



  early in the 21st century         在21世纪初

22.including sth                    包括某事

23.create sth                       创造某物

24.be made from               由...制成<不>

   be made of                 由...制成<能>

25.on a hard wooden floor 在一个坚硬的木制地板上

26.knock into sb                    撞上某人

   knock at the door                    敲门

27.divide sth into              把...分成...部分

28.the aim of sth                    ...的目标

29.get/throw a ball into the basket 把球投入篮筐

   a basket of apples               一篮苹果

30.a metal hoop                  一个金属环

31.be shot                           被射死

32.tour guide                          导游

33.move/run towards         朝...方向移动/跑

34.a developping country      一个发展中国家

  a developped country         一个发达国家

35.the popularity of                 ...的流行

36.rise worldwide         引起全世界广泛传播

37.nba=national basketball association


38.equip sth with sth              用...来装备

39.in 1891                        在1891年27页,当前第1123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


   in the 1891s              在19世纪90年代

40.have a history class          上一节历史课

41.a friend of mine             我的一个朋友

  some partners of mine        我的一些伙伴

42.hand--held calculators          手提计算器

43.play indoors                    在户内玩

44.create a game               发明一种游戏

45.the safety of                     ...的安全

46.fall down                           跌倒

47.it's believed that                 人们相信

   it's heard that                  人们听说

   it's said that                        据说

   it's thought that                 人们认为

48.travel around china              游览中国                   

49.since then                     自从那以后

50.notice sth                          注意..

51.the number of                    ...的数字 

  a number of sth = many               许多    

52.dream about of doing sth        梦想做某事27页,当前第2123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


53.much-loved and active sport 深受人们喜爱的运动 

54.a doctor called/named…     一个叫...的医生

55.be born in /on                     出生于

56.the first basketball game in history


57.take park in                         参加

58.in the dark                      在黑暗中  

59.change the style of sth         改变...的风格 

60.from casual to dressy         从休闲到正式    

61.in a bad mood =be moody         心情糟糕

62.not...until                       直到...才

63.be discovered                      被发现   

64.oven on open fire            在篝火上的炉


by the time i got outside ,

the bus had already left .

1.by the time                        到..时候

2.go off                                闹响

3.run off/run away                  跑掉 离开

4.on time                               准时

5.break down                           损坏

6.show up                         出席 露面

7.april fool's day                     愚人节27页,当前第3123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


8.set off                           激起 引起

9.get married                           结婚

10.a piece of                       一片 一块

11.qomolangma mountain          珠穆朗玛峰

12.by mistake                 错误的,失误的

   by the time                      到...时候

13.he often oversleeps            他经常睡过头

14.the alarm clock went off just now.  刚才闹钟响了

15.rush at sb                      朝某人冲奔

   rush out of                    冲出…地方

16.on time                            准时

   in time                            及时

17.the door is locked.              门被锁上了

18.break out                  爆发火灾/能量

19.feel/be/get exhausted=feel stressed out 筋疲力尽

20.announce sth / that从句           宣布某事

  flowers announce that spring is coming .


21.convince sb of sth          使某人相信某事

22.set off                              激起

  set off=set out                   出发/起程27页,当前第4123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


23.reveal a hoax                揭露一个谎言

24.flee-fled-fled                        逃离                                           

  flee from + 地点               从某地逃离

  flee away                       逃离/逃跑

25.marry sb=get/be married to sb     和某人结婚

26.ask sb to marry sb                   求婚

27.in one's forties           在某人的四十多岁

28.have a happy ending        有个美好的结局

   have a sad ending          有个悲伤的结局

29.feel embarrassed                 感觉尴尬

   an embarrassing thing        一件尴尬的事

30.get up                              起床

31.fall asleep                           睡着

32.look stressed out            看上去筋疲力尽

33.have a bad morning         有个糟糕的早上

34.first of all                           首先

35.get in the shower                     洗澡

   =go into the bathroom                洗澡

   get out of the shower                洗完澡27页,当前第5123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


   take a quick show              洗一个快澡

36.get dressed                          穿衣

37.run all the way to school       一路跑向学校

38.no wonder                          难怪

39.run back to school                跑回学校

40.get outside                          出去

41.get to school                     到达学校

42.leave one's sth at +地点   把某人的某物落在某地

43.make it (to sth)                 来的及某事

 1)the train will arrive at 10:15.

i think we'll make it.    及时赶到/到达目的

 2)we've almost made it .       我们几乎成功了


 3)keep on and you'll make it.    坚持就会成功

 4)i think we should make it another time. 约时间                                                         44.be late for school                 上学迟到

45.come very close              来的非常紧凑

   be close to sb                  与某人亲密                                                      46.wait for sb                       等待某人27页,当前第6123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


47.come out                        出版/出来

48.run off to                     迅速离开去

49.start doing sth                 开始做某事

50.in one's car=by car                   乘车

51.give sb a ride              顺便载某人一程

52.the final bell                   最后的铃声

53.invite sb to do sth           邀请某人做某事

54.stay up late                    熬夜到很迟

55.april fool                           傻瓜

56.costume party                   服装派对

57.fool sb                          愚弄某人

58.happen to sb               发生在某人身上

59.change the clock to an hour earlier       


60.stay up all night studying          熬夜学习

61.a radio program             一个广播节目

62.land on the earth               在地球着陆

63.move across                         穿过

64.so convinced that…         如此确信以致…

65.hundreds of                     成百上千

   thousands of                    成千上百27页,当前第7123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


66.across the whole country      遍及整个城市

67.in england                     在英格兰

68.no more                            不再

69.stop doing sth                 停止做某事

70.run to the local supermarket 跑去当地的超市

71.across the country               整个城市

72.tv star                        电视明星

73.invit sb onto one's show   邀请sb上sb的节目

74.be thrilled                      非常兴奋

75.want to do sth                想做某事

76.lose both a and b             失去a和b


could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?

1. hang out                           闲荡

2. water slide                       水滑道

3.  dress up                           盛装

3. hand in                           上交

4. buy/sell shampoo               买/卖香波

5. drugstore/book store            药店/书店

furniture store                   家具店

music store                      音乐吧

6. department store                百货商场27页,当前第8123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


7. chinese education department 中国教育部

=the education department of china 

8. hang out with sb              和某人闲荡

9. fresh air /milk/meat      新鲜空气/牛奶/肉

10. be uncrowded/crowded      不拥挤的/拥挤

11. dress up                           装饰

get dressed                       穿衣服

dress oneself               给自己穿衣服

12. lend sb sth=lend sth to sb          借sb.sth

borrow sth from sb            向sb 借sth

13. no parking .                   不要停车

14. no wonder                         难怪

15. (n.)trouble=problem/matter/difficulty  问题          

what’s the trouble?          有什么问题?

have some trouble (in) doing sth  有困难做sth

take some trouble to sb      给sb带去麻烦

=take sb some trouble

trouble(v.) sb                    麻烦sb

16. offend sb                        冒犯sb

17. hand out=give out                   分发

18. buy some stamps              买一些邮票

19. post office                       邮电局

20. on center street              在中心街道

21. on main street               在主要街道27页,当前第9123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


22.go past the bank=pass the bank /+n. 经过银行

come by=go by (不及物)               经过

23.on the left/right(of)        在…的左边/右边

24.save money                         存钱

25.on the second floor                 在二楼

26.between…and…                 在…之间

next to                        在…旁边

in front of                在…前面(外部)

in the front of             在…前面(内部)

across from                    在…对面

27.go out of the front door           走出前门

28.take a right=turn right              向右转

   turn right onto oak street

walk about three blocks   走大约3个街区

29.in watertown                     在水镇

30.take a vacation                      度假

31.the world’s largest water slide  世界最大的水滑道

32.rock band                      摇滚乐队

33.dress up as clowns             打扮成小丑

34.both …and…            …与…都(两者都)

35.take dance lessons                上舞蹈课

36.on the beach                      在沙滩

37.sports museum                体育博物馆27页,当前第10123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627


science museum              科学博物馆

history museum              历史博物馆

38.exchange a for b                 用a换b

39. take the escalator to the second floor


40 look for                            寻找

  look at                            朝…看

41. go straight ahead              一直往前走

   go up/down                    向下/上走

42. at the corner of                在…的角落

43. ask for information/help     寻求信息/帮助

44. be common                       共同的

   be necessary                      必要的

45. visit a foreign country            参观外国

46. similar requests               同样的提问

47 sound rude                    听起来粗鲁

48. be polite                         有礼貌

49. make requests                  提出要求

50. change the way we speak 改变我们说话的方式

51. talk with sb                   与某人谈话

52. depend on                        取决于

53.speak/say to                   与……讲话27页,当前第11123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627

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