
8B Unit6教案


8B Unit6教案

8b unit 6   a  charity walk


period   (1)  comic strip & welcome to the unit


1. to introduce different kinds of needs and disabilities

2. to encourage students to talk about how they can help those in need


step1 lead-in

t: in unit 5, we knew that hobo wanted to donate some money to support oxfam. i think he is very kind and helpful. now he is doing something else to support the charity again. what is he doing?

step 2 comic strips

1. ask students to listen to the tape and then answer:

what is hobo doing?

2. introduce something about a charity walk.

charity walk is a popular way to raise money for charities.

it’s a long walk and you have to finish the hike within certain hours.

3. ask students to read the dialogue and then answer the questions:

q1: how does eddie feel about supporting charities?

q2: what does hobo need during the walk?

q3: what does eddie think of hobo’s idea?

4. ask students to read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

5. check students’ understanding of the following:

 1) it's meaningful to support charities.

   ‘ it’s + adj. + to do sth.’.

 2) need some more food

 3) i don’t think you will ever finish your walk.

6. ask students to practice in pairs and then act out the dialogue.

step 3 people who need help

1.introduce different groups of people who need help in our daily life with the help of some pictures.

2. do some exercises to see if students understand the new words.

1) when we see _________people, we can help them cross the road.

2) if we see ________people, we can help them go upstairs.

3) we can give_______people some food and clothes. we can also teach them how to make themselves rich.

4) when we meet the ________ on the bus, we should give seats to them.

5) when we see some ________ people, we mustn’t laugh at them. we can talk with them with pens.

6) we can help ________ people go back to their hometowns.

3. ask students to discuss in groups of four to get more ideas to help the people who need help. after that, listen to their ideas first and then give them some suggestions.

step 4 oral practice

ask students to make their own dialogues about helping the people in need, using daniel and simon’s conversation as a model. students can add something more if they like.

a: how can we help_____________?

b: we can ________________.

a: what about _______________?

b: we can ____________________.

step 5 homework

1. remember all the new words and expressions.11页,当前第11234567891011

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2. recite the dialogues.

3. exercises.

period   (2)  reading (1)


1. to read an article about a charity walk

2. to infer meanings from keywords and contexts

3. to identify true or false statements based on the reading passage


step 1 revision

ask students to get ready for the questions in one minute:

1) why are there so many charities in china or in the world ?

2) in your opinion, what kinds of people need help ? how can we help them?

step 2 lead-in & new words

1. ask students to look at the logo of oxfam trailwalker and ask them:

what does the logo look like?

2. introduce something about oxfam trailwalker and teach the new words at the same time.

3. ask students to finish part b1 and then check the answers.

step 3 reading

1. fast reading:

1) can you give me an introduction to oxfam trailwalker?

2) is oxfam trailwalker an easy hike?

3) team spirit is very important in it, isn’t it?

2. careful reading

 1) read para1-2 and answer:

   q1: where is oxfam trailwalker held every year?

   q2: who can join oxfam trailwalker?

   q3: what is the aim of oxfam trailwalker?

   q4: is oxfam trailwalker a difficult walk?

 2) read para3-4 and answer:

   q1: is it necessary for team members to support and help each other before and during the event? why?

   q2: what is the job of a support team?

   q3: what will the money be used for? 

3) read para 5 and answer:   

what should we do if we want to take part in the charity walk?

3. t or f:

1) oxfam trailwalker is organized by the red cross.

2) if you are 16, you can join the event.

3) teams have to walk 100 kilometres in 48 hours.

4) the route goes through 6 country parks.

5) they don’t need to walk together.

6) teams have to carry everything they need.

7) each person must raise at least hk$6,000.

8) it’s easy to finish the walk.

4. ask students to read after the tape and then fill in the blanks with their books closed:

oxfam trailwalker is held in__________every year since 1981. people over_______ years old can form groups of four to join the event. its aim is to help people in __________ and other parts of asia and ______. people who join in the activity have to walk______ kilometres within_____ hours. they have to walk through eight country_______ and over ______ hills and mountains. a support team can provide them with ______ and _______ during the walk. they will also bring warm and dry clothes.

5. finish part c1 and then check the answers.11页,当前第21234567891011

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6. help students understand some difficult sentences:

1) oxfam trailwalker has been one of hong kong’s biggest fund-raising events since 1981.

2) people over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four and join this charity walk.

3) it is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.

4) it is necessary for you to support and help each other before and during the event.

5) it is useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks.

6) it is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.

step 4 homework

1. practice reading the text and try to retell the text.

2. remember the new words, phrases and sentences.

3. exercises.

period   (3)   reading(2)


1. to get a thorough understanding of the article

2. to learn more about oxfam trailwalker in details

3. to talk about oxfam trailwalker flently and freely

4. to learn some language points


step 1 revision

ask students to retell the text according to the following questions:

1) when was it set up?

2) who organizes it?

3) how often is it held?

4) why is it held?

5) who can join it?

6) how far is it?

7) how long does it take?

8) what do you need during the walk?

9) what should you bring?

10) how much money does each team raise?

11) how is the walk?

12) what should you do before the walk?

step 2 language points

1. it was known as trailwalker before.

  be known as   作为……而知名      






  lu xun_____________________________________

be famous/known for 因……而著名





2. people over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four people and join this charity walk.

 group vt. 分组


_______________________according to their colours.


the pe teacher___________________________________________

3. because you have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours.

 within prep. 在…… 之内


it is_________________________________________________



step 3 comprehension:11页,当前第31234567891011

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what do these pronouns refer to in the passage?

1. it was known as trailwalker before.

2. it is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.

3. it is necessary for you to support and help each other before and during the event.

4. it is useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks.

5. the walk itself is not easy--- going up hills, without sleep and with tired bodies.

6. it is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.

step 4

ask students to memorize all the following important expressions:

1.作为……闻名                   2.为……募捐

3.把……组成四人一队             4.参加这个慈善步行

5.一次艰难的远足                 6.不得不做某事

7.做完某事                       8.一段100公里长的路线

9.48小时以内                    10.穿过8个公园

11.翻越一些大山                  12.团队精神

13.团队的结束时间                14.互相支持

15.随身携带一切                  16.使你保持舒适

17.至少                          18.被用来做某事

19.支持发展项目                  20.登山

21.开始做某事                    22.尽力做某事

23.帮助有需要的人                24.一段你永远不会忘记的经历

step 5

ask students to read the whole article loudly again……

step 6 discussion

do you like oxfam trailwalker? why? 

step7 homework

1. recite the passage . 

2. do some exercises.

period   (4)  vocabulary


to learn about compound words


step 1 lead-in

1. ask students 2 questions about oxfam trailwalker:11页,当前第41234567891011

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1) what is oxfam trailwalker?

2) is it possible that people carry everything with them during the walk?

2. talk about the three words: trailwalker, fund-raising, everything. and then introduce compound words.

3. competition. ask students to think of compound words they have learned before.

step 2 vocabulary part a and part b

1. ask students to finish part a and then check the answers. remind them to use a hyphen when necessary.

2. ask students to read the compound words in part a and tell the meanings of them.

3. ask students to finish part b and then check the answers.

4. tell students by separating some compound words into two parts, we can remember them more easily. and then ask       students to guess the meanings of the following words:

swimsuit   backpack   housekeeper   printout   sunrise  birthplace   earring   afterlife   seafood

step 3 group work

1. let students work in groups of four and use the following words to form compound words, check which group is the first.

way, bed, end, son, shop, life, food, note, rail, every, grand, news, week, room, book, super, ball, bag, sea,

wild, no, paper, down, basket, thing, stairs, any, market, school, ache, one, body, head, keeper

2. ask students to make up a story with as many compound words as possible.   

step 4 homework

1. remember the compound words.

2. finish some exercises.

period   (5)  grammar


1. to use “it is + adj. + ‘that’ clause” to say how we think about somebody/something

2. to use “it is + adj. + ‘to’-infinitive” to express how we think about something

3. to use “it is + adj. + ‘for…’ + ‘to’-infinitive ” to express how we think about something and specify(说明) who  we are talking about


step 1. part a

1.tell students that we use the “it is + adj. + ‘that’ clause” structure to say how we think about something.

2. ask students to read the two sentences in the table.

3. analyse the structure of the sentences in the table.

  it           is     necessary    that you train yourself before the walk.

  s(形)        v      p                s(真)

4. check the answers on page 99.

5. write some more adjectives on the blackboard, e.g. “ important, interesting, necessary, difficult, funny, wonderful”, etc. ask the students to make up sentences using the “it is + adj. + ‘that’ clause” structure.11页,当前第51234567891011

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step 2. part b

1. explain that the “it is + adj. + ‘to’-infinitive” structure is similar to the structure in part a except that here, the adjective describes an action or activity.

2. ask the students to read the two sentences in the table.

3. analyse the structure of the sentences in the table.

  it         is      difficult     to walk through eight country parks.

  s(形)      v        p                s(真)

4. check the answers to the exercises on page 100.

step3. part c

1. explain that the “it is + adj. + ‘for …’+ ‘to’-infinitive” structure is the same as the structure in part b except that we insert “for …” between the adj. and the “to-infinitive” to indicate who we are talking about.

2. ask the students to read the two sentences in the table.

3. analyse the structure of the sentences in the table.

  it      is     important   for people  to learn team spirit.

 s(形)    v        p                     s(真)

4. check the answers to the exercises on page 101.

step4. practice

1. make sentences according to the examples.(ppt)

2. make sentences according to the pictures.(ppt)

step4. homework

1. review the grammar part.

2. try to find more adjectives and make sentences.

3. preview integrated skills.

period   (6)  integrated skills(1)


1. to listen for general information about a charity walk

2. to focus on general meanings by identifying specific details in a list of notes

3. to understand the information presented in a radio programme

4. to complete a letter based on the information from a radio programme


step 1. revision

review the sentence pattern "it is + adj. + for sb + to do sth." by completing the following sentences(showing ss some pictures to help them):

1) if we want to be healthy, it is ...

2) if you want to improve your english, it is ...

step 2. pre-listening

1. let the ss say something about a charity walk called oxfam trailwalker.

2. if we want to hold a similar charity walk to raise money for spring bud project, what can we plan for the charity walk?

 (keys: the destination of the walk, facts about the destination, the route of the walk, time for the walk, some activities...)11页,当前第61234567891011

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3. look at the card on part a1 and try to fill in the notes.(no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 17, 18)

step 3. while-listening

1. listen to the recording for the information in part a1. if necessary, listen to it again.

2. check the answers.

step 4. post-listening

1. ask some questions to check their understanding.

  1) where will the class 1, grade 8 students choose for the walk?

  2) how high is the hill?

  3) where is the hill?

  4) are there any other hills there?

  5) what is the environment there like?

  6) what's the route of the walk?

  7) how long will the walk take?

  8) is there a special event?

  9) what other activities can they do?

2. complete the letter in part a3 and then check the answers.

3. read the letter after the teacher.

4. ask ss to read by themselves to see if they have any problem. if they don't have any problem, get them understand the following.

  1) it is 5 kilometres south of sunny street.

  2) it is also the only hill close to moonlight town.

  3) south hill is the perfect place for the charity walk .

  4) you will find the information useful.

5. ask ss the main idea of each paragraph.

6. discuss: why is south hill the perect place for the charity walk?

7. if we are going to china dinosaur park for a charity walk, can you say something about it?(ppt)

step 5. homework

1. read the letter in part a3 fluently and try to talk about "why is south hill the perfect place for the charity walk?".

2. go through the contents in "speak up" to know about how to ask for some tips and how to give suggestions.

3. read through the contents on page 104 and get to know how to pronounce /w/ and /v/ sound.

4. put the following sentences into english.







 period   (7) integrated skills(2)


1. to ask for advice

2. to give advice and make suggestions

3. to respond to detailed information and advice

4. to recoganize the difference between the /w/ and /v/ sound

5. to pronounce the /w/ sound and /v/ sound correctly


step 1. revision and lead-in

1. talk about "why is south hill the perfect place for the charity walk?".

2. discuss: after we have decided the destination and route of the walk, what else should we pay attention to during the walk?

step 2. listen and practice

1. listen and answer: what suggestions does ben give eric?11页,当前第71234567891011

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2. read after the tape and then practice in pairs.

3. read and role-play the conversation.

4. pay attention to the following sentences:

  1) what do i need to pay attention to if i want to join a charity walk?

  2) bring an umbrella if necessary.

  3) what else do i need to take?

  4) it's wise to take a map and a mobile phone.

  5) they'll be useful, especially if you get lost.

4. write down some useful expressions about how to talk about tips for joining a charity walk.

  what do i need to pay attention to?                   whatt else d o i need to take?

  do i need ...?                                     pay attention to ...

  don't forget ...                                   what else do i need to do?

  is it important /necessary to ...?                     what about..?

  ... if necessary.                                  it's wise to ...

5. make up a new conversation.

6. present your conversations in pairs to the whole class.you may comment on the advice given in your classmates' conversations.

step 3. study skills: pronunciation

1. play the recording for parts a-c. ask students to repeat the words, making sure they pronounce the /w/ sound and /v/ sound correctly.

2. ask ss to read simon's speech bubble in part d. tell them to pay special attention to the letters in blue, as these are /w/ and /v/ sounds.

3. ask the students to try to say some of these tongue twisters.

  a) while we were walking, we were watching window washers wash william's windows with warm water.

  b) which watches are swiss watches?

  c) which witch wishes which wicked wish?

  d) vicent visits eva every wendesday.

  e) who washed william's white woollen underwear when william's washer woman went west?

  f) senventy-seven wolves went to the village by the river while vera watched television.11页,当前第81234567891011

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step 4. homework

1. read the conversation in "speak-up" fluently.

2. make up your own conversation with your partner and try to act out naturally.

3. put the following sentences into english.

 1) 我认为他在20分钟之内完不成作业。

 2) 如果需要的话,我可以马上过来帮你看一下电脑。




4. review the flow chart on orbis on page 88.

5. preview the flow chart on page 105 and finish the web page on page 106 according to the flow chart.

period   (8)  main task


1. to complete a flow chart

2. to complete a web page article about a charity event

3. to order ideas using a flow chart

4. to describe specific details about an event

5. to organize language and information to create a web page


step 1. revision and part a

1. say something about oxfam trailwalker.

2. read the flow chart on page 105 and answer the following questions:

  1) what is the event called?

  2) when will it be held?

  3) why is it held?

  4) where will it be held?

  5) who can join the walk?

  6) how can people apply to join the walk?

  7) how long is the walk?

  8) which charity is being supported?

3. get ss to understand the new words.(fund, certificate,contact)

step 2. part b

1. check the answers by asking one or two students to read the passage.

2. get the students to read through the passage silently and see if they can understand it well. then encourage them to raise some questions if they are not clear about anything. 

    maybe the students have the following problems:

1) the aim of walk for children is to raise money for the charity called unicef.

2) your donations can provide poor children with food, clothes and a chance to study.

3) walk for children will take place on south hill on 3 june at 10 a.m.

4) you can get an application form at our school office.

5) remember to return your appilication form by mail on or before 15 may.

6) if you finish the walk within 2 hours, you will receive a certificate.

7) for further information, please contact amy on 5558 6390.

3. read the passage and say something about  walk for children.

step 3. do part c

1. talk about which charity you want to support and why. then brainstorm the key information that you should include in your charts,e.g.

   1) the name of the event,

   2) what type of event it is,11页,当前第91234567891011

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   3) when it will be held(date and time),

   4) why it is held,

   5) where it will be held,

   6) who is organizing the event,

   7) who can take part in the event, etc.

2. your class is also planning a charity event(a fun fair, a charity show or a bicycle ride). work in pairs, make a flow chart and create your own web page. remember to make the event as interesting as possible so that more people will join it.

3. create your web page.


1. make your writing perfect.

2. review the reading part, grammar part, integrated skills part and main task part.

3. put the following sentences into english.

 1) 他申请的目的是参加这次救助贫困儿童的毅行。





period   (9)  checkout


1. to practise using the patterns: it is +adj. +that clause. / it is + adj. + 'to'-infinitive.  / it  is + adj. + 'for...' +  'to'-infinitive

2. to review vocabulary related to charities

3. to check the progress and ask questions you may still have


step 1. presentation

1. present two or three of the students’ charity events. 

2. let other students ask them why they want to support their charities and how they can support them.

   (using the patterns like "it is +adj. +that clause. / it is + adj. + 'to'-infinitive.  / it  is + adj. + 'for...' + 'to'-infinitive".)

step 2. revision

1. ask the less able ss the following questions:

   how can we raise money for the charity?

   what's one of the biggiest fund-raising events in hong kong?

   how is the oxfam trailwalker held?

   can everyone join the walk freely?

   what is very important during the walk?

   then let one or two say something about the oxfam trailwalker.

2. if you want to ask your friend to take part in the charity events,what charity are you going to support, why?

    (orbis, unicef, oxfam, world vision, world wide fund for nature, a charity show, trailwalker, a    charity walk)

3. amy is also going to take part in the charity event, complete part a & b and answer:

    what event is she going to take part in? why?

    who does she ask to join together?

    what does she think of this event?

4. have a dictation.11页,当前第101234567891011

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    last year, my friends and i joined a charity walk. it was not easy to walk for eight hours, but we raised lots of money for charity. it was very kind of our friends to support us. we learnt a lot about team spirit and working together. it was important for us to finish the walk together. it was a tough hke, but we completed it on time. i am happy that i had the chance to help disabled people. i hope i can take part in more fund-raising events in the future.

step 3. competition (revision for grammar)

1. put some sentences into english. (ppt)

2. make sentences using the given adjectives. (ppt)

step 4. homework

 1. go over the whole unit(useful expressions and grammar part).

 2. search for the information about the charities and charity events.

 3. put the following sentences into english.

 1) 支持慈善活动是有意义的。

  2) 活动的目的是帮助香港和其它亚非地区的贫困的人们募集资金。

  3)十八岁以上的可以自行组成四人一组, 参加这个步行。

















  20) 预知详情,请与张先生联系,电话是

4. get ready for the project.

上一篇:Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? 下一篇:Unit 8 How was your school trip?