
Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 (A教案)

  (为了方便大家,本人将各课时分页了,请点"下一页"或页码阅读) the first period上海市试验小学  陈怡一.        教学说明1.            今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。2.            班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.        教学内容1.            认知内容:能听懂会说good morning. –how do you do? –how are you?-fine, thank you. –hello! 等问候语。2.            能力要求:学会用-good morning. –how do you do? –how are you?-fine, thank you. –hello! 来问候和交流。3.            情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了解和友谊。 三.        教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparationwarmerenjoy the song of page 6.歌曲缓解了小朋友第一次上课的紧张心理。让他们对这首歌曲旋律歌词有初步感知。while-task procedure1.      introductiongood morning.how do you do?1.      t: i am frieda. i am your teacher. this is my friend, cici.(t takes out a puppet.) 2.      use the puppet to elicit the greetings.玩偶玩偶的出现既吸引了小朋友的注意力,又便于新授对话的引出和示范。 2.imitation good morning.how do you do?1.      teacher greets children with a warm embrace or handshake. eg.t:  i’m frieda.p1: i’m lucy.t: good morning.(how do you do?)p1: good morning. (how do you do?) t—ps2. encourage the individuals to introduce themselves and greet with the class. p1: i’m kitty. good morning.ps: good morning, kitty.p2: i’m jack. how do you do?ps: how do you do, jack?老师和小朋友抱一抱,握握手,一下子拉近了师生间的距离。由于这两句问候的上下句是相同的,所以学生在模仿中就能和老师进行交流问候了。    让小朋友在问候中渐渐熟悉同伴们的英文名字。 3.getting to know you.t: ask pupils to greet their groupmates .ps: do the groupwork.学生可以根据自己的能8页,当前第112345678力选择一个到两个句子和其他同学进行问候交流。 4.introductionhow are you?fine, thank you. 5.  imitationhow are you?fine, thank you.1.      enjoy the english song.<hello.hello.how are you?>2.      t: use the puppet to elicit : cici, cici. how are you? fine. fine. thank you.3.      pupils listen and follow the teacher.4.      encourage the more able students to practice with the teacher.5.      practise in pairs.6.      practise the drill around the class.p1: how are you?p2: fine, thank you.how are you?p3: fine, thank you.   how are you? (to p4)歌曲为下面的新授做伏笔。  可用响板为句子朗读打节奏,使句子的学习变得趣味十足。    利用多种形式的操练有层次的学习句型。 6. song1.      listen to the song. <hello.hello. how are you?>2.encourage children to sing together.在轻松快乐的歌曲中有效的巩固今天所学的句型 post-task activityactivity: make friends.encourage the children to make the friends in the class. e.g. --good morning. i’m jane.     --i’m may. good morning.      --how are you?     --fine, thank you.让学生用今天所学的句子与新同学交朋友,让小朋友们在相互的交流和合作中丰富巩固自己的知识。assignment1.      read page 3 after the tape2.      listen to the song (p6) and try to follow it. 四 、教学提示1.            媒体准备:玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带2.            教学关注点:本课中的句子例如:how are you ? fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。1)            注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶;2)            在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子;3)   多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。3.   资源分享:九年义务教学课本3a有配套的歌曲:如<hello, how are you?>   4.     设计思路:1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步8页,当前第212345678步的学习,这样学起来既轻松又有成效。3)            由于let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。  5.            教学反思:1)     句型最好板书出示,加以认读。加强音和形的联系。2) 对于一些英语课堂用语可以进行提前感知,为下节课的学习做伏笔。 oxford english book 1a unit 1 (the second period)上海市试验小学  陈怡 四.        教学说明1.            通过第一课时的学习,学生能用good morning. how do you do? how are you? 来问候和交流。2.            通过了解发现班中有6名同学在入学前曾系统地学过2到3年的英语, 16名学生学过一些简单的英语单词和句子。8名同学从未接触过英语。因此, 学生在起始年级就已经出现了知识的分化。五.        教学内容1.            认知内容:1)  学会用book, bag, pencil-box 等单词来表述单词。2)  能听懂指令: stand up, please. sit down, please. 并能做出反应。3)学会祈使句: open your ____. close your ____. 并能用所学的单词结合本句型给出指令。2.    能力要求:      学会用祈使句来表述自己的意愿。3.   情感态度:      能礼貌地使用祈使句 六.        教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurpose1.pre-task preparation1.warmerps: sing the song: <hello, hello , how are you? >通过歌曲帮助学生复习已有知识,并让学生快速进入学习状态。2.greetingsgood morning.how are you?how do you do?1.      t: greet the children with a handshake or embrace.2.      encourage the children to great each other.在师生之间,学生之间的问候交流时,完成了对上节课知识的复习。3.listen and act1.            t: ask the children to listen and follow the teacher. now let’s do some exercises. hands up. hands dwon. legs up. legs down. arms up. arms down. stand up. stand down.2.            t: stand up, please. sit down, please. teacher repeats several times and asks the children to stand up and sit down. 请小朋友跟着老师“听听做做”。即可加大语言输入量,又加深学生对up, down的感知。   &nbs8页,当前第312345678p;      在听听做做中感知句子的含义。while-task procedure2.      introduction new wordsbag book 3.      listen and try to follow the english song <good morning, teacher>.  4.      to elicit the new words: book, bag.玩偶借助歌曲,以边听边唱的形式引出本课新单词。 2.imitationbagbook2.      ask children to follow the new words.3.      encourage the individuals to change their voices and say the words. 4.      read the words.学生通过机械模仿熟悉新单词。在跟读之后,出示单词,进行认读。 3.learn the word:pencil-box.1.      t: guess. what’s in the bag? to elicit the word: pencil-box.2.      say and read the word pencil-box是学生最常见的文具,所以做为拓展单词教学。 4.consolidationbag, bookpencil-box7.      look at the picture and say the words8.      read the words9.      match the pictures and words10. quick responset: take your bookps: take my book. ( raise their books).通过单词和图片的配对,培养学生认读能力对单词进行复习和巩固,为下面新授句型打好基础。 11. introduction: open your____ close your____2.      teacher does the actions and say the following sentences:open  the door.close the door.open the window.close the window.open your book.close your book.open your bag.close your bag.通过教师的语言和动作,让小朋友充分感知close和open两词的含义。  12. imitation:open your____close your____1.        t: ask pupils to follow2.        t: ask children to follow the sentences with the gesture3.        encourage the pupils to change the sentences with other wordseg. open your pencil-boxclose your school bag学生通过机械性的模仿,熟悉新句型的基本结构和表达方式。动作可以加深学生对这对动词反义词的记忆和区分。 把操练活动带入意义性操练阶段。 13. activitywho is the best little teacher? 1.      ask some more able pupils to order the commands. the others try to follow and act.eg. p1:open your bookp2:open my book.2.      choose the best little teacher, award him/her a star.这样的活动为学生创设了一个鲜活的语言环境。即充分调动了more able s8页,当前第412345678tudents表现英语的欲望,又给其他同学多一些练习的机会。 14. let’s act1.      read page 2 after the tape.2.      encourage the children to act it out with the deskmates.通过同学间的合作、互助,努力缓解差异造成的成效不一。post-task activity1.game: simon says.1.      t: order the commandsps: do the action2.      do the pair-work通过游戏巩固所学句型。 2. song.(p6)sing the song together. assignment3.      read page 2 after the tape4.      act p2 with the friends or parents. 五、教学提示a)      媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,书,包,铅笔盒,录音机b)      教学关注点:a)本课成对出现的动词反义词: open/close stand up/sit down 学生学习时容易混淆动词的含义。 建议学生在练习这些动词和句子时配上动作加以记忆和区分。b)注意纠正学生说句子时的语音语调, 防止拖音现象的发生。c)注意让学生在一定的情景中学习,使用祈使句。d)注意整体认读单词:pen, pencil, pencil-box3. 设计思路:a)对本课中教授的两组祈使句,没有面面俱到,而是做了详略处理。对于stand up please. sit down, please这样的日常课堂用语,只要多用就会了,所以不必花大量的时间在机械训练上。所以本课时只做感知和理解的要求。b)在引出两组祈使句时,教师有意识地输入大量的句子。既有助于学生对新句子的理解,又扩大了课堂英语输入量。4.教学反思:本课对学生能力拓展的训练不够。如有条件的话,可设计一些生活化的情景让小朋友灵活运用所学句型。 oxford english book 1a unit 1 (the third period)上海市试验小学  陈怡 一.        教学说明1.            通过前两课时的学习,学生已经能用good morning. how do you do? how are you? 来问候和交流。能听懂简单的课堂用语,并能正确反应。2.            由于学生在入学前接受英语学习的情况不一,所以导致了学生间知识水平的参差不齐。但令人高兴的是所有的小朋友都对英语表现出浓厚的学习兴趣,强烈的学习绝望。二.        教学内容1.            认知内容:1.      学会用单词ruler, rubber, pen, pencil, ink, pencil sharpener来表述文具。2.      初步感知big, small, long, short 等形容词。3.      学会用i can see … 来描述所看到的物品。4.      能表演let’s play的儿歌2. &nbs8页,当前第512345678p;          能力要求:学生试着用其他单词替换改编创作新儿歌。3.            情感态度:在改编表演儿歌的过程中,感受到英语学习的魅力。 三.        教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1.warmer1.      ps: sing the song: <good morning, teacher? >2.      greetings歌曲和问候将学生带入英语学习的氛围。2.listen and act?stand up, pleasesit down, pleaseopen your …close your …1.      t: ask pupils to listen to the teacher’s commands and do the action.复习已有知识活跃课堂气氛。while-task procedure1.      introduction i can see …t: i can see a bag.open your bag, tom.oh, i can see a book.to elicit the structure:i can see …玩偶以旧引新,过渡比较自然。 2.imitationi can see …1.      t: ask pupils to follow.2.      ask pupils to change their voices to say the sentences.学生通过机械模仿熟悉新句型的基本结构和表达方式。 3.substitutioni can see …ask pupils to make sentences with the structure.eg. i can see a pencil-box.把操练活动带到意义性操练阶段。 4. guessing gameask pupils to look at the shadows and guess what they can see.eg. i can see a bag.用看shadow猜物的形式,让学生用新句型来表达所看到的物品。 5. rhymea book, a bag.i can see.a book, a bag.for you and me.1.      the teacher shows the rhyme with the help of castanets.2.      ask pupils to follow.3.      encourage the pupils to clap their hands and say the rhyme.用响板为儿歌打节拍,让学生在朗读儿歌中体验有节奏的英语朗读。同桌两人相互击掌共同完成英语儿歌的朗读。让学生在互助合作中学习。 6. introductionpen pencilt: open your pencil-box. i can see a pen and a pencil to elicit the new words   7. imitationpen pencil 1.      t: ask pupils to listen and follow2.      say and read the words.3.      ask pupils to change the rhyme with the new words. e.g. a pen, a pencili can see.a pen, a pencil.for you and me.4.      tell the children how to use the pens and pencils correctly.学生已学过pencil-box这一单词,所以pen pencil 学起来容易一些。       培养学生正确的书写习惯。8页,当前第6123456788. introductioninkpencil sharpenert: introduce the friends of a pen and a pencilto elicit the words.立足教材,适当拓展。9. imitationinkpencil sharpener1.      ask the pupils to follow2.      say and read the words.3.      encourage the children to try to use the pencil sharpener and ink.  10. introductionrulerrubbert: guess. what’s in my book?to elicit the words.  11. imitationrulerrubber1.      listen and follow the teacher.2.      say and read the words.3.      quick response: follow or clapt: point to the pictures or words and say the words.ps: follow the teacher or clap.4.      ask the children to follow the rhyme:a long ruler, a short ruler. i can see.a long ruler, a short ruler. for you and mea big rubber, a small rubber. i can see.a big rubber, a small rubber. for you and me.ruler和rubber在字形上容易混淆,可通过游戏和活动加强单词音、形、义的联系。      将儿歌稍作修改,可拓宽学生思维,为最后学生的自编儿歌做铺垫。 12. consolidationpen pencil ink pencil sharpenerruler rubberi can see…1.      read the words2.      game: good memoryt: show some pictures and ask pupils to remember what they can see.p: i can see …3. t: afford children some words. encourage the children to label the stationeries.通过游戏来巩固所学单词。post-task activitylet’s play1.      listen to the rhyme of p5. explain the word: paper.2.      read after the tape.3.      encourage the pupils to change and perform the rhyme.学生根据自己的选择,通过合作的方式,自主的改编和表演儿歌。assignmentcomplete the exercises on workbook page 2.3.4巩固课堂学习内容,并通过笔头练习落实。 五、教学提示1.         媒体准备:磁带、单词卡片、图片、响板、文具shadow (参照1b unit2 let’s play)、单词标签2.         教学关注点:a) 注单词相近字形的区分。一年级小朋友容易将ruler, rubber 两个单词混淆在一起。因为这两个单词的形和音比较类似。教师可以提示学生ruler的 ’i’ 像长尺,rubber的 ’bb’ 像橡皮。以此加强单词音、形、义之间的联系,有助于学生的记忆。b)关注学生朗读儿歌时的语音语调和节奏。儿歌的朗读,可以辅以响板和拍手的节奏训练学生的语音语调,让学生体验有节奏的英语朗读。3. 8页,当前第712345678        资源分享:可参照1b unit2 let’s play给文具做阴影4.            设计思路a)本课单词就在学生身边,是他们熟悉的文具。在巩固单词时,我让小朋友将单词标签粘到相应的文具上。学生在边读边认边动手的活动中充分参与,有效的巩固学习内容。让学生感受到英语学习就在我们的生活中。b)考虑到学生的差异,有些环节的设计是有分层训练的目标,同时也为学生提供展现才能和个性的空间。最后一个英语活动中,我鼓励学生根据自己的知识水平和能力状况,自主的改编和表演儿歌。儿歌可以是书上的,也可以是改编的,语句可以是简短的,也可以是丰富的。旨在让所有的学生都能体验学习乐趣,展现自我才能。5.            教学反思:在说句型i can see…时,发现学生容易将名词前的冠词 a 漏掉。如把冠词 a和单词同时出示,如:a rubber  a ruler 就可以较好避免这类错误的发生。8页,当前第812345678
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