
1A Unit 6 Period 4


teaching contents:
 a. review the content of this unit.
 b. do the exercise.

teaching aims:
 a. master the content of this unit.
    * ss can ask and confirm objects to others with the sentence pattern: what's this? and can answer it with the pattern: it's a … according to the situation.
    * ss can say the five animal words: "cow, duck, pig, cat, dog" and can imitate the sounds of the five animals: moo, quack, oink, miaow, woof.
 b. to finish the exercises well, ss can understand what they have heard and respond correctly.
 c. raise ss interest of learning english.

key points and difficulty:
 teaching aims a, b.

teaching aids:
 animal pictures (cow, duck, pig, cat, dog)
 word cards (cow, duck, pig, cat, dog,
             moo, quack, oink, miaow, woof,
             what's this? it's a ….)
 recorder, tape.

teaching procedure:
 step 1. warm up
  1. greetings
  2. free talk
     hello/hi, .
     good morning/afternoon, .
     is this a …?
     what's this?
 step 2. revision
  1. review the words.
   a. show and respond.
      t show pictures, word cards, ss respond the words.
      (ss -- group -- individual)
   b. game: find friends
      picture -- word -- sound
      ask ss to sort the corresponding cards into a section, then read them together. for example: 牛奶(picture) cow(word), moo~(sound).
  2. review the sentence pattern:
   a. ask and answer.
      t show pictures(animal), ask: what's this?
      ss answer: it's a ….
   b. do pair work.
      open english books, turn to page 27, look at the picture, ask and answer.
      check: pairs by pairs.
 step 3. exercise
  turn to page 17 at the back of the book, let's do exercise.
  part b. listen and respond.
   listen to the tape and respond the answers together. (look at the four pictures in this part carefully before listening).
  part a. listen and number.
   there is a farm with some animals in it.
   listen to the tape and number the animals it order according to the listening content.2页,当前第112
  part c. match and say.
   there are ten pictures of animal's upper parts and lower parts in this part.
   look at the pictures carefully and match the relational pictures to form a complete animal.
 step 4. relax
  a. say a rhyme "i am a cow".
  b. group work: put on the animal head and say "i am a …".
 step 5. end
  say "goodbye"
 step 6. homework
  read the text, words and rhyme to your parents.

1a unit 6 period 4 来自皮皮范文网。 2页,当前第212
上一篇:英语教案-上学期Unit 8 Recycle 2第三课时 下一篇:牛津英语1A Unit 4 My body(第5课时)