
Book 1B Unit 3 The Bund教案(1)


本班学生通过一个学期的英语学习,已掌握部分学习用品类,动物类,颜色类,动作类等词汇,能听说i’m … i ‘ve got… i like… it’s…等常用句型,能进行简单的日常问候,但我班学生都来自农村,对于本课所学的这几个地点他们大都没有见识过,因此教学时可充分运用媒体,把本课的四个地点组成一幅美丽有趣的上海风景图,以全体学生游览上海为主线,以学生描绘上海美景为主话题,让学生初步了解地铁的标志、大剧院的设施,南浦大桥的形状等。让学生在玩乐中习得的同时,对语言进行实践和运用,同时也激发学生对上海的热爱。
1、认识wonderland中的建筑名称metro, nanpu bridge, shanghai zoo, grand theatre, 能熟练运用这些建筑名称。
2、能看图或单词: metro, nanpu  bridge, grand theatre.
3、能听懂介绍事物的句子this is… that is…
4、能用this is … that is…介绍事物。
6、能听懂grand theatre的对话内容,并能模仿grand theatre录音的语音语调表演对话。
7、在模仿和表演grand theatre的基础上,根据场景的变化,对材料进行整合,做角色替换练习

the first period
1、能看图说出单词: metro, nanpu  bridge, grand theatre.
3、能听懂介绍事物的句子this is… that is…
4、能用this is … that is…介绍事物。
二、教学重点:1、能熟练听、说、读单词:metro, nanpu  bridge, grand theatre
             2、能用this is … that is…介绍事物。
一、  pre-task preparation
1.daily talk:
      (1) are you sandy?
      (2) are you a teacher?
      (3) what’s this / that?
      (4) is this a pencil?
      (5) what colour is it?
      (6) how is this pencil?
      (7) have you got a yo-yo?
      (8) do you like this plane?
      (9) what have you got?
2.  sing a song <the wheels on the bus >.
二、while-task procedure
        1. learn: ship
        t: hello, children. where are you from?  (引出shanghai, chongming)
      we are from shanghai. did you go to shanghai?
          today is a fine day. let’s go to shanghai. how can we go to shanghai?4页,当前第11234
          (出示图片:ship)   t: what’s this?  (引出ship)
      (1) read the word
          (2) make a sentence with ship
      (3) chant : get on the ship.
                ship, ship, ship, go, go, go
     2. learn: grand theatre
       t: here is shanghai. how is shanghai? (出示有关上海的图片)
what’s this? (出示大剧院, 引出: grand theatre) we can watch the play, listen to the songs, watch the dance and so on.
           (1) read the word.
       (2) ask: how is the grand theatre?
       (3) make a chant: grand theatre. grand theatre. how beautiful.
                      grand theatre. grand theatre. how big.
                      grand theatre. grand theatre. i love you.
3. learn: shanghai zoo
           t: here we are. is this the grand theatre? is this the park?
              what’s this? it’s shanghai zoo.
           (1) read the word.
           (2) ask: are you at the shanghai zoo?
                   what can you see in the shanghai zoo? (出示图片)
           (3) make a chant: panda, panda, look at the panda! how fat!”
                          giraffe, giraffe, look at the giraffe! how tall.
 oh, so many animals!4页,当前第21234
            (4) t: who wants to be a panda / m…?
               s1: i am a panda. i am lovely. i am in the shanghai zoo.
                   s2: ……
       4. learn : metro
         t: how can we go to the shanghai zoo? (出示图片)
         s: by bus. by car.
         (1) read the word.
              (2) chant: metro, metro, metro.
                   long, long, long.
                                    metro, metro, metro.
go, go, go.
          (2) practice: i go to the grand theatre by metro.
                    i go to the shanghai zoo by metro.
                    i go to ______________ by ______.
        5. learn: nanpu bridge
          (1) t: look at the picture. is this metro / shanghai zoo / grand theatre?
               what’s this? (引出nanpu bridge)
          (2) read the words:  bridge, bridge, nanpu bridge
          (3) how is nanpu bridge?  (引出how long, how beautiful…)
          (4) learn the other bridge: yangpu bridge,
          (4) make a chant: how long! how long! yangpu bridge.
                         how long! how long! nanpu bridge4页,当前第31234
        6. learn the sentences: that is…
          (1) look at the picture. t: what’s this ? s: it’s … 
t: yes. this is nanpu bridge
                             t: what’s that?  s: it’s … 
                             t: yes. that is shanghai zoo.
          (2) practice the sentence.
             e.g. look, that is the shanghai zoo.
                how beautiful!
                that is the grand theatre.
                how big.
    三、post-task activity.
1.  listen and read after the tape recorder.
2.play a guessing game.
3. match the pictures and words.
4.make a dialogue:
    e.g. a: is that the nanpu bridge?
       b: no, it’s the yangpu bridge.
       a: how beautiful! i can see many cars.
5. shanghai is so beautiful! we all love shanghai !

book 1b unit 3 the bund教案(1) 来自皮皮范文网。 4页,当前第41234
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