
牛津小学英语2A教案 Unit7 Weather

unit7  weather  lesson1teaching aims:    1. teach the new words: hats, gloves, scarfs, winter, cold, wind, snow                2. teach the letter :  ll  lightlanguage focus: using nouns to identify clothing               using nouns to identify season and weatherusing adjective to express how you feel.teaching aids: tape recorder, word cards.teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:1.revise some rhyme have learned ,e.g. page 31 2.revise some songs have learnt, e.g. page 16.     greetings in the class.      say and do together.   1.revise some rhyme have learned ,e.g. page 31 2.revise some songs have learnt, e.g. page 16.  互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。     while-taskprocedure1 、hold up a puppet and say, 'you are cold. you must wear a hat.' put a hat on the puppet. it says 'thank you.' continue putting toy clothing on the puppet until it has a hat, a pair of gloves and a scarf on.2 、point to the hat, the gloves and the scarf on the puppet and say the words. repeat for students to follow.1 、put the vocabulary picture cards on your desk. say the words and invite individual students to come up and pick out the right card.2 、put up the picture card for 'hats' on the board, and put the word card next to it. read the word several times and ask the students to repeat. do the same with the other 6 new words.say a rhyme: hat, hat, head loves a hat. scarf, scarf, neck loves a scarf. gloves, gloves, hands love gloves.(边说边做动作)3 、open the student's book to page 34. play the cassette tape. ask the students to point to the relevant pictures and repeat the words.4 、put up the picture and word cards on the board in a random order. ask individual students to come and rearrange them by putting the word cards below their  corresponding picture cards, as shown in their student's books.5 、show students the picture card for 'light' and say 'light begins with the sound 'l''. show the word card for 'light' and say 'l...light'. repeat. show alphbet cards 'l'and 'l'. have students compare the capital letter 'l' with the small letter 'l'. play the tape for students to follow in their books.                  learn the new wordshats, gloves, scarfs, winter, cold, wind, snow         learn the new wordshats, gloves, scarfs, winter, cold, wind, snow      say a rhyme:               students to come and rearrange them by putting the word cards below their  corresponding picture     say 'light’    listen to the tape.通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,   听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivitiesdraw the outline of sam on the board. put the picture cards for the clothing vocabulary items on the table.have individual students come up and put the clothing items on sam with magnets. then stick the corresponding words next to the picture cards. read  out to the class.  通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page34.   板书:unit7 weatherhats,     gloves, scarfs ,  winter, cold,    wind, snow         4页,当前第11234教学后记:通过动作让学生来牢固掌握单词效果良好。unit7  weather lesson2teaching aims:1. teach the new sentence: look at the clock.. listen to the clock.  look at the snow. listen to the snow.language focus: using imperatives to give simple instruction.teaching aids: tape recorder, word cards.teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:1.revise the words. i would put up the pictures, and let students say the words.2 .revise the letters from a-l.3.revise the pronunciation of the letters in the words.  greetings in the class.      say and do together.       .revise the letters  互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。     while-taskprocedure1 、open the student's book to page 32. tell a story something like this:it was saturday morning. the weather was very cold. sam was still in bed. may came to wake him up. she pointed to the clock on the wall. it was nine already. the clock struck nine times. may said 'look at the clock . listen to the clock.' sam got up and looked out the window. it was snowing. sam was very excited. he said 'look at the snow.' may didn't like winter very much . she said 'listen to the wind.'2、 play the cassette tape. students listen and follow in their books.3 、play the cassette tape again. students listen and repeat several times. 4 、select groups to act the model dialogue for the class. before performing the role-play, each student may introduce his/her character, e.g. 'hi,i'm may.'        look at the clock.. listen toclock.  look at the snow. listen to the snow.             listen to the tape.     act the model dialogue for the class. performing the role-play通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,   听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivities3 、play the cassette tape again. students listen and repeat several times.listen to the tape.通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page32.   板书:unit7 weatherlook at the clock..  listen to the clock.  look at the snow. isten to the snow.        4页,当前第21234教学后记:通过课件来让学生来听一些有关于季节的声音,学生兴趣浓厚。unit7  weather lesson3teaching aims:1. teach the new sentence: do you like...?   yes, i do.  no, i don't.language focus: using modeled phrases to communicate with other learner.teaching aids: tape recorder, word cards.teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:1.revise the words. i would put up the pictures, and let students say the words.2 .revise the letters from a-l.3.revise the pronunciation of the letters in the words.  greetings in the class.      say and do together.       .revise the letters  互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。     while-taskprocedure1、 put up the wall chart for page 33 and ask students to look at it for a short time. take down the wall chart and ask students to name some of the things they saw, e.g. snow, snowman.2、 put up the wall chart again. point at the scene and say 'it is winter. 'repeat 'winter'. shiver and say 'i'm cold.' repeat 'cold' several times. students repeat after you.3、 hold up a puppet and say 'are you cold?' the puppet shivers and says 'yes, i'm cold.' then ask the puppet 'do you like winter?' the puppet replies 'no, i don't.' show the puppet the snowman you just made and ask 'do you like the snowman?' the puppet says 'yes, i do.'4 、invite a more able student to hold the puppet and act the scene with you. continue to practice with more students.       look at the clock.. listen toclock.  look at the snow. listen to the snow.            do you like...?   yes, i do.  no, i don't.    act the model dialogue for the class. performing the role-play通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,   听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivities3 、play the cassette tape again. students listen and repeat several times.listen to the tape.通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page33.   板书:unit7 weatherdo you like...?   yes, i do.  no, i don't.       4页,当前第31234教学后记:让学生分角色来进行对话表演学生的兴趣十分浓厚。unit7  weather lesson4teaching aims:1. teach the new sentence: 1.a miming game 2. a rhymelanguage focus: using adjectives to express how people feel.using nouns to refer to facial features.teaching aids: tape recorder, word cards.teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:1.revise the words. i would put up the pictures, and let students say the words.2 .revise the letters from a-l.3.revise the pronunciation of the letters in the words.  greetings in the class.      say and do together.       .revise the letters  互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。     while-taskprocedure1、 hold up a puppet and the puppet begins to say the rhyme slowly: ‘winter is cold,’(shiver) ‘br…br.’ the wind blows.’ (puff up cheeks and blow) ‘woo…woo’. ‘it blows on my face.’ (touch face ‘oo…oo’. ‘it blows on my nose.’(touch nose) ‘ah choo…’2 、say ‘let’s listen to the rhyme again. we will make the sounds and do the actions, too.’3、 play the cassette tape again, this time letting students read and follow the rhyme on student’s book page 35, miming the actions at the same time    it is winter-snow ,snow.winter ,winter.it is cold.my hands, my toes.cold ,cold, cold. the wind blows.’         listen to the tape. 通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,   听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivitiesask individuals or groups of students to perform the rhyme in front of the class.2 、play a guessing game. say ‘i will do an action and you must try to guess the word it refers to’. mime actions such as wind blowing(wind), snowing (snow), or shivering (cold).3 、continue the guessing game but ask individual students to do the action for the class to guess.         winter is cold,’the wind blows.’‘it blows on my face.’ it blows on my nose.  通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page35-36.   板书:unit7 weatherdo you like...?   yes, i do.  no, i don't.       教学后记:通过儿歌来复习本单元所学内容,效果良好。4页,当前第41234
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