
牛津小学英语4A Unit3 A purse Period 2

一、 教学目标:
  1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:a key ,a fan ,a tape.
  2、能听懂、会说、会读单词:an umbrella ,a crayon ,a water bottle , a storybook.
  3、能用新单词操练句型:is this /that my /your /his /her …? yes, it is ./ no, it               isn’t. perhaps it’s….
  1、学会part b,并熟练掌握句型。
a: revision
  ① act a read and say
  ② say a rhyme 《it’s his key》
  t:(实物)what’s this in english?
  ss: it’s a key .
  t: whose key is it ?
  s1:it’s my key .now ,let’s say a rhyme 《it’s his key 》
b. presentation and practice
 ①t:(师出示装有物品的盒子,创设失物招领的情景)it’s his key .and there are many      things in my box .do you know whose?
 t(露出crayon一半)s guess
 t: is this a pen ? is this a pencil?
 ss: no, it isn’t. it’s a crayon.
 (ss read and spell the world)
 t: is this your crayon ?
 sn: no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s…./ yes, it is .
 ②同法教授 storybook, tape
 ③ t: i’m very hot .are you hot?
    ss: yes.
 t:i think we need it.(师呈现实物fan)
 t ask s1 :is this your fan ? no, it isn’t.(接龙操练)s1→s2→s3…
 ④t: but i’m thirsty now .i want to drink some water.(师拿水壶作喝水状)look, this  is a water bottle.
 学习单词a water bottle (注意发音)
 利用学生水壶拓展:my /your /his /her water bottle
 t: whose water bottle is it? you can ask and answer in groups.(ss practice in groups 用自带水壶)
 ⑤师用简笔画引出单词 an umbrella
 学习单词:red /yellow /black…umbrella
 师小结单词前加的单词 e.g: an egg, an elephant ,an apple…
c. consolidation
 ③learn 《perhaps》
 ④ 口头翻译词组:他的雨伞,我的水壶…
d. homework.
 copy the new words and sentences.
上一篇:四年级英语上册第一单元知识要点归纳 下一篇:牛津小学英语4B全册教案Unit 10 Review and check教案