
Unit 5 Go with Transportation!


Unit 5 Go with Transportation!

unit 5 go with transportation!

一. 教学内容:

unit 5 go with transportation! lesson 37~ lesson 40


1. 单词和短语

n. fuel  imagination  sam  hoverboard  skateboard  transporter  second  show  space  spaceship sound  pedal  electricity

v. float  sound  pedal

adj.  smooth  dirty  electric


2. 语法





3. 语言目标

(1)can you drive me? 

(2)at first, only rich people could buy cars.


二. 重点、难点分析

1. ever  曾经。常用于现在完成时态,多用于疑问句和表示最高级的从句中。如:

have you ever visited hangzhou?  你参观过杭州吗? 

has tom ever been to beijing?  汤姆曾经去过北京吗? 

在否定句中,常用never代替not ever,never“从来没有”。

i have never visited hangzhou. 我从未去过杭州。

i have never heard of anything like that. 我从未听说过那样的事情。


2. ride v. &n.

(1)vi. 骑马(或自行车等),骑;乘车,乘,过去式rode,过去分词ridden “ride on a bike(bus)”骑自行车(乘公共汽车)

(2)vt. 骑车(马等);乘(车等)。ride a horse骑马,ride a bike骑自行车

(3)n. 乘坐;骑马,乘车  he enjoyed his first bus ride. 他享受了第一次乘车旅行。


3. think of  认为,想起

what do you think of the piece of music?  你认为这首音乐怎么样? 

the teacher can’t think of his name at the moment. 老师此刻想不起他的名字。

(1)think about  考虑;想(某人、某事)

what are you thinking about?  你在想什么? 

he thinks too much about himself. 他为自己考虑得太多了。

(2)think over  仔细考虑

let me think it over. 让我仔细考虑一下。

i would like to think it over. 我要仔细考虑考虑。

(3)think out想出

i thought it over. at last,i thought out a good idea.



4. paint “着色于”,相当于colour。如:

(1)(用颜料等)画,绘。如:paint a picture in oil画一幅油画

(2)描写paint a scene描写一个场面

(3)paint sb. black给某人抹黑

(4)n. 油漆;涂料。wet paint!油漆未干!

涂漆;绘画作品。a great piece of paint一幅绘画杰作

(5)painter  n. 画家,绘画者。a painter in oils  油画作家

(6)painting n. 绘画;绘画艺术;画法。


5. with my invention用我的发明


we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. 我们用眼睛看,用耳朵听。

he always writes with a pen. 他总是用钢笔写字。


who is that girl with yellow hair and black eyes? 



Unit 5 Go with Transportation!

i often play football with my classmates. 我经常与同学们一起踢足球。


he has made some progress with his mother’s help.




brian went out with a coat. 布莱恩穿着外套出去了。

brian went out without a coat. 布莱恩没穿外套就出去了。


6. first在句中的意思是“首先”。如:

first,i should finish my homework. 首先,我应该完成家庭作业。

辨析:first与at first

first“首先”,表示做事情的第一步,强调顺序,at first“最初,开始的时候”,表示最初的情况,而最后不是这样。

at first,he felt very difficult. but at last,he found it very easy.



7. turn on打开(电器等),反义词组是turn off关(电器等)

he turned on the light. 他把灯打开了。

i forgot to turn off the water. 我忘了关掉自来水。


(1)turn down把声音调小

turn down the tv. 把电视机开小声点儿。

(2)turn up把声音调大

there is an interesting programme on tv. please turn it up.


(3)turn over翻(页)

he turned over a page or two,but was not interested.



8. fuel n. &v.

(1)n. 燃料,不可数名词。add fuel to the fire火上加油

(2)vt. 加燃料,过去式fuel(1)ed,现在分词fuel(1)ing

the pilot is fueling the plane. 那位飞行员正在给飞机加燃料。


9. make the rockets go让火箭运行


they made him do so. 他们叫他这样做。



tom is making a model plane. 汤姆在做飞机模型。

(2)准备;布置 make the bed 铺床  make a fire生火


make an answer回答  make a speech发表演说


10. skateboard n. &v.

(1)n. 滑板  this is a picture of a skateboard. 这是一幅滑板图。

(2)vi. 踩滑板,参加滑板运动

go skateboarding去溜滑板


11. what does a hoverboard do?  飞翔器是用来干什么的? 


(1)what do/does+主语+do? 

what do you do?  你是干什么的? 

what does danny do?  丹尼是干什么的? 

(2)what+ be十主语? 

what are they?  他们是干什么的? 

what is that boy?  那个男孩是干什么的? 

(3)what is one’s job? 

what is your job?  你是干什么的? 

what is brian’s job?  布莱恩是干什么的? 


12. smooth adj. &v.


光滑的;平坦的,反义词rough. the silk feels smooth. 这种丝绸摸起来很光滑。

平静的,指水面,同义词calm. the sea looks calm and smooth. 海面显得风平浪静。4页,当前第21234

Unit 5 Go with Transportation!

平稳的;顺利的. the car came to a smooth stop. 汽车平稳地停下来。

(2)vt. 使光滑;使平坦。the worker is smoothing the road.


vi. 变平滑;变温和。the sea has smoothed down. 海上已风平浪静。




this hoverboard is bigger than that one.


i want some pencils. 我想买些铅笔。

which ones do you want?  你想买些什么样的? 

i want the red ones. 我想买些红色的。(ones=pencils)



—do you have a bike?  你有辆自行车吗? 

—yes,i have an old one. 是的,我有辆旧的。

—can you see the ball?  你看见那个球了吗? 

—yes,i can see it. 是的,我看见了。


13. send在句中相当于carry“运送,载运”

the plane will send you to beijing. 飞机将载着你去北京。


(1)send sb. sth. /send sth. to sb. 寄给某人某物

i’ll send him a message tomorrow. 我明天将给他捎个信去。

i’ll send a message to him tomorrow.

(2)send sb. to do sth. 派某人做某事

they have sent some workers to help the farmers.


(3)send away赶走;解雇

the teacher wanted to send tom away from schoo1.


(4)send for派人去请

his mother sent for a doctor. 他妈妈派人去请医生。

(5)send up发射

china has sent up man-made satellites to circle the earth.



14. it takes…. to do sth. 花……干某事。take之后有时跟双宾语,即后面跟某人和


it takes me half an hour to do my homework every day.



it will take her 30 yuan to buy the t-shirt. 她要花30元钱买那件t恤衫。


there are sixty seconds in a minute. 1分钟有60秒。


tom won the second place in the game. 汤姆在比赛中获得了第二名。


15. space太空

we saw some tv shows about space yesterday.




there are nine planets in the space. 太空中有九大行星。

there are many beautiful kites in the sky. 天空中有许多美丽的风筝。


16. all the time一直,始终

it rained all the time. 天一直下着雨。

they were working all the time. 他们一直在工作。4页,当前第31234

Unit 5 Go with Transportation!


(1)at times=sometimes有时,间或

my father goes home late at times. 我父亲有时晚回家。

(2)in time及时

the doctor came in time to save her life. 医生及时地赶到救了她。

(3)on time按时

the train arrived on time. 火车按时到达。

she got here on time. 她按时到这儿。

(4)take one’s time慢慢来,别着急

take your time,there’s no hurry. 慢慢地干,不用着急。


17. subject n. 题目;问题;主题

what subject should i talk about?  我应该谈论什么话题呢? 

do you know the subject of the meeting?  你知道会议的主题是什么吗? 


which subject do you like best?  你最喜欢哪一门学科? 


which part is the subject of the sentence?  哪一部分是这个句子的主语? 


18. asked us to think about the future叫我们想像一下未来

ask sb. to do sth. 叫(要)某人做某事,ask后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。

the teacher asked us to do our homework carefully. 老师叫我们认真做作业。

lucy asked me to go to the park with her tomorrow. 露西叫我明天和她一起去公园。




19. have to不得不;必须

it is cold outside. i have to put on my coat. 外面天气寒冷,我不得不穿上外套。

tom’s pen is lost. he has to buy a new one. 汤姆的钢笔丢了。他必须买枝新的。

辨析:have to与must

(1)两者都表示“必须”,后都加动词原形。have to常表示因外界原因所致,客观上“不得不做某事”;而must则表示说话人的主观看法,指主观上“必须”做某事。

it’s too late,they have to go home. 天太晚了,他们必须回家了。

we all must study hard. 我们都必须努力学习。

(2)have to有人称和数的变化,第三人称单数用has to;也有时态的变化,一般过去时用had to;一般将来时态用will have to;而must没有人称和数的变化,也没有时态的变化。

he has to answer the question again. 他不得不重新回答这个问题。

she was ill,so she had to stay at home yesterday.


you will have to do it like this. 你必须要这样做。


20. call在句中意思是“取名,把……叫做”,可以跟双宾语结构。

we call her miss gao. 我们叫她高小姐。

they call that man “lao wang”. 他们称呼那人为“老王”。


21. prefer v. 喜欢,宁愿


do you prefer coffee or tea?  你喜欢咖啡还是茶? 

(2)prefer to do sth. 宁愿做……;喜欢做……

tom preferred to stay at home. 汤姆宁愿待在家里。

(3)prefer a to b比起b来,更喜欢a(to在此用作介词)

i prefer swimming to skating. =i like swimming better than skating.



22. see…off为……送行

i went to the airport to see him off. 我去机场为他送行。


上一篇:外研版八年级上册Module 7 Unit 2教学设计 下一篇:初二英语上册 Unit 3 Computers课后检测题