
外研版八年级上册Module 7 Unit 2教学设计


外研版八年级上册Module 7 Unit 2教学设计

module 7  feelings  and  impressions

unit 2   i feel nervous when i speak chinese.

教  学  设  计

课    型

reading and writing

教材分析本单元为该模块的第二单元,属于读写课。本单元主要目标是学习运用系表结构描述人的外表,初步认识并使用when 引导的时间状语从句。

教学目标1.语音:正确朗读系表结构的句子2.词汇:掌握dark  fair glasses recognize quite  especially  proud  stupid  a bit  stranger  excited  nervous  hair  dance  angry  bicycle 3.语法:进一步学习感官动词feel look smell taste的用法,在理解的基础上,学会用它们表达情感










学生活动1. warming up本活动的目的在于激活话题,讲故事引出本课的话题和语法--过去进行时,激发学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性。

guess :what is it ? “it has a  round  face, but it has no  eyes , no  nose , no mouth. it has  three hands .it has  no  legs ,but  it  can walk .what is it ?”

listen to teacher’s story students:  guess and say the answer.(clock)




teacher: “he is very tall and strong. he has small eyes and short hair. he is in row5 .and he is in our class.who is he?”

students:  guess and say the answer.(王涛)



活动1由谈论外貌,学习本课词汇。活动2 由关于实际情况的问答引出形容词的学习活动3 阅读材料的处理a 略读 培养学生快速阅读的习惯b精读  培养学生细节捕捉的阅读习惯c 听读结合

1 teach new words about appearance activity 1( dark fair glasses….)

 2ask one students?“how do you feel when you stand in front of the class/?”

3  reading a  skimming teacher:read sally’s letter fast and find out which is her photo?3页,当前第1123

外研版八年级上册Module 7 Unit 2教学设计

 b  scanning    read the text again                                              match the questions with the paragraphs.

c  listening  and  reading 

let ss listen to the letter  and ask ss to read .

1 learn new words about appearance activity 1( dark fair glasses….) 2 "i fell nervous/ afraid when i stand  in front of the class." 3 a students read and and find out theanswerscheck the answers in groups.

b 1)what do you look like?      ( para. b)

2.) what do you like doing?     ( para. c)

3.) how do you feel when you ...? ( para. d)c  listen to the dialoge and fill in the blanks. then check answers in their group.





1 teacher: play the tape and ask students to underline the key words. 

2 read the text carefully to answer the following questions.

how does sally feel when she…

1)gets bad marks at school?  2)leaves her mum and dad?     

3)is with strangers?          4)speaks chinese?           

5)does something  wrong?    6)flies?                     

1.listen to the tape and read the letter and underline the key words

2 answer the questions.

1  afraid  2  sad 

3 shy    4  nervous

5 sorry   6 stupid5. out- put活动1 pairwork学生两人小组通过造句重点练习语法,并加深对人物感受的理解。

活动2 语言知识学习,总结系动词及形容词的用法活动3、4 写作和采访活动检查学生的口语交际能力,并训练了写的能力。1 ask ss to make sentences according the information in activity c. make an example first. ask ss to practice the dialogue in pairs.

2. teacher: give the key points to describe a person. then show different kinds of people.3.writing: give students a sample writing have them present their writing and others correct mistakes in public.

4. ask ss to make a survey by interview-3页,当前第2123

外研版八年级上册Module 7 Unit 2教学设计

ing in their groups. then write out their 1talk about sally in pairs

2. practice the dialogue in pairs. ask and say when you feel….

students: learn how to describe the person the teacher gives to them.3 students: write a short email of description about themselves and read aloud individually. 4.interview members of their big group to finish the survy. how do you feel when you …..6.feedback让学生自我检测,明确学习效果。(见课堂检测题)完成课堂检测题,进行自我检测。7. homework 布置作业1 make a survey . how does your father mother …feel when he/she ……and fill in the form.

2 memorize the words  and  the dialogue.3 pre-learn module7unit3 .教学反思本节课是该模块的第二单元,是一节读写课,围绕sally’s letter,初步学习练习动词的用法。通过大量的读写练习,学习语言知识,并加以运用。



1. 收到……的来信_________    2 等不及干某事__________ 

3. wear glasses ________         4. sound like_______________

5. 以……为荣___________      6. a bit _________

7. 得到糟糕的分数__________   8. 生……的气__________ 9. 害怕__________             10. do something wrong_________二、选择1. i am glad              from my best friend.  a to hear    b    hear   c  hearing 2. sally is quite tall,          short fair hair. a has          b  wear       c  with3. thanks for           me the good news.  a  to tell   b telling   c tell  4. he works very hard     school, and he is good        english. a  at, in        b  in ,at        c  at ,at5. i feel nervous when i        english .a speak           b talk          c say6. what do you look like?a i am short.    b i am eleven.      c i like dancing.


上一篇:初二英语上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories 阶段性检测 下一篇:Unit 5 Go with Transportation!