

英语牛津教材2b-unit5教案课 题:  unit 5 wash with water第 1教时课 型:新授教学目标1.      using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. turn on the tap, may.教 学 重点、难 点、关 键to teach the phrases: turn on  turn off课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图step-onewarming up:活跃课堂气氛。 sing a songstep-tworevision        1、listen and act为新课作准备。 1)     wash your face.2)     open your books.3)     close your books.4)     eat a cake….step-threepresentation        1、turn on the tap让学生看动作理解意思,培养用英语思维的习惯。 1)     mime the action of turning on a tap and sayturn on the tap.2)     repeat several times3)     say it after me: tap----turn on the tap.4)     t: we also can say’ turn on the light.’       2、wash your towel.                           1)     show the class a towel.t: this is a towel.2)     say it after me: towel3)     pretend to wash the towel and ask:what can i do?elicit: you can wash your towel.4) say it after me: wash your towel.先学习单词,再让学生说出句子,发挥学生的主动性。      3turn off the tap. 课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图 1)     mime the action of turning off the tap and sayturn off the tap.2)     say it after me: turn off the tap.3)     mime the action of turning off the light and askwhat can i do?elicit: turn off the light. step-fouractivities    1.open the books. point to the correct picture when the teacher call out the instructions randomly.熟悉课本  2.pair work扩大操练面 one students give the instruction while the other does the action.       3、look at the actions ad have the students call out the correct instructions. 4、play the game: ‘simon says’提高学习兴趣,巩固所学内容。 turn on/off the tap/light/tv…wash your towel/hands/face…step-fivehomework assignment 1、 listen to the tape and read the sentences. 板书设计   turn on the tap.  wash your towel.  turn off the tap.教学具准备1、            cassette 2b and a cassette player.课后小结             课 题: unit 5 wash with water第 2教时课 型:新授教学目标1.      using the simple present tense to describe habitual actionse.g. i brush my teeth with water.2.      use prepositional phrases to describe of watere.g. i wash my hands with water.教 学 重点、难 点、关 键i _______ with water.课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图step-onewarming up:活跃课堂气氛 sing a songstep-tworevision        1、daily talk:培养听说能力 1)     how are you?2)     what do you like to do?3)     how do you go to school?4)     do you like…? …       2、listen and act  turn on the tap.  …step-threepresentation        1、i wash my hands with water. 先学习单词,再学习句子,并能对所学句子进行替换。 1)     show a dirty hand and say the word: dirty2)     say it after me: dirty3)     say some sentences about dirtye.g. the towel is dirty.4)     t: my hands are dirty. i wash my hands with water.5)     say it after me6)     t: my towel/face/socks is/are dirty.elicit: i wash my towel/face/socks with water.       2、i wash my teeth with water.  1)     mime the action for’ brush my teeth’ and saybrush my teeth 课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图 2)     say it after me: brush my teeth3)     t: my teeth are dirty. elicit: i brush my teeth with water.先学词组后学句子3、open the books. listen to the tape and repeat.培养正确语音语调       4、look at the pictures and say the sentences. 5、read the sentences.强化句子的认读 1)     i wash my hands with water.2)     i brush my teeth with water.3)     i wash spotty with water. step-fouractivities          1do a match提高兴趣,使学生在竞赛中巩固知识 say some sentences: i …… with water.who says more, who will be win.step-fivehomework assignment 1、 listen to the tape and read. 板书设计                                   i wash my hands    i brush my teeth    with water.   i wash spotty 教学具准备1、            cassette 2b and a cassette player.课后小结               课 题: unit 5 wash with water第 3教时课 型:新授教学目标1.      to teach the new words: water dirty wash towel soap toothbrush toothpaste2.      to teach the names and sounds of the letters: vv ww教 学 重点、难 点、关 键pronounce the words and letters correctly.课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图step-onewarming up:活跃课堂气氛 sing a songstep-tworevision      1、daily talk:培养听说能力 1)     good morning!2)     what’s this?3)     what colour is it?…     2、listen and act  1)     stand up, please.2)     wave your hands.3)     touch your toes.4)     wash your face. …3、look and say the sentences i… with water. step-threepresentation     1、soap  toothbrush  toothpaste 先突破单词,为后面教学作准备 1)     bring a soap to show the class and say: soap2)     say it after me3)     say some sentences about soap4)     to teach toothbrush, toothpaste like this.       2、look and say 课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图 put up the picture cards for water, dirty, wash, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste and invite students to say the words.进一步操练单词3、say the sentence以单词带出句子,培养学生的说话能力 put the three picture cards in a line and say one sentence.e.g. my face is dirty. i wash my face with water.      4、read the words在看图说单词的基础上,让学生能认读单词 1)     put the word card “water” below the pictureread: water2)     read after me3)     read other words like this.5、open the books. listen to the tape and repeat the words. 6.letters: vv  ww  1)     show the word card for ‘van’ and say:van begins with the sound ‘v’.2)     say it after me: v…van3)     show the alphabet cards ‘v’ and ‘v’ and read after me4)     do the same with ‘ww’以旧单词引出字母vstep-fouractivities  play games1)     match the pictures and words2)     quick response提高兴趣,巩固知识step-fivehomework assignment 1、listen to the tape and read the words. 教学具准备1、            cassette 2b and a cassette player.2、            picture cards and word cards.课后小结               课 题: unit 5 wash with water第 4教时课 型:新授教学目标1、            using imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. wash your face.教 学 重点、难 点、关 键using imperatives correctly课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图step-onewarming up:调整学习状态。 sing a songstep-tworevision        1、daily talk:培养听说能力。 1)     how are you?2)     what can you see?3)     how do you go to the park?…       2、read the words: water dirty…对单词强调复习。3、read the letters: aa----wwstep-threepresentation        1、hold up the picture and say: there is a command for the picture. who can say?elicit: wash your face.过渡到新授。发挥学生主动性。       2、hold up the phrase card and read it out.wash your face.强调句子认读。       3.to teach the other pictures like this.        4point to each picture and ask the students to mime the action.        5open the books. play the cassette. listen, look and point to the correct picture.模仿正确的语音语调。       6listen again and repeat.        7select a student to mime an action. let the class guess the command and call out the words. 课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图   8practice in pairs.  have one student pick up a card and mime the action illustrated on it and the other guess the command. then change their roles.扩大操练面。step-fouractivities采用游戏形式,既提高了兴趣又巩固所学内容。 put the picture cards on the board so the class can see them. write a number next to each picture. ask the students to remember what the number of each picture is. then turn the pictures so they face down. get the students to call a number out and the rest of the class, from memory, say the command and do the action of the corresponding picture.step-fivehomework assignment 1、 listen to the tape and repeat. 板书设计 wash your face.       drink some water.open your mouth.      turn off the tap.brush your teeth.eat some cake.教学具准备1、            cassette 2b and a cassette player.2、            some pictures and some phrase cards.课后小结                课 题:unit 5 wash with water 第5教时课 型:新授教学目标1.      using simple present tense to express simple truthe.g. this is the way i wash my face.2. to teach the song教 学 重点、难 点、关 键sing the new song课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图step-onewarming up:调整学习状态。 sing a songstep-tworevision        1、daily talk:培养听说能力。 1)     how old are you?2)     what can you see?3)     how do you go to shanghai?…       2、listen and act   wash your face.brush your teeth.drink some water. …3、match the pictures and words.step-threepresentation        1、show the pictures and say the phrases引出新授内容。 e.g. wash face   brush teeth       2、write: this is the way i wash my face.this is the way i brush my teeth.match the pictures and the sentences.熟悉句子,突破难点。       3read the sentences after the teacher.        4play the cassette tape, listen and follow.熟悉曲调。       5repeat several times       6get the class to sing along. 课 序教   学   过   程   设   计设计意图   7encourage the students to do the actions while singing.提高兴趣,帮助理解意思。step-fouractivity  ask students to think of a third verse to the songe.g. ‘this is the way i wash my hands…’sing the song again and include the additional verse after practicing it a few times.发挥学生的创造思维,并能巩固单词。step-fivehomework assignment  sing the song for your parents. 板书设计   this is the way i wash my face.  this is the way i brush my teeth.教学具准备1、            cassette 2b and a cassette player.课后小结              
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