims:
1.能听懂、会读、会说、会写句子come and have some… are you…? yes, i’m. no, i’m not. why don’t you …?
teaching important:
1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写句子come and have some… are you…? yes, i’m. no, i’m not. why don’t you …?
teaching difficult:
teaching prepare:
teaching procedures:
step 1. warming up
2.show time
t: boys and girls, i’m your new teacher. first this is our show time. please listen to the voice and do the actions. (播放刮风的声音)
(设计意图:考虑到what’s the matter?是本单元的一个重点句型,但学生已在第一课时学过此句型,并且授课当天并不会正好出现clod, thirsty等情况,所以我利用图片配上声音帮助学生感知,并充分复习这一重点句型。)
t: what’s the matter?
s: i’m cold.
t: here’s a coat for you.
s: thank you.
t: look at him.
can you help him?
s1: what’s the matter?
s2: i’m thirsty.
s1: here’s a glass of water for you.
s2: thank you.
t: why don’t you have some juice?
s: ok.
(设计意图: 教师适时参与学生的谈话,给学生以建议:why don’t you …? 并初步渗透这一句型)
3.say a chant
matter, matter, what’s the matter?
thirsty, thirsty, i’m thirsty.
come, come, have some water.
juice, juice, have some juice.
why don’t you have some juice?
step 2. presentation.
1.teach the sentences : yes, i am. no, i’m not.
t: you did a good job just now. i like you very much. now i wants to know more about you.
what’s your name?
s: i’m ….
t: how are you?
s: fine, thank you.
t: how old are you?
s: i’m twelve.
t: oh, you are twelve. how about you? are you twelve?
s; yes.
t: you can say: yes, i am.
lead the sentence: yes, i am.
ss read it one by one.
t: he/she is twelve, too. are you twelve?
s: no.
t: you can say: no, i’m not.
ss read it one by one.
t: today is very cold. are you cold?
s: yes, i am.
t: you wear so many clothes. are you cold?
s: yes, i am.
t: are you hot?
s: no, i’m not.
(设计意图:由于是借班上课,所以教师可与学生相互了解并在交谈中教学句型yes, i am. no, i’m not的教学中,同时又拉近了教师与学生之间的距离)
2.teach the sentence: are you …?
t: today there are some other friends in our class. but there’re some troubles with them. can you help them?
lead the sentence: are you…?
ss read it one by one.4页,当前第11234
t shows some pictures, ss work in pairs.
(设计意图:考虑到单元单词cold, hot, tired, thirsty, hungry,ill和句型are you …?的教学,我认为在授课中很容易产生明知故问的现象,所以我结合中年级学生的心理特征,带入学生熟悉的人物让学生帮助他人,即可以学习新知,避免明知故问,又可充分调动学生的积极性)
s: are you tired?
r: yes, i am.
s: here’s a sofa for you.
r: thank you.
s: are you hot?
r: yes, i am.
s: here’s a fan for you.
r: thank you.
s: are you hungry?
r: yes, i am.
s: here’s a hamburger for you.
r: thank you.
3.teach the sentence: come and have some ….
t: oh, he’s hungry. (t takes out some cakes) are you hungry?
s: yes, i am.
t: come and have some cakes.
s: ok.
lead the sentence: come and have some….
ss read it one by one.
t: boys and girls, i’m thirsty now. can you help me?
s: come and have some juice.
t: if i’m a little hungry now. can you help me?
s: come and have a cake.
t: if i’m very hungry now. can you help me?
s: come and have some cakes.
t: if i’m hot. can you help me?
s: come and have an ice cream.
t: ok. thank you.
can you help others like this?
ss work in pairs.
s1:i’m hungry.
s2: come and have some cakes.
s3: i’m thirsty.
s4: come and have some juice.
4.teach the sentence: why don’t you have some juice?
s5: i’m thirsty.
s6: here’s some juice for you.
t: why don’t you have some water?
lead the sentence: why don’t you have some …?
ss read it one by one.
t: please listen to the voice answer their questions.
s1: are you …?
s2: yes, i am./no, i’m not.
s1: come and have a/an/some ….
s2: thank you.
s3: why don’t you have some …?
s2: thank you.
step 3. practice
1. say a chant.
matter, matter, what’s the matter?
thirsty, thirsty, i’m thirsty.
come, come, have some water.
juice, juice, have some juice.
why don’t you have some juice?
2.read and say
1. t: look, liu tao is over there. hello, liu tao!
  t: he is not so good, i think. what’s the matter? we don’t know.
 let’s watch the cartoon, and then we will get the answer.
  q: what’s the matter with liu tao?
  a: he is thirsty. 请同学回答。
  l: yes. i’m thirsty. and…
  t: and what? let’s go on watching.
  is he ill?  no.
  is he tired?yes.
2. t: good job. this time let’s look at the picture. listen and repeat the dialogue.
3. t: boys and girls, please look at the screen, and read after me.
4. t: now please open your books, and read it together.
5. t: all the boys are liu tao, and all the girls are liu tao ‘s father and mother.
  then change.
6. t: now you have one minute. please read in groups. and then act the dialogue.
e.scene play.
t: if someone is not so good, what can you say? and what can you do for him or her?
i need a student come to help me. who wants to try?
t: hi,… may i come in?
s1: come in. please.
t: what’s the matter, …?
s1: i’m ill.
t: why don’t you go home now?
s1: ok. thank you.
t: goodbye.
s1: goodbye.
t: boys and girls, can you make a dialogue like this?
  please take out the papers, make a dialogue in three. you have 3 minutes.
make a dialogue with your parents and friends.
unit 9  what’s the matter?
are you …?
yes, i am.no, i’m not.
  have a cake
have some cakes
come and have some… have some juice
have an ice cream
why don’t you…? go to bed

(教学反思:本节课是牛津小学英语4a unit 9 what’s the matter的第二课时,上课前我对教材做了详细的分析,本节课的教学重点是a部分课文,但本单元的重点句型确是b,c部分的单词和句型,尤其是c部分句型what’s the matter? 本单元单词是形容词,虽然在学生实际生活中运用的较频繁,可要在一节课充分练习到这些单词确不是一件容易的事,容易明知故问,并且很多形容词不能练习到生活的实际。所以在上课前我将教学重点确定在新、旧句型的共同练习上,并创设了多种情境帮助学生练习单词和句型。
由于是借班上课,所以课堂的开始,为了消除与学生的陌生感,我设计了一个show time的表演,通过较大的风声和冰天雪地的图片让学生表演并练习了句型what’s the matter? i’m…. here’s … for you. thank you.在学生的操练中,我适时的给予建议并初步渗透了句型why don’t you …? 接着通过一首chant再次活跃了课堂气氛,在这首chant里有本节课即将教授的句型,所以chant我只要学生能够大概的说出来就可以了。
在新授部分我先和学生自由交谈,通过询问学生的年龄引出句型are you…? yes, i am. no, i’m not. 学生在回答中就充分了练习yes, i am. no, i’m not.一个帮助朋友的小游戏又让学生能够熟练运用以上句型,再通过美味可口的蛋糕邀请学生come and have some cakes. 学生通过教师的言语和动作不但练习了这一句型而且复习了可数名词和不可数名词等一系列特殊用法。这时教师在学生邀请朋友的时候再适当的给出建议引出句型why don’t you…? 接着教师结合学生已学过的句型what’s the matter? i’m …. 让学生听声音判断课件中人物的状况并给予建议。4页,当前第31234

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