
Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness


Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

                   unit 7 the rewards of kindness


一. 教学内容:

       unit 7 the rewards of kindness lesson 3 and lesson 4


二. 重点、难点:








the rewards of kindness

       once upon a time an orphan named charity lived in a fine house with a wicked old woman and her mean daughter. they were cruel to charity, making her work hard day and night.

       one day, they sent charity to the market with only a tiny piece of bread for lunch. on the way, charity passed under a bridge where she saw an ugly old beggar.

       “i have had nothing to eat for days,” the old beggar said.

       charity gave him her small piece of bread. suddenly, he turned into a wizard.

       “your kindness will be rewarded,” he said. “everything you touch will turn to gold.”

       charity reached down and touched a stone with her finger. it turned to gold.

       later, when the wicked woman and her daughter saw the gold stone, they demanded to know where it came from. charity told them about the wizard.

       “where is he?” they asked.

       “under the bridge,” replied charity.

       the next morning, the wicked woman and her daughter packed a fine lunch of bread, cheese, and meat, and they went to the bridge. when they got there, they searched for the wizard, but they only found the ugly old beggar.

       “i have had nothing to eat for days,” he said.

       “get away from us!” the wicked woman shouted.

       they pushed the beggar and he turned into the wizard.

       “you selfish women,” the wizard said, “for this, you shall be punished. everything you touch will turn to stone.”

       the mother tried to hug her daughter, but when they touched each other, they turned to stone. after that, charity didn’t have to work hard and lived happily ever after.3页,当前第1123

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

       what is this story mostly about?

       a. gold.                 b. kindness.                  c. honesty.                   d. magic.


       forming opinions: what do you think?

       a. guided writing

  1. a student writes her opinion of the story. help her finish it by choosing the best sentences to go in the blanks.

       (a) so i think it pays to be kind and hurts to be selfish.

       (b) the lesson of this story is that charity is rewarded and selfishness is punished.

       (c) in contrast, people who are caring are rewarded with more happiness.

the rewards of kindness

       (1) _______________________________ i think this is a very important lesson. sometimes it seems that selfish people are very successful. they have good jobs, nice houses, and lots of money. it would seem that these people are being rewarded for being selfish. but i don’t think these people are really happy. selfish people are not well-liked because they think only about themselves. they don’t know the joy of helping people. therefore, even if they look successful on the outside, they are probably not happy on the inside. (2) ___________________ these people have better relationships and feel good about themselves. (3) _________________

  2. fill in the blank with the best word.

       this student believes that generous people are __________.

       a. not successful           b. rewarded           c. punished            d. not well-liked

       b. exchanging your ideas

       i think …              i feel …         i’m against …               it depends ….3页,当前第2123

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

  1. why do you think the mother and daughter were cruel to charity?

  2. why do you think the wizard pretended to be a beggar?

  3. the power to turn things to gold would be a bad power to have. what is your opinion?

       in my opinion…            i believe…             i don’t think ….            because ….



  1. what a hard __________?

       a. work                b. job                    c. jobs



  2. everything __________ you touch will turn to stone.

       a. that                   b. which               c. what



  3. i want to go ____________ else.

       a. somewhere               b. to somewhere                  c. some places

       解析:选a。somewhere是副词,go somewhere中间不可加to;some places前要加to,即go to some places,但其后不可用else。


  4. he studies hard _________.

       a. every day                 b. everyday                  c. a and b

       解析:选a。everyday是形容词,“日常的”,如this is my everyday life.这是我日常的生活。


上一篇:新目标初中英语词组全集7-9年级5 下一篇:九年级英语第三单元Unit 3 Section B学案