
中考一轮复习新目标英语八年级(下)(Units 1-2)


中考一轮复习新目标英语八年级(下)(Units 1-2)

中考一轮复习新目标英语八年级(下)(units 1-2)


i 词组

1) fall in love with 爱上(某人和某物

2) the same as与…同样

3) keep out不让… 进入

4) 和某人相处得好get on well with

5) argue with sb. about sth. 就某事于某人谈论

6) come true实现 

7) out of style不时髦的,过时的

8) call sb. up打电话给(某人)

9) pay for付。。。帐

10) compare with/to对比。比较

11) on the one hand;on the other hand(在)一方面…在另一方面

12) fit … into找到时间(做某事)

13) as … as possible尽可能

 ii 句型1 will there be fewer trees in the future ? no, there won’t .


2 what’s wrong?=what’s the matter ?  怎么了?

3 what should i do ? you could write him a letter .

我该做什么? 你可以给他写信

基础知识   i 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. mothers’ day is coming. i _________(buy) a gift for my mother.

2. everyone else _______(be) at the party last sunday except______(i)

3. shall we invite the alien _______(see) harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban?

4. mr. wang told us ________(work) hard for a brighter future..

5. i was at the ________(doctor) from 9:00-9:30 on saturday morning.


(  ) 1we can see ______ stars at night if there sre no clouds in th e sky. a thousand of    b thousands of   c a thousand

(  ) 2she doesn’t want to talk ______it ______the phone.  

a. over, about   b. with, on  c. about, on    d. to, over

(  )3 the students found ________ difficult to work out the maths problems .

    a that   b it    c one   d this

(  ) 4 tell your friend _______buy the same clothes as you do. 

 a. don’t   b. not   c. not to d. don’t to

(  )5 there will be even_______ pressure in 10 years. 

  a. little   b. few   c. more   d. fewer

(  )6 there will be _______ healthy food in the future because of

 all kinds of pollution .

    a fewer  b less   c much    d more

(  ) 7there _______a personal computer in his or her home .

    a is going to have   b will have  

c is going to be  d are going to be

(  )8 _____ do you think jane will be in 2020? ---- she will be a famous nurse.    a who   b what   c how   d when

(  )9---with the mac hine , we  can do the work with ______ money and _______ people .----that sounds wonderful 3页,当前第1123

中考一轮复习新目标英语八年级(下)(Units 1-2)

      a less, fewer  b fewer,less c fewer, fewer   d les, less  

(  )10 my father got really _______me because i ________my physics test.

a. angrily with, passed b. angry with, failed  

c. angrily at , passed    d. angrily at, failed.


1 there will be fewer cars twenty years from now.(一般疑问句并做否定回答)

  ______ there _____ fewer cars twenty years from now.? no,_________ _______

2he seemed to know the whole thing同意句改写)

 ______ ______ that he knew the whole thing

3  there won’t be as much pollution in the future as now .(同意句改写)

there will _______ _______ ____________ in the future than now

4 the teacher is so kind that all the students like her . 同意句改写)

she is _____ a kind teacher ______ all the students like her .

5 most people will never use telephones.(改为被动语态)  

telephones will never _______ ________ ________most people. 

6 it’s bad for your health to play the cds too loud. (同义改写)

_______ the cds too loud ______ bad for your health.


1明天的天气将会如何?___will the weather___ __ tomorrow?

2 我的好朋友的生活方式和我一样。my friend has ______ _______ life style ____ i do.

3 孩子们直到找到了问题的答案才上床睡觉。the children __  go to bed __ they _____ _____the answer to this problem.


 it’s important for us to _____ _______ _______ ______ others .


 for parents , don’ t ______ too much _____ your kids’lives.

6 你越仔细,犯的错误会越少_____   _______ careful you are , _________  ________ mistakes you will make .


(   ) 1school  ____ allow students at least one hour a day for sports .(安徽)

      a would  b could c should  d might

(  ) 2 our family bought a car so we can travel ______ than before .

      a most easily  b less easily  c easily  d more easily

(  )  3 –when _______ the students ______ to national art nuseum of china ? --after they finish their classes this afternoon.

     a did, go   b will go   c do, go

(  )4 – where _____ the world expo (世博会 )  _______?--- in shnaghai . 

a does; hold  b is ,  held   c will, be held   d will, hold

(   )5can you imagine that _____ little ants can carry ______ many big worms ?3页,当前第2123

中考一轮复习新目标英语八年级(下)(Units 1-2)

      a so, so   b such, such  c such, so   d so, such

(   )6 –i hear that li zhongtian will come to wuhanand give a ta lk.

       -really? do you know _________?(安徽芜湖)

a what will he talk about    b what will he give a talk

c how will he come        d when he will come 

7 _______  _____ _______ like this radio advice program.(同义改写)

it seems that everyone likes this radio advice program..

8 他 过去玩电脑游戏的时间太多,结果对学习不感兴趣了。 

he  _______  _____ much time in _____ __ computer games that he wasn’t interested in his lessons

9 下周我要去香港度假, 我想我一定会很快爱上这个城市。

next week i’ll ______ _______ hong kong _____ _______and i think i ______ _____ ______ _______ ______ it soon .

10  50年后世界会是什么样子?_____ _____ the world ______ _ _____ ________ 50 years ?

11  你同意这儿有更多地污染的说法吗?do you ______   there ______ ______ ______ ____________ here ?

12 下周你能穿得更随意些吗?

will you ____ _____ ______  ________ ________ ________?

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