
九年级下Module6 Look after yourself教学设计


九年级下Module6 Look after yourself教学设计









module6 unit3  




学习目标1.       巩固本模块已学单词和短语。2.  复习各种时态。 


难点1. the words and phrases in module 6.2. 各种时态 



教师活动 复习本模块短语一.词组互译  1事实上                         2.找出;发现                     3.查寻                           4.死于。。。。。。。                 5.试图干某事                     6.stop doing  sth..              7. save one’s life              8.as well                              9.as a result                   10. in other words              二、 回顾重要知识点    1.复习最常用的几种时态与时间状语的搭配一般现在时:every….., sometimes, at…, on sunday(s)一般将来时:next…, tomorrow, in …一般过去时:yesterday, last week ,an hour ago, the other day, in 1982, just now现在完成时:for, since, so far, ever, never, just yet till until up to now, in the past years, always , recently现在进行时: now 过去完成时:…before, by ,until ,when ,after, once, as soon as过去进行时:this morning ,the whole morning, all day ,yesterday, from nine to ten last evening …,when, while过去将来时:多用在间接引语中,表示发生在谓语动作之后的动作



教师活动 精讲点拨1.       she hit his arm with a piece of wood. 她用一根木头打他的胳膊。1)  hit (hit hit ) 意为“打;击”3页,当前第1123

九年级下Module6 Look after yourself教学设计

在英语中,“打某人身体的某个部位”要先说打某人,再说具体的部位,同时要注意:部位前要用定冠词the,不用形容词性物主代词。 hit sb. on the nose 打某人的鼻子   hit sb. in the face打某人的脸hit sb. in the eye 打某人的眼睛2.)a piece of wood 一根木头。wood  n. 木头,做不可数名词。当不可数名词表示数量时,多用“数词+量词+of +不可数名词”的结构,不同的名词所用的量词也不同。a piece of paper 一张纸   a bottle of water 一瓶水a glass of milk 一杯牛奶    two cups of tea 两杯茶2. in other words, when we breathe in your smoke, it’s like we’re smoking ourselves.   换句话说,当我们吸入了你吐出的烟雾时,就像我们自己在吸烟一样。in other words  换句话说,用于对前面所说的内容作进一步的解释与说明。拓展:   in a word         总而言之     keep one’s word    信守诺言         get in a word      插嘴           word for word     逐字地   have a word with sb.      与某人谈话have words with sb.       与某人吵嘴


教师活动teaching steps step 1. language practice    the students read together again and again.step 2 read jack’s diary and choose the correct answer to complete each sentencestep 3. complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs.step 4. work in pairs. describe the pictures.step 5. complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box.step 6. listen and do activity 5step 7. listen again and complete the notesstep 8. read the passage and match the sentences with the paragraphsstep 9. writing      write some heath advice to your parents专项练习单项选择 1.—what do you think of the colour of my new dress?  ---sorry, but what did you say? i          about something else.    a. think              b. thought     c. am thinking        d. was thinking 2. joe, my close friend, moved to beijing years    ago, and i      him since then.    a. don’t see         b. didn’t see3页,当前第2123

九年级下Module6 Look after yourself教学设计

    c. am thinking        d. was thinking   3.— listen , who           in the room?   -- let’s go and see.


动 过程

板   书   设   计

教师活动a. is crying               b. crying c. cry                    d. cries4. ---li lei, you’d better go to bed early.  ---ok. i’ll go to bed as soon as i        my homework .    a. will finish             b. finishing    c. finish                 d. finishes5. i            my clothes , and the phone rang.    a. wash                 b. washed     c. am washing            d. was washing6. i have difficulty            out the problem.    a. working                b. work    c. works                  d. worked7. i have a bad cold. it’s making me         terrible.    a. feel                   b. feels    c. feeling                 d. to feel 8. he tried to give up             .    a. smoking               b. smoke    c. smokes                d. to smoke

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