
2A Unit 2

lesson plan
school:  penglai no.2 primary school
name:  li ting
book:  oxford english (shanghai edition)2a  unit 2
topic:  a snack bar
aims:   1. structures:  may i have a…?
         2. words: pizza, hotdog
         3. function: using formulaic expressions to buy
                        something .
language focus: use modeled phrases to communicate with
                    other learners
aids:  a computer , some fruit , some artificial food
procedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-taskpreparation1. warming-upt: greet to the pupils.p: say a rhyme about food.e.g. biscuit, biscuit, a round biscuit.juice, juice, the sweet juice.…1. 以朗诵儿歌的方式让学生回忆起前一课时所学的食品单词。                 2. 观看录像 “老师的一天”,了解她一天的就餐情况,这样不仅了解了有关食物的单词,同时也激发了学生的好奇心,拉近了师生间的距离。   3.让学生看了老师的所做的事后回忆并拼写这些单词,达到巩固旧知的目的。2. questions and answerswhat do i eat?what do i  like to eat?what time is it? (vcd)t: ask pupils to watch the video about the teacher’s daily life  and answer the questions. (the teacher eats breakfast, lunch and supper.) pn: answer. 3.revision      the words learned beforenoodles, soup, juice, water, milk(show the pictures)t: spell these words. ii. while-taskprocedure:content 1: hot dogintroduction: (computer)t: ask pupils to remember what’s in the fridge.to elicit: hot dog.学生要记住在冰箱中出现的(快速切换的)水果和食物,并一一说出来,在自然的实景中引出新知。2. imitation: t: ask pupils to follow.t-pst: spell the word.pa-pb-pnpair work: smell a hot dog, eat a hot dog.学生通过机械的朗读及拼读,对所学单词基本掌握。 substitutionwords: nice, hot, spicy…(computer and some objects) t: ask pupils to say how the hot dog tastes. teach the words: nice, hot, spicy ps: taste the hot dog. it’s_____./the hot dog is ____.pa-pb-pc-pn用实物:热水、辣椒酱来引出hot这个单词用来描述食物的味道。再让学生看不同hot dog的图片来描述它们的不同味道。4. activityt: show the food in the fridge. ask pupils to make a simple rhyme about a hot dog and some other food or fruit they like.以编儿歌的形式让学生在实践中操练单词、词汇和句型,以增强语感。3页,当前第1123content2:    may i have a pizza? 1. introduction:(computer)t: ask pupils to watch a picture of a snack bar.  2. ask and answerquestions:where are they?what do you see?(what do you want? )a. look and sayt: ask pupils to describe the stuffs in picture. ps: look and say or answer teacher’s  questions.e.g. the boy in red is  hungry.   i can see a ____. (food) b. look and listen  (computer:may i have a hotdog? may i have a pizza?)t: ask pupils to look at the picture and listen to what the boy and the girl say.p: look and listen .括号中的内容可用于英语基础比较好的班级,让学生描述一下图片。         2.结合看图听音来培养学生的观察能力和对语言的初步自学的能力。  3. imitation:ps: read the word ‘pizza’ and spell it.ps: follow the teacher:‘pizza, pizza, a tasty pizza. may i have a pizza?’ substitution:make a rhymet: give the pupils an example for how to make a rhyme.e.g. a pizza is round.a hot dog is long.may i have a pizza?may i have a hot dog? p: make a simple rhyme in pairs.通过学生自编儿歌将一些原本学过的单词或句子由学生自己组合编排,培养他们的自主学习的能力。4. read and match(computer: show the pictures about the story  of the snack bar.)t: ask pupils to read several sentences and match them to the pictures  让学生在认真观察的基础上将图片与句子连线配对,从而来锻炼他们的阅读能力,拓展他们的词汇量。5. activity find your friends and buy some food you like. ps: write the words about what they like to do on their palms and go to tell other pupils the sentence. e.g.pa: i like to eat a pizza.pb: i like to eat a pizza too.papb: we are friends.pa-pb-pn t: teacher acts as a shop assistant. 让学生去寻找有共同爱好的朋友,进行情感与语言的交流。其中学生也可根据自身的水平来发挥,不同水平的学生能够在交流中取长补短。6. listen and read.ps: listen to the tape and read the text. iii. post-task activity:1.make a little menu2.activity: in a snack bart: ask pupils to make a menu ,‘ delicious food’.p: fold the paper to make a little book. then, fill in the blanks.ps: show their menus to all the class.ps: act out a dialogue.自己动手做一本菜单。让他们通过所学的句型与实际生活相联系,达到学用结合的目的。同时也通过写单词来巩固所学的单词。iv. assignmentlisten to the tape and use the sentences in daily life. 把课堂中学到的知识带入生活。

在教学过程中,师生间的关系是影响课堂教学效果的主要原因之一。这堂课中新知的导入是以观看我日常生活的一段录像开始的,这种引入方式能有效地拉近教师与学生间的距离,也使学生对接下来要学的东西有所期待。这节课的新授知识是句型:may i have…?及单词hot dog和pizza,而其教学目标是要让学生学会表达自己喜欢的事物及想得到它的愿望。在教授新单词的时候,多媒体又充分地发挥了它的优势,即将录像、录音、照片及动画融为一体。灵活,直观,内容多,生动有趣的形式为教师的教学提供大量有效的帮助。从一开始以看录像的方式了解我的日常生活,到学生看到自己很多喜欢的图片,再到最后的阅读练习都借助多媒体以直观的形象呈现在学生眼前。此外,这堂课中游戏与活动的设计也将新授的内容及已学知识紧密地联系起来,如,利用已学过的儿歌形式来操练这堂课中新授的单词:pizza ‘pizza, pizza, a round pizza.’而在教授另一单词hot dog时,我利用多媒体的优势,先给学生强烈的视觉刺激,再引出单词hot dog。最后,需要提及的是针对低年级学生学习英语时间短、积累少、不能有大量的语言输出的特点,我在课堂上给予学生更多的语言输入的机会,让学生多听,多看。在这堂课的ask and answer中我并没有局限于学生所学知识的限制进行提问,而是以一些有效的肢体语言作为辅助,向学生提出各种问题,如,问学生do you like to eat…? what can you see? what do you want? 等及其他一些问题,让学生在不知不觉中拓展语言的信息量。3页,当前第2123

2a unit 2 来自皮皮范文网。 3页,当前第3123
上一篇:2A Unit 5 At the market第一课时 下一篇:《牛津小学英语》2A Unit7 Here you are第一课时