
Unit 8 How was your school trip?


Unit 8 How was your school trip?

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unit 8 how was your school trip?   4/4

课 型

新 授

标知识技能1. key vocabulary:dvd、yard、yard sale、luckily、umbrella、raincoat wet、competition、 player、future、againpast forms of the verbs2. key structures:how was your day off? i didn’t have a very fun day. i visited….it rained….                 过程方法according to talking about the students’ last day off to learn simple past of regular and irregular verbs.情感态度from our past experience, we can learn a lot.教学重点1. key vocabulary2. reading an article.

3. writing something using the target language.教学难点writing a passage using the target language.教学用具a tape recorder ,cai

教  学  过  程  设  计



设 计 意 图step 1. greetings 1. check the composition the students have written about their last day off. ask students to read it aloud to their partners first and then read for all the students.2. read the old words and correct the pronunciation.step2 presentationi. word study1.teacher give the chinese meaning of this period let students give the englishdvd、yard、yard sale、luckily、umbrella、raincoat wet、competition、 player、future、againii.3a1.       let students read the letter which nick wrote to tom and give the opinions about the day. (while read try to cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the predicates, circle the linking words and underline all the expressions. that’s grammar study, indeed.)2.     let students read the letter again to turn it into a conversation.iii.3b1. suppose you are tom and write this letter to nick. please go over the letter and fill in the blanks.


let students fill in the blanks in part1 and pay attention to the tenses and forms of the word such as about living in the future.

3.let students write a composition in oral according to the information on the book.step3 consolidation and extension i.                   pairwork 41.     let students read their composition for another.2.     let students use the given phrases to ask their partners questions according to the article that they have writtendid…?what…? were there…? where…? how was…?3.     let students do some exercises3页,当前第1123

Unit 8 How was your school trip?


. how was your school trip?

2. talk about events in the past.

3. were there any sharks? no, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really smart seals.

                                     4. what else did you do?

5. finally, they took the school bus back to school.


6. at the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the students cleaned the bus after the trip.

                                         step4 summary key vocabularysimple past of regular and irregular verbsstep5 homework1.     复习本单元的所有重点词汇及目标语言。


read the composition.

revise the words.

give the english words of this unit

read the letter and give the opinions about the


practice in pairs

write a letter to nick.

fill in the blanks

write an oral composition.

read their composition each other

practice in pairs(ask and answer)do some exercises.




在阅读的过程中接触bring、 stay等词过去时态的用法。进一步练习过去时态的问句和答法。将过去时态灵活应用将过去时态应用到试题中。训练学生写作。训练学生写作能力。所学过去时态得到综合训练。对本单元知识进一步巩固。



write a passage about your own day off and your feeling.



unit 8 how was your school trip?a sample letter to activity 3a:

dear nick,3页,当前第2123

Unit 8 How was your school trip?

thanks for your letter. i'm sorry you didn't have fun on your day off. my day off was       .i went to      , and i visited      . it was     . we saw       . i bought       . it was a really        day. see you soon.





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