
1B U6 period 3

课题:unit 6 farmer and fisherman●★
1.词汇:farmer, fisherman, teacher, fat, thin
3.句型:are you a _______ ?
1.using nouns to identify people
eg: farmer, fisherman, teacher
2.using adjectives to describe people
eg: fat, thin
1.  using nouns to identify people
2.  using adjectives to describe people
pre-task preparation
1. ●★introduce your family member or the people you know
  this is my _______.
  he / she is ________ ( tall / short ).
  he / she is ________ ( young / old ).
  he / she is a ________. ( driver, teacher, milkman, policeman… )
2. quick response:
t: look, this is my friend, goofy.  how is he?
p: he is ______.
t: goofy likes to change his jobs.
  goofy is not a postman.  he is a policeman.
while-task procedure
1.(lead in):farmer 
t: goofy likes to sing a song < there was a farmer had a dog> let’s enjoy.  to elicit: farmer
1) read the word  ( arm—farm—farmer )
  arm, car, father, aunt
2) ask and answer:
  what is he?
  is he a farmer?
  how is the farmer?
    3) t: what has the farmer got?
p: the farmer has got a hat / towel / hoe.
2.(lead in): fat, thin
1)  t: i am super.  i can make the farmer fat.    
a)★read the word: fat
b)●★read the following words:
apple, cat, bag, that, am, rabbit, animal
2)t: i can make the farmer thin.
a) read the word: thin
b) ●★read the following words:
pink, is, it, pick, fisherman, give, sit, six, sister
3)  read a rhyme:
    ●★fat farmer, thin farmer
    one and two.
   fat farmer, thin farmer
    i see you.
4)  make a new rhyme:
    ●★fat ________, thin ________
    one and two.
    fat ________, thin ________
    i see you.
   5)  t: who is fat, who is thin in our classroom?
p: i am fat.  i am not thin.
  i am thin.  i am not fat.
   6)  in our daily life, who is fat?  who is thin?
my father is _______.  my mother is ________.
3. (lead in) fisherman
   t:  goofy is happy now.  he likes his job.  he has got a friend. what is it?
   p:  it is a cat.
   t:  how is the cat?
   p:  the cat is ______.
   t:  oh, the cat is hungry.  he likes to eat fish.  but googy can’t catch fish.  he is sad.  he wants to be a fisherman.2页,当前第112
  1)  read the word  ( fish—fisher—fisherman )
  2)  greet to the fisherman
good morning, fisherman.  hello, fisherman.  hi, fisherman.  goodbye, fisherman.  good evening, fisherman.
  3)  ask and answer:
what is he?
is he a fisherman?
how is the fisherman?
  4)  t:  what has the fisherman got?
p: the fisherman has got a ( net, fork, boat )
t:  goofy can catch the fish.  he is a fisherman now.  he is happy.  the cat is happy.
post-task activities:
1.what do you want to be?
2.●★choose one job and say something about it.
i am a _______. ( farmer, fisherman, driver …)
i am ______. ( tall / short )
i am ______. ( young / old )
i am ______. ( fat / thin )
i have got a ________.
3.  play a guessing game.( pick one job—hide—let others guess )
   p1: are you a _______ ?
   p2: yes. i am a ______. / no. i am a ______.
4.  introduce your friend.
   this is _______.
   he / she is a _________.
5.  t:  i am tall.  i am young.  i have got a boat.  what am i ?  please ask me: are you a ______?
   p:  are you a fisherman?
   t:  yes.  i am a fisherman.  let others guess.
1.listen to the tape and repeat.
2.try to introduce one of the occupation.
1b u6 period 3 来自皮皮范文网。 2页,当前第212
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