
九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题


九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

unit  7

comic strips






above adv 在…上方

chance n. 机会

finish n. 结束,结局,终止

fool n. 愚蠢的人,傻子   vt. 捉弄,愚弄

interest n. 兴趣

joke n. 玩笑  vt.开玩笑

line  n. 线条

pale  adj. 苍白的

search for 搜查,搜寻

shout  n. v. 叫,喊

shut .关,闭

shut up 住口,停止说话

speech  n. 演讲

subject n.科目,主语

text  n. 正文,课文

wonder n.奇观   v. 想知道

worried  adj. 担心的,忧虑的

wide adj.宽的

view  景色,观点

in one’s view 依某人之见

come across 偶遇,不期而遇

on page 97  在97页

think of /about  考虑

be made into  被制成

add…to….  把…加到…

return sb. sth. =return sth to sb. 把某物归还给某人

the first thing to do   第一件要做的事

keep the readers interested  保持读者感兴趣

an escape from the zoo  动物园的逃跑事件

it needs to be funny. 必须要有趣。

be full of =be filled with  充满

something new   一些新的东西

in each picture   在每幅画中

come across  偶遇

come to life 苏醒过来

in each picture 在每一副画中

search (a place) for sth/sb. 搜寻某物/某人


candle 蜡烛



affair n 事件,事务

affect v.影响,感动

anger 生气,愤怒

appeal v. 呼吁,恳求

bad-tempered adj. 坏脾气的

bluish  adj. 有点蓝的

border n.边,边界,国界

bubble n. 气泡,水泡,泡

burst out 迸发,突然发作

cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋

chief   n. 长官,首领

come to life 复活,苏醒

crash n. v. 撞坏,坠毁

differ v. 不同,不象,相异

dip pen  蘸水笔

droop v. 低垂,下垂

droopy adj. 低垂的,下垂的

stand on end 直立,树立

exaggerate  v. 夸张,夸大

excitement n. 激动,兴奋,刺激

eyebrow  n. 眉毛

forehead  n.额头,前部

former adj. 以前的,从前的

frame n. 框架,构架

frown v. 皱眉

guide-line n. 指导线

headquarter n. 总部,司令部

idiot  n. 白痴,傻瓜

kidnap  v. 拐骗,绑架

kidnapper  n. 拐骗者,绑架者

knot  n. 节

life jacket 救生衣

meanwhile adv. 与此同时

nib  n. 钢笔尖,尖端

outline  n. 轮廓;大纲,提纲

overturn v. 颠覆,打倒,打翻

partner n. 伙伴

personality n. 性格,人格,品格

plot  n.  情节,结构

roller-skates  n. 溜冰鞋,旱冰鞋

round-the-world trip 环球旅行

scenery n. 风景

script 手迹,手稿,副本

sideways adv.向一旁,向侧面地

skydiving  n. 跳伞运动

sound-effect  声音效果

spice n. 香料,调味品

strip  n. 连环漫画,带,条

thought n.思考,想法,思想

thoughtful  adj. 沉思的,细心的

tick n. (钟表)滴答声

at times  有时

tinkle n. 叮当响

tough adj. 强硬的,粗暴的

varied adj. 多变的,各种各样的

variety  n.变化,多样性,种类16页,当前第112345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

vary  v. 改变, 变化

wary  adj. 波形的,起伏的

wink  v. 眨眼

yacht  n. 游艇,快艇


yawn  v. 打哈欠                          skillful  adj. 熟练的;灵巧的

admire  v. 赞美,赞赏,钦佩               light (lit,lit) v. 点燃

walking stick  拐杖



1.wise adj. 聪明的,有智慧的    wisdom  n. 智慧, 才智

2.choice  n. 选择               choose  v. 挑选

3.professor n. 教授              professional  adj. 专业的;职业的

4.foolish adj. 愚蠢的             fool  n. 愚蠢的人 vt. 愚弄,作弄   

5.wide adj.  宽的                widen v. 拓宽  widely adv. 广泛地

6.speech  n. 演讲               speak  v.说,讲 (spoke spoken )

speaker n. 说话者

7.wonder  n. 奇观               wonderful  极好的

8.worry  n. v. 担忧              worried  adj. 担忧的

9.  science  n.  科学              scientist n. 科学家   scientific adj. 科学的

10. invent  vt. 创造,发明           invention  n. 创造,发明  inventor n. 发明家

11. read  v  读                   reader    n.  读者

12. act  v. 扮演,演出            action  n.行动,行为,(小说等的)情节

                                actor n. 男演员  actress  n. 女演员

                                activity  n. 活动16页,当前第212345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

13. interest n. 兴趣                interesting  adj. 有趣的;有意思的

                                interested   adj. 感兴趣的

14. full adj.  充满的               fill vt. 把。。。装满

15. boring adj. 使人乏味的         bored adj. 感到乏味的,无聊的

提高篇( 斜体字为考纲单词)

1.  anger  n. 生气,愤怒       angry  adj. 生气的

2.affect   v. 影响,感动       effect n. 效果

3.differ  v. 不同,不象,相异  different  adj. 不同的 difference n. 不同之处

4.person  n. 人               personal  adj. 个人的 

 personality  n. 性格,人格,品格

5.vary  v. 改变,变化         various adj. 不同的

 variety  n. 变化,多样性,种类

6.scenery  n. 风景,景色      scenic  adj. 景色优美的    scene  n.  现场

7.kidnap  v. 拐骗,绑架       kidnapper  拐骗者,绑架者

8.head  n. 头,头部          ahead adv. 在前     heading  n. 标题

9.think   v. 思考             thought n.思考,想法,思想

thoughtful  adj. 沉思的,细心的

 thoughtless adj. 考虑不周的

10. blue  n. 蓝色  adj. 蓝色的   bluish adj.  带蓝色的,有点蓝的

11. drama n. 戏剧              dramatic adj. 戏剧性的,激动人心的

12. explain v. 解释              explanation n. 解释


be full of       be filled with

text           written words

*scenery        natural landscape

*differ          vary

*come across    communicate ideas well

*affair          case, event16页,当前第312345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

*headquarter     place where all the leaders work

*variety         differences, change

*personality      character

*plot           the main events in a story

*strip           a long, narrow piece of pictures



1、 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常放在被修饰词前面作定语。

he is a clever boy.  

i saw a wonderful film last night.

2、 放在系动词的后面作表语,常用系动词有:be,seem,look(看上去),taste, smell,feel,sound, grow, get(变得) , turn(变得), become(变得)


例如,would you like something hot to drink?


   make/keep/find sb/sth + adj.  

  * think/make/find + it +adj. + to do sth.

      we'll try our best to make our school beautiful.

      i think it impossible to finish the work in two days.


例如,how long is the river? it’s about two hundred metres long


7、只能用作定语,不能用作表语的形容词:little,wooden ,golden,many,elder, 16-year-old

不能说the boy is little。the watch is golden/wooden/woolen

8、形容词短语放在名词之后    a basket full of apples

9.“it’s +adj.+(of+sb.)+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”


例如,it’s very kind of you to help me.(=you are very kind to help me.)你能帮助我,真好

it’s very rude of her to say such words.

=she is very rude to say such words. 她说这样的话,真粗鲁

it’s foolish of him to go alone.

=he is foolish to go alone.他单独出去太傻了



例如,it’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language.16页,当前第412345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

=to learn a foreign language is not easy for them.

it’ exciting to read comics.

=comics are exciting to read.

10. the +adj表示一类人,是复数

the rich should help the poor.

the blind /wounded/young/old

11. 貌似副词的形容词:lonely独自的;friendly友好的;lively生动的;lovely可爱的

12.  fun可做形容词,表示“有趣的”,在it sounds fun 中是做形容词,相当于interesting


                       chapter 7 comic strips

i. choose the best answer

1. how wonderful the idea _________.

a. sounds          b. listens          c. hears            d. listens to

2.the long journey was_________ and we were all __________.

  a. pleased, pleasant  b. pleasure, pleased  c. pleased, pleasure  d. pleasant, pleased

3.the garden _____ flowers of different colours and shapes in spring.

  a. fill with         b. fill              c. is full of         d. full of

4.it’s kind ____ you to help me with my housework.

  a. for              b. /                c. of             d. like

5.this kind of skirt looks __________ and sells _________.

  a. nice, well         b. nice, good        c. well, well       d. good, nice

6. there is ____ in our classroom.

  a. light enough       b. enough light      c. bright enough    d. enough light

7.people waste _____ water every day.

  a. a large number of   b. a huge amount of  c. many           d. quite a lot

8.i s there _____ in today’s newspaper?

  a. exciting anything   b. anything exciting  c. exciting something d. something exciting16页,当前第512345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

9. it’s ________ to go skating in winter.

  a. fun               b. funny           c. funs            d. a fun

10.the music sounds _________.

   a. beautiful           b. beautifully       c. wonderfully     d. well

11. page 5 is read as _____.

   a. page five          b. page fifth         c. page the five    d. page the fifth

12. the boy is __________.

   a. eleven year old     b. eleven-year-old    c. eleven years old  d. eleven-year old

13. the river is ________ .

   a. twenty meters wide                     b. wide twenty meters

c. twenty-meter wide                     d. wide twenty-meter

14. my friend xiao li came to thank and _____ the money i lent him last week.

   a. returned back     b. returned to          c. returned      d. return

15. i’m sorry! i have ______ for a long time.

   a. to keep you waiting  b. kept you waiting   c. kept you      d. you kept waiting

16. it is a waste of your time _______.

   a. to explain it to him                     b. explain it to him

  c. explaining it to him                     d. explaining him it

17. the _____ from which the photos were taken was about 20,000 metres.

  a. high              b. hight             c. height        d. tall

18. you can see steam _____ from the wet clothes if you hang them near a fire in winter.

  a. raising            b. rising             c. rise          d. raise16页,当前第612345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

19. no one knows ________ the meeting will be held or not next week.

  a. where             b. weather           c. whether       d. if

20. _____ important advice you gave them!

   a. what              b. what an          c. how an        d. how

21. we found  _______ to us.

   a. it use              b. it useful           c. it be useful    d. useful

22. i have finished _______the tape.

   a. hearing             b. listening to         c. to hear       d. to listen to

23. please help ________ to make a cake, will you?

   a. you                b. yourself           c. i             d. me

24. what did you have ______ lunch today?

   a. in                  b. for                c. with         d. though

25. my grandpa _______ taking a walk after supper.

   a. like                 b. would like          c. used to      d. got used to

26. after the heavy rain, the water in the river _______ 3 inches.

   a. raised               b. rose                c. was raised   d. was risen

27. i hear walking on the moon is like jumping and flying. it must be ______.

   a. a great fun            b. very fun           c. great fun     d. great funs16页,当前第712345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

28. water _________ electricity partly.

   a. likes                b. is like               c. like        d is liking

29. mrs zhang, as well as her husband and daughter, ______ hongkong.

    a. is going to                              b. are going to     

    c. will going to                            d. were going to

30.  my hometown is no longer _____ it used to be.

    a. what           b. which                c. in which     d. in that

31. he gave his seat to a woman _____ a baby in her arm.

    a. with           b. for                  c. take         d. carry

32. please add some sugar ________ the milk.

    a. to             b. in                   c. on          d. with

33. the man was sleepy, he ____ his pockets ____  a cigarette.

    a. searched, around                        b. searched, for

    c. searched, after                           d. searched, with

34. how happy the old friends were ______ each other!

    a. to see          b. seeing                c. see          d. saw16页,当前第812345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

35. in the rainy season, the sun ______ every day.

    a. can’t be seen   b. can’t see it           c. can’t see     d. can see

36. we’ll leave for beijing ______ the end of this week _____ early next week.

    a. at, or           b. at, and                c. in, or        d. in, and

37. i didn’t like the fish. it smells _______.

    a. well            b. good                c. bad           d. badly

38. could you tell me ______?

    a. when he has gone                        b. why did you look worried

    c. what’s wrong with your leg               d. whom are you looking for

39. the medicine ________ cool, clean and dry.

    a. must keep        b. must be kept         c. must be carried  d. must be in

40. i didn’t know ______ during the weekend

   a. what is she busy with                      b. what she was busy with

   c. what was she busy with                    d. how was she busy with

ii. fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.

1. the palace museum shows the __________ of chinese people. (wise)

2. do i have any other _________?(choose)

3. ________ (professional) wang is going to give us a ________(speak) on ufo.

4. it’s ____________ of you to say so?(fool)

5. do you know the seven _____________ in the world?(wonderful)

6. the road will be ________________ next year. (wide)

7. he always ___________about his young daughter.(worried)

8. computer is the greatest ___________ in the 20th century.(invent)

9. we have a lot of after school _______________.(act)16页,当前第912345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

10. he is one of the most famous _______________ in the world. (science)

11. this magazine has a number of __________(read)

12. zhao wei is an great __________ among teenagers.(act)

13. the boy in white is very _________ in class. (act)

14. chinese has the most _______________ in the world. (speak)

15. the bottle is _________(fill) of water.

16. he is an ________  boy. he always take an _______ part in all the _______.(action)

17. thank you for your _________(speak)

18. “my name is li hua,”the boy introduced __________ (he)

19. jack did the experiment carefully, but failed. his mother encouraged him to do it a         

____time. (three)

20. i want to be a _________ footballer in the future. (professor)

iii. choose the word or expression which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence

a. improve   b. had better  c. wants  

d. be filled with   e. not expensive

1. it should be full of action to keep the readers interested.

2. some of the things are cheap.

3. the fox would like to hear the crow sing.

4. simon goes to a language school to make his spoken chinese better.

a. written words b. characters   c. request 

d. communicate ideas well  e. lively happening(s)

1. the advertisement consists of a picture of a car and some text describing its special features.

2. kevin and kate don’t get along because their personalities are so different.

3. we had a very exciting holiday. every day was full of action.

4. he’s a good speaker. the main points in his speech come across very clearly.

iv. change the sentences as required

1. cartoons are exciting to watch. (不变句意)

__________ exciting  _______  watch cartoons.

2. the boy got up to late to catch the early bus. (不变句意)

the boy got up _________ late that he _________ catch the early bus.

the boy _________ get up early ________ to catch the early bus.

3. he stayed at home last night. he didn’t go to the cinema. (不变句意)

he stayed at home _________ ________ ________ to the cinema last night.

4. to go skating in winter is very interesting.

________ interesting _________ go skating in winter. (不变句意)

5. we tell the story mainly in the picture. (改为被动语态)

the story ________ _________ mainly in the picture.

6. we can leave some frames without borders. (改为被动语态)

some frames can ________ _______ without borders.16页,当前第1012345678910111213141516

九年级英语Unit 7 Comic strips知识点及练习题

7. they left. they didn’t say goodbye.

they left _______ _______ goodbye.

8. i drew the picture with a dip pen.

________ _________ you _______ the picture.

9. the students’ life looks exciting.

________ does the students’ life look ________?

10. will he leave for paris next week? his friend wanted to know. (宾语从句)

his friend wanted to know ______ he _____ leave for paris next week.

11. there is little ink in the bottle, _______ _______?(反意疑问句)

12. he didn’t walk there. instead he took a bus there. (不变句意)

he took a bus there _______ of _________there.

13. china will send a satellite to the mars in two years.

_______ _______ will china send a satellite to the mars?

14.  our teacher went to hong kong to attend a conference.

    ______ _____ your teacher go to hong kong?

15.  she asked, “why is the boy unhappy?” (宾语从句)

she asked _______ the boy _____ unhappy.

16. you’d better do more exercise, _______ ________?(反意疑问句)

17.  we often see her father wait for her at the school gate.

her father _____ often _____ to wait for her at the school gate. (改为被动语态)

18. don’t leave the sitting room. the door isn’t closed.

don’t leave the sitting room _____ the door _____ closed. (不变句意)

19. both you and he like reading detective stories.(否定句)

______ you nor he ______ reading detective stories.

20.  jack has collected a lot of information about birds.

     ______ ______ _____ information has jack colleted?


a. we cooked all our meals on open fire and ate outside.

b. did you do anything special during the weekend?

c. we got up at 4:30, left at 5:00 and arrived here at 9:00.

d. i just stayed in and watched tv.

e. i’d like to play with my classmates.

f. where did you stay?

g. yes, they were great.

h. did you enjoy your holiday in the country?

i. the sun shone nearly every day and it didn’t rain once.

m:  morning, alice. _______1.______

w:  yes, thanks. we had a great time. and some friends went with us.

m:  ______2_____ in a hotel?

w:  no, we camped in the mountains near snowdown. ____3_____

m:  sounds wonderful. was the weather good?

w:  _____4______

m:  did you like the people there?

w:  _____5______ we met some farmers and had tea in their houses.

m:  when did you get back? last night?

w:  no, you might think we were mad, we came back this morning. ___6____ i’m so tired. what about you, steven?  ______7_____16页,当前第1112345678910111213141516

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