
九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3


九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

②we go to visit our grandparents every other year.


2)crowd, 动词,意为“拥挤”“聚集”。如:

①many students crowded in the front of the classroom. 许多学生挤在教室的前面。

crowd round意为“围着”,而不是“挤”的意思。如:

②don’t crowd round him.别围着他。

crowded 形容词,意为“密集的”“挤得满满的”。常用结构为be crowded (with),表示状态,意为“挤满了”“充满着”。如:

①the room was crowded with colourful flowers.


②the street is crowded with all kinds of traffic.


18.leave japan for other asian countries离开日本去亚洲其他国家

leave (a place) for a place意为 “离开(某地)去另一个地方”“动身去……”,leave可带宾语,也可不带宾语。如:

①they will leave for hong kong next week.下个星期他们将动身去香港。

②he is leaving beijing for new york next month.下个月他将离开北京去纽约。

注意:(1)表示“离开去某地”,除了可以说leave for…,还可以说go off for…, start for…, set off for… 等。

(2)leave a place中place是出发的地点,而leave for a place中leave是不及物动词,for后面的place是目的地。比较:

leave home 离开家       leave for home 动身回家

leave china 离开中国     leave for china 启程去中国

19.the american exchange students are going to stay in beijing for one more week and then they will fly to japan.美国交流学生准备在北京再待一个星期,然后他们将飞往日本。


1)more 须位于表示数量的词后,more前可以用some, a few, a little, many, much, a lot等表示不同程度的词语修饰,后面的名词可以是可数的,也可以是不可数的。如:

①we need some/ a few/ more people to do the work. 我们还需要些人做这件事。

②we have much/ a lot more work to do. 我们还有很多事情要做。

③three more boys asked to join us. 又有三名男孩要求和我们一起干。

2)another须位于表示数量的词前面,通常接表示具体数量的词,如two, four, six等,不确定数量的词只能接few,注意只能说another few, 不能说another a few,因another本身具有 a或one的含义,所以another从不与a或one连用。another后面也不接some, many或a lot of等词,如:

①they need another three/ another few hands to do the work. 他们还需要三名/一些人手干这活。

②i have another thing/another two things to do. 我还有一件事/还有两件事要做。

注意:(1)由于another只能修饰可数名词,不能修饰不可数名词,所以another后面不接much或a little + 不可数名词。

(2)“还有一件事”说成have another thing或have one more/ one other thing,不能说have another one thing.

(3)other有时也可用来表示“还”“再”,但更多地强调其本意,“别的”“另外的”。如three other books另三本书,three more books/another three books又三本书。但在下面例句中用other显得不妥,i stayed there two more/ another two days.不说… two others days.11页,当前第11234567891011

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3




一、 单项选择:

(   )1. --- i don’t like winter because it’s ______ cold.

 a. much too      b many too        c too much        d too many

(   )2. your father is sleeping. you’d better _______.

a not to wake him up                 b not wake him up 

c not wake up him                   d not to wake up him

(   )3. what do people usually eat at dragon boat festival?

a. rice dumplings.  b. moon-cakes.  c. candies and apples. d. chocolates.

(   )4. there ______ in his room.

a are too many furnitures            b are too much furniture

c are too much furnitures            d is too much furniture

(   )5. those eggs _____, please throw them away.

a. smell badly  b. are smelled bad  c. are smelled well d. smell bad

(   )6. fish are good pets, we _____ give them _____ food.

a. ought not; much too   b. shouldn’t; many   c. ought not to; too much  d. shouldn’t; much too

(   )7. _____ he knocked at the door, we were having a meeting.

a. since   b. while  c. when     d. as soon as

(   )8. if we _____ action to protect giant pandas, there _____fewer and fewer of them in the world.

a. don’t take; will be  b. take; will be  c. won’t take; are       d. take; are

(   )9. the dried food _____ for 2 months.

a. stores   b. can store c. can be stored  d. store

(   )10. we all _____ how he made such great progress in a short time.

a. believed   b. thought  c. decided   d. wondered

(   )11. --- _____?

--- my head often hurts

a. why do you come here?    b. what do you come here for?

c. what happened to you?    d. what’s wrong with you?

(   )12. mike _____ come to our family meeting, he _____ to new york.

a. can’t be able to; has been        b. can’t be able to; has gone

c. isn’t able to; has gone           d. isn’t able to; has been11页,当前第21234567891011

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

(   )13. ricky had to speak loudly _____.

a. because of the noisy       b. because it is very noisy 

c. because of there is too much noisy    d. because it is too noise

(   )14. most of our patients are _____ go to hospital.

   a. very poor that they can’t         b. so poor that they can’t 

   c. too poor to not               d. not enough rich to

(   )15. everyone was ________ when they heard this ________ news.

a. excited; excited   b. exciting; exciting

c. excited; exciting   d. exciting; excited

(   )16. you can’t catch up with others ______ you work hard.

a. until    b. after   c. unless   d. when

(   )17. i have ______ a raincoat ______ an umbrella. that’s why i have to wait until the rain stops.

a. neither; nor    b. either; or    c. not only; but also   d. both; and

(   )18. ____ the forbidden city is almost 600 years old, _____ it is still very beautiful.

a. although; but    b. /; although   c. although; /   d. because; so

(   )19. there _____ furniture in the room.

a. are too many    b. is too much   c. are too much   d. is too many

(   )20. he _____ in shanghai for five years.

a. used to live    b. is used to live   c. is used to living   d. used to living

(   )21. he is ____ to carry the big box.

a. enough strong    b. strong enough    c. enough tall   d. tall enough

(   )22. ______ the high speed, the train was crowded.

a. despite    b. despite    c. although   d. although

(   )23. it is very difficult to talk. there is ______ noise.

a. much too    b. too many   c. too much   d. too few

(   )24. there are ____ museums in guilin.

a. too few   b. too much    c. too little   d. a little

(   )25. it is _____ to cycle around guilin.

a. a great fun    b. a fun    c. great fun    d. a great funny

(   )26. i have _____ things to do, but i have ____ time.

a. too much; too many    b. too much; too much11页,当前第31234567891011

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

c. too many; too much    d. too many; too many

(   )27. the children without parents ____ good care of by their teachers.

a. are taken    b. is taken    c. take   d. takes

(   )28. tommy is ____ go for a walk alone.

a. enough    b. enough old to   c. old enough  d. old enough to

(   )29. mr. wu always spend time _____ us something about south korea.

a. speak    b. speaking  c. tell d. telling

(   )30. ____of us knew anything about soul.

a. none    b. nobody    c. no one    d. nothing

(   )31. the man ____ his sheep to the tree is smoking over there.

    a is tying   b was tying   c tired       d tying

(   )32. there are ______ shops in myeong-dong shopping district.

    a. tow hundreds  b. hundred of  

c. hundreds of    d. two hundreds of

(   )33. although there were enough glasses, there was ____ water in each.

a. too few    b. too many   c. too little   d. too much

(   )34. ____ all the problems, they enjoyed the food very much.

a. although   b. because   c. despite   d. since

(   )35. i’m busy now. i’ve got ______ to do.

a. anything important     b. important anything

c. something important    d. important something

(   ) 36. millie makes her cousin  ______ the flowers every day.

a. waters   b. watering  c. water  d. to water

(   )37 ---how much did you  ______ all those things?  ---about 300 yuan.

a  give  b. cost  c. spend  d. pay for

(   ) 38. about  ______ of the books in our school library are written in chinese.

    a. four-fifth  b. four—fifths  c. fourth—fifths   d. fourths—fifth

(   ) 39. the headmaster stopped  _____ to me because there was a call for him.

a. talking  b. to talk  c. saying  d. to say

(   )40.at the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________.

    a.what is the spaceship like        b.what the spaceship looks like

c.how the spaceship looks 1ike     d.how does the spaceship 1ook like.11页,当前第41234567891011

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

二、 词汇运用:用所给词的适当形式填空

1. the hotels in beijing are far________ (comfort).

2. guilin is famous for its ________ (colour) caves.

3. have you ever seen the raising of the ______ (nation) flag?

4. the emperors used to _____ (spend) their summers in the summer palace.

5. you’d better keep patient and not give up ________ (easy).

6. guilin is a very beautiful city in the ______ (south) part of china.

7. my favourite _______ (attract) is the great wall.

8. the great wall is one of the _______ (wonderful) of the world.

9. you can experience the _______ (beautiful) and _______(great) of the great wall.

10. we should plan everything well before ________(visit) other places.

11.it will be an ______ time, but what made me even ______ was to find that no one was hurt. (amaze)

12. jiangsu is in the ________(east) of china.

13.the park consists _______(main) of a hill and some lakes.

14.this is a rather old house. it needs _______(paint).

15.it is great ______(funny) to travel around the world on the map.

16.floods are serious ________(nature) disaters.

17.have you ever seen the raising of the _____(nation) flag?

18.on holidays ,the bus is always ______(crowd) than before.

19.take a map with you while ______(travel).

20.it’s his own house and he is the ______(own) the house.

三、 任务型阅读:


  one day, allan and his friend henry went to swim in a river. it was very hot. how happy they were in the river1 after they got out of the water, they played games in the sun for a while.1)在回来的路上,海瑞看到了一些花。he liked flowers very much and ran into the green field to look at them. now allan was walking by himself.

  2)then he heard henry ______,“a snake! help!...”

  “what’s wrong with you?” asked allan. “a snake bit me in the leg. come here.” allan ran over and saw a small red wound(伤口) on henry’s leg. “the snake was in the grass. i didn’t see it.” “sit down quickly.” allan told henry.

   allan put his mouth at the little red wound and began to suck(吸)at it.3)in this way he saved henry’s life. “oh,allan.it’s very kind of you to help me.” “that’s all right.we are friends and we must always help each other.”




4.在文中划出与下例句子意思相近的句子: he loves flowers and run into the green field to look at them.11页,当前第51234567891011

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3



different people have different ideas about time. people in the usa think that it is important to know the time. in cities in america, there are clocks in stations, factories and other buildings. radio announcers(播音员) give you the correct time during the day. 1)most americans also have watches with them wherever they go. they want to do certain(一定) things at certain time. they don’t like to be late.

but time is not so important to everybody in the world. 2)当你在南美拜访时,你会发现那儿的人们不喜欢急急忙忙的走。if you had an appointment(约会) with somebody, 3)he could probably be ________, because he may not want to ________ on time.

in south america, even the radio programs may not begin on time. the men on the radio may not think it is important to tell the exact time. people in south america think that clocks or watches are just machines. they think that you let a clock or a watch control(控制) your life if you do everything on time.




4.在文中划出与下列句子意思相近的句子:the men who work on the radio may think it is less important to the time exactly.



   beijing is in n_______ china. it is the c______ of china. at the center of beijing is forbidden city. the e_______ of the ming and qing dynasties used to live there.people are a_______ by its beautiful design of the buildings and the clothes and furniture in the past. just next to the forbidden city is tian’anmen square. it’s the b______ square in the world and is often filled with t______. every day, early in the morning people can watch the r______ of the national flag there. in the north-west of beijing is the summer palace. it is a famous c_________ garden built in a natural landscape. outside the city, you can c________ the great wall step by step.11页,当前第61234567891011

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

   guilin in the south of china, it l______ on the two sides of li river. all around the city, mountains stand in d_______ shapes. in the north-west of the city is the reed flute cave. in this u________ cave, there are a lot of w_______ rocks in strange shapes. it is great fun to c_______ around the city. you can take a b____ trip along li river.


i am an old lawyer, and i have three men w    1  for me. my b  2 continued to grow so i decided to get one more man to help write law documents.

i have met a great many people in my days but the man who a 3  my advertisement was the strangest person i ever met or h  4  of.

he stood outside my office and w  5  for me to speak. he was a small man, quiet, and d  6  in a clean but old suit of clothes. i a  7 him his name. it was bartleby. after a few more q  8  , i told him he could work for me.

at first bartleby almost worked himself too hard writing the legal papers i gave him. he worked through the day by sunlight, and into the n  9  by candlelight. i was happy with his work, but not happy with the way he worked. he was too quiet. but, he worked well…like a machine , never looking or speaking.

one day, i asked bartleby to come to my office to study a legal paper with me. without moving from his chair, bartleby said: “ i do not want to .”

i sat for a short time, too surprised to move. then i became excited.

“you do not want to. what do you  m 10  , are you sick? i want you to help me with this paper.”   “ i do not want to.”

1. ________  2. _________  3. _________  4. __________  5. _________

6. ________  7. _________  8. _________  9. _________   10. _________


1.根据下面的提示,以hong kong为题,简要介绍其基本情况,80词左右。


人    口:6,000,000;

特    点:有“东方之珠(oriental pearl)”的美喻,是世界上最大的贸易(trade)中心之一;

现    状:1997年回归后更加繁荣(prosperous)富强。


九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3


姓名 李强 出生年月 1988年2月

出生地 江苏泰州 相关经历 有两年校报工作经历

获奖情况 2003年在全校英语竞赛中获第一名

爱好 看英文小说、集邮、篮球

特长 英文写作、电脑





my name is li qiang.



9b  unit 4  great people

welcome to the unit


step 1  warm-up

1 read the conversation between eddie and hobo. check understanding of ‘invent’

2 introduce the idea of  famous people.


3.ask two more able students to role-play the conversation.

step 2 presentation

1 ask more able students,

2  ask students to look at part a (p53)and explain that they are famous people  .

 and then get students to write the correct words under the picture

3 go around the class to check that students have written the correct letters.

4 ask more able students to think of other famous people

5  read the list of words in part b and check that students understand their meanings.

6 on the bb, write. language points

step 3  homework

1 learn the language points by heart.

2  preview the reading part.




step1  .revision

1 review key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. tell the class about a famous people ,a famous astronaut

step2  presentation (reading a)

1 divide the class into three groups and allocate one article to each group. while students skim the text on their own, ask them to underline the words they do not know. then go through the words students have underlined.

2 on the bb, write the headings. ask each group to go through again and find words or expressions to match each heading. invite students from each group to come forward and write their words and expressions under the correct heading.11页,当前第81234567891011

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3 write some questions on the bb for students to copy in their books.


step3  presentation (reading b)

1 explain the context and check that students understand the text . then  complete  part b1 in p56. ask students to answer the them .

2 ask students to do part b1 on their own.encourage students to check their answer with a partner. then ask students to read out at a time.

3 explain part b2 and ask students to find each description in the corresponding letter. ask more able students to briefly describe

step 4  presentation (reading c)

1 divide the class into teams of 4-5 students. do part c1 as a quiz. set a time limit.

2  ask students to correct the false sentences.

3 explain the context of part c2 and check that students understand the idea .accept all reasonable answers,.

step 5

 language points (part a)

learn language points

step6 homework

1 learn the language points by heart.

2  preview the vocabulary & grammar  part.




step 1  presentation (grammar part a)

1 tell students that a defining relative clause identifies the noun before it . explain that we can not take  it out of a sentence because it contains important information . we can use “who “ “which “ or “that” in defining relative clause .read the examples on the page and invite students to think of more examples.

2 .read part a

step2  presentation (grammar part b)

1 it is a good idea to use examples of defining relative clause ,

2 add one or two students to elicit examples with defining relative clause.

3 ask students to complete in part b1 on their own.

4  ask students to complete in part b2 on their own.


5  ask students to complete the sentences in part b3 on their own and compare answers with partner. check answers orally with the class.

6.get them to act out part b3

step 4  language points

step5 do some exersices

fill in the blanks with who , whom ,which, whose, or that.

1. a clock is a machine ________ tells people the time.

2. a nurse is a person ________ looks after people who are ill.

3. the house ________ he is looking for is very expensive.

4. he is the person _____________ i met in the park yesterday.

5. can you help me find the person ________ saved the girl ?

6. she is the engineer _______ work is considered to be the best here.

7. the team ________ won the basketball match is from no.27 middle school.

8. i have lost the watch _________ my father gave to me two years ago.11页,当前第91234567891011

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

9. the person _____ designs were the best was mr. king.

correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. i met the lady in the park which showed us how to cook dumplings.

2. he has two sons, all of whom are doctors.

3. the watches which was repaired last week have not been sent back.

4. jane evans is a famous doctor, to that the president is talking.

5. the student who’s father works in your company is sitting at the end of the classroom.

6. she is the girl whom was praised the other day.

7. she can’t tell the reason where she sold the watch.

8. the foreign tourists said that hang-zhou was the most beautiful city which they had ever seen.

9. this book, that only appeared a year ago, has been translated into english.

10. july 7,1937 is a day when the chinese people and the japanese people will never forget.

choose the best answer

1. this is the mountain village __we visited the other day.

a. which   b. in which  c. where   d. when

2. a child __ parents are dead is called an orphan.

a. which  b. his   c. whose   d. with

3. she thought i was talking about her daughter, ___ , in fact, i was talking about my daughter.

a. whom   b. where   c. which   d. while

4. the gentleman ___ you told me yesterday was a thief.

a. who   b. about whom   c. whom   d. with whom

5. the doctor ___ is leaving for africa next month.

a. the nurse is talking to him    b. whom the nurse is talking

c. whom the nurse is talking to   d. who the nurse is talking

6. all __ is needed is a supply of oil.

a. the thing   b. that   c. what   d. which

7. finally, the thief handed everything ___ he had stolen to the police.

a. which   b. what   c. whatever   d. that

8. a chemist’s shop is a shop ___ sells medicine.

a. who   b. which   c. where   d. in which

9. the students ___ do not study hard will not pass the examination.

a. /   b. who   c. which   d. they

10. he told us about the things and persons ____ he met during his staying in england.

a. which and who   b. which   c. who   d. that`

step 6  homework

1 learn the language points by heart.

2  preview the integrated  skills  part.



integrated skills



九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

step1 presentation (integrated skills a)

1 get students to  read part a1 and then do the execises

2 invite students to talk about marie curie.

3 play the recording. students listen carefully and complete the sentenes with  correct words in part a3.

4 ask students to read out.

read the completed text to check the correct answers.

5 play the recording for part a3 and ask students to complete. go through on page 65 again. read the completed text.

step2  presentation (integrated skills b)

1 close the books and listen to me while i read the conversation. ask students to repeat the sentences as they hear them.

2 ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles.

step3  language points


1 learn the language points by heart.

2  preview the study skills, main task & checkout  part.




step1  presentation (pronunciation)

1 ask more able students what they want to find out when they read. write ‘stress ’ on the bb  underline the particular syllables.and put the stress in the right place .

3 ask more able students to underline particular syllables

5  tell students to read them again,.

step2  language points (pronunciation)


main task


step1  presentation (main task)

1 explain the context of entering a writing competition of a great person . if possible, find out about similar writing.

2  sk students to look at amy’s notes in part a.

3 remind students that when we take notes, we don’t need to write in complete sentences--- we just need to write down the keywords.

4  encourage students to use a variety of words to avoid repetition.

5 ask students to read daniel’s article in part b on their own. then ask general questions to check comprehension.

6 ask students to write a a great person using their notes in part b,amy’s article as a model and the plan in part c.

step2  language points (main task)




step1  presentation (checkout)

1 tell students that they will be able to check their use of who which or that., a defining relative clause they have learned in the unit by doing part a.

2 ask students to read through it and complete the conversation.

3 tell students that they need to select the correct words to fit the context of the sentences in the diary entry in part b. set a time limit.

step2  language points (checkout)

step3  homework

1 learn the language points by heart.

2 preview unit 2.


上一篇:中考英语复习学案(八下7--8单元) 下一篇:九年级英语上册module 11导学案