
九年级英语Unit15 We’re trying to save the manatees!导学案


九年级英语Unit15 We’re trying to save the manatees!导学案

九年级英语unit15 we’re trying to save the manatees!导学案

unit15  we’re trying to save the manatees!

section a

knowledge  aim: the use of important words and phrases

ability aim:  how to describe animals. review “used to” “ present simple” “ passive voice ”“present perfect”

emotion aim:  it’s our duty to save endangered animals.



learning steps:

step1:情景导入:how to describe the animals?


1a、write these words in the boxes below.

1c、2c pairwork


read the letter to the editor and underline the reasons why the writer is against the zoos.


1.  feed

2.  英语中表示长度、宽度、高度、深度、重量的句型为:

3.  对数量进行提问用:

4.  pollute

5.  discover, invent , look for, find, find out

6.  against

7.  in one’s life

8.  be surprised to do sth.

9.  care for



1.  countries like japan and the usa often send their e-waste(电子垃圾)to china .guiyu in guangdong province____”the e-waste capital of the world “ now.

a.  was called  b. has called  c. is  called  d. calls


2.—have you ever been to albany ?

 ---where is it? i have never _______it.

a.  thought of  b. thought about  c. heard of  d. heard from

剖析:句意为:——你曾去过奥尔巴尼吗?——它在哪儿?我从来没听说过。hear of意为“听说”,hear from…而意为“收到…..的来信”。



1. “shut up ” is not a polite e___________.

2. ---how many potatoes do you need?    - --two p_________.

3.. people can’t drink the p________ water.

4.. the ___________( 沼泽地 )are becoming smaller and smaller.

5.. the animals in the ________( 笼子 )are unhappy.


(    ) 1. we’re trying our best ______ our environment.

  a. protect  b. to protect  c. protecting  d .to protecting

(    ) 2 .--- _________are manatees ?

---they’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds.

a. how long b. how big c. how much d. how many

(    )3. all the children ________there.

a. take good care     b. take good care of

c. are taken good care d. are taken good care of

(    )4.there used to ________a lot of manatees.

a. be  b. are  c .have   d. has

(    )5---i think that animals should not live in zoos.5页,当前第112345

九年级英语Unit15 We’re trying to save the manatees!导学案

     ---i _____you .i feed that zoos are safe places for endangered animals.

a. disagree to  b. agree to c .disagree with d. agree with

(     )6.my little brother is very clever ,just ____a monkey.

a.  as  b. like  c. likes  d. liking

(     )7. i have never seen one zoo ______i liked ___my life.

a. where ;in  b. that ;in  c. which ;for  d. where ;in

(    )8.the world cup _____in germany now?

a. being had      b. is having

c. is holding      d. is being held

(    )9.it’s a good habit _____breakfast every day.

a. had   b. have  c. has  d. to have

(    )10.this is a _______ river and that river is _________.

a. 200-meter-long ; 400 meter long

b. 200-meter-long ;400 meters long

c. 200-meters-long; 400 meters long

d.200 meters long ; 400-meter-long




 strange,will back,wait for,example,wear,lie,visit,happen,drink,warm,about,

strange weather in lhasa

the (1)           thing about lhasa is the weather,probably because the city (2)              so high in the mountains .it can change suddenly in a very short time ,and that (3)              a few times in the past days .yesterday is a good (4)_______when we woke up at 8:oo it was cloudy but dry .soon after it started to rain a bit at around 10:00am .in 20 minutes it became snowy ,and it was freezing cold outside .then at around 12:00,when we just finished our (5)_______ to the potala, the snow stopped and the clouds became thick .in an hour the temperature went up to over 20 degrees(度) .and it became sunny !later in the afternoon it became even (6)           and we had (7)          at an open air tea-house in the old town .at night after dinner when we wanted to take a taxi (8) ______ to the hotel ,it suddenly was very cold again and it started raining at 6:30.the whole day there was hardly any wind ,but while (9)          the taxi at 7:00the wind suddenly picked up. today it’s sunny again ,but windy ,and about 13 degrees. but the weather report that we received this morning said it (10)             snow again.5页,当前第212345

九年级英语Unit15 We’re trying to save the manatees!导学案


          unit15 we’re trying to save the manatees !

section b

knowledge aim: :the use of important words and phrases

ability aim:  write a letter to the editor and give your opinion.

emotion aim: we should try our best to save the endangered planet and animals .

教学重点:复习现在完成时、被动语态、used to 的用法。


learning steps:

step1:情景导入:saving endangered animals is one thing we can do for our world. what else can we do to help save the planet?


1a、1b、2c pairwork


2c pairwork  3a

read the article and write down five questions you would like to ask.


1.  a+ most + adj. + n.

2.  out of

3.  be made from ,be made of

4.  spare

5.  raise


1.---listen! the pop music is wonderful.

 ---hush! grandma is sleeping . you’d better ______the radio.

a.  turn  up  b. turn  down  c. turn  on  d. turn off

剖析:turn down“调低”; turn up “调高”;

turn on“打开”;turn off“关闭” 故选b。

2.  ---our environment is getting worse than before.

---you’re right . but thanks to earth day ,people have done more and more useful things to protect the earth since earth day_______.

a.  is  started  b. was started  c. has started  d.  started

剖析:——我们的环境比以前更糟糕了。——你说对了。但是多亏了“地球日”,自从“地球日”确立以来,人们已经做了越来越来的有益的事情来保护地球。现在完成时态中“since”引导的时间状语从句常用一般过去时,而从句中“earth day”与”start”之间为被动关系,故选b。



1.saving e__________ animals is one thing we can do for our world.

2.we can r__________ books and paper so that we can save a lot of money.

3.we’re r________ _money to help the homeless children.

4.–--have you heard from your parents r______?

---yes, i have. i received a letter yesterday.

6.  the earth is one of the nine p_____ turning round the sun.


 (    )1.--- have you finished _______the book?

        --- no, never.

a. read  b. reads c .to read  d. reading

(   )2.i couldn’t believe ______i saw.

a. what  b . how   c. where    d. when

(    )3.this pair of socks _____nylon.

a. is made of b. is made form c. are made of d. are made form

(    )4.we should keep _______when we are in the reading-room.

a.  quite  b. quick   c. quiet    d. quietly5页,当前第312345

九年级英语Unit15 We’re trying to save the manatees!导学案

(    )5.i wanted to know ______with your nose.

a. what is wrong    b. what wrong is

c. what was wrong   d. what wrong was

(   ) 6.---will it be fine this afternoon?

---i hope _______

a. it   b. so   c. this   d. that

(   )7.i am ______building a new factory here. it will be bad for the environment.

a. to     b. for   c. with   d. against

(   )8.the fences were built ______bricks and wood.

a. in   b. with    c. out of   d. from

(   )9.cars cause most of beijing’s air pollution .so the “no car day” campaign(活动) asks beijing drivers ___their cars at home one day each month.

a. leave   b. leaving  c. to leave

(   )10.it’s important ______us ___improve our english.

a. to ;to   b. for ;for   c. to ;for  d. for ;to





   a girl’s eight – year travel in tibet

“for those who haven’t been to tibet ,tibet is a dream :for those who have a_____ been there ,tibet is a remembrance(记忆),”said li wan, a graduate f________ zhongshan university. “to local tibetans, tibet is a way of life .but to me ,living there is my life –time goal.”

   ms. li suddenly showed her strong i________ in tibet after having worked in a company for less than three months. since 1998 ,li has been s________ most of her time in a war that is a challenge to her life –she has got to almost every c_____ of tibet within 8 years.

li’s first trip to tibet was only out of her loving freedom. she entered tibet along the yunnan-tibetan road .although she couldn't speak a word of tibetan language, this did not really s___  her from talking with local p_____ successfully. “to me, they are free ,happy and c ____to nature. it appears to me that people  should live in this way .singing while working ,dancing while living.” li said .

li d_____ tibet in words and photos. “my goal in the n_____ ten year is to make a good documentary” said li.





















study in groups ,work together ,make good use of time5页,当前第412345

九年级英语Unit15 We’re trying to save the manatees!导学案


dear friends,

welcome to our school



thanks for listening!

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