
Module 2 My favourite things


课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 1 animals in the zoo
look and read
教学目标 知识与技能:using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
using imperatives to give instructions.
using prepositional phrases to indicate time.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
            produce simple phrases and sentences.
use appropriate intonation in questions and statements.
            identify main ideas from a text with teacher support.
教学重点和难点 using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
e.g. i work in a zoo.
using imperatives to give instructions.
e.g. open the gates.
using prepositional phrases to indicate time.
e.g. at six o’clock , mr. tang opens the gates.
教学媒体 word and picture cards, clockface, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, reading the text
教学流程 pre-task preparation
1. ask and answer
2. review the time: what time is it now?
3. talk about the students about the zoo. review known animal vocabulary. point to each of the pictures of animals on page 22 of the student’s book and invite different students to name the animals.
4. teach the new words: kilos
5. play the cassette: look and read. the students listen and follow in their books.
6. play again. the students listen and repeat.
7. read the timetable. ask: what time does mr. tang open the gates/ clean the cages/ feed the tigers/ have his breakfast, etc.
while-task procedure
  distribute a copy of photocopiable page 23 to each student/ pair. working in pairs, the students look at page 22 of the student’s book and discuss the task. the students then complete the task, matching the times with the pictures.
post-task activity
using the completed task and the timetable on page 22 of the student’s book, invite different students to talk about what mr tang does in the morning at the zoo. encourage the students to follow this pattern: at six o’clock, mr tang opens the gates.

板书设计 module 2 my favourite things
unit 1 animals in the zoo
 6:30 open the gates
 6:30 clean the cages.
 7:45 feed the tigers (10 kilos of meat)
        what time does the zoo-keeper open the gates?
        he opens the gates at half past six.
教学效果的反馈 1.本课中主要让学生掌握时间的两种表达和数量的问答,学生在学过的基础上,学得相对轻松,对kilo的运用有待加强。13页,当前第112345678910111213
3.作业中,部分学生对第三人称单数还有漏s的现象,需加强针对性练习的操练;少数学生对three kilos of hay运用不够熟练。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 1 animals in the zoo
say and act
教学目标 知识与技能:asking ‘wh-’ and ‘how’ questions to find out time.
asking ‘wh-’ and ‘how’ questions to find out quantity.
asking ‘wh-’ and ‘how’ questions to find out specific information.
using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
过程与方法:produce simple phrases and sentences.
use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other learners.
locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 asking ‘wh-’ and ‘how’ questions to find out time.
asking ‘wh-’ and ‘how’ questions to find out quantity.
asking ‘wh-’ and ‘how’ questions to find out specific information.
using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
教学媒体 cassette, photocopiable page24, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, the timetable.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
3. ask and answer
2. recite the words of page 22
3. invite different students to answer questions about mr. tang’s timetable. ask: what time does mr. tang feed the monkeys? , etc.
while-task procedure
1.  read the dialogue by yourselves.
4. play the cassette: say and act. the students listen and follow in their books.
5. play the cassette again. the students listen and repeat.
6. working in pairs, the students role-play the dialogue.
7. invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.
8. ask questions about the first card in ask and answer: what time does mr. tang feed the elephants? what do they eat? how much do they eat?
9. work in pairs, the students ask and answer similar questions to complete the other three cards.
10. ask the questions about mr. tang at the bottom of page 21 of the student’s book.
11. review: i feed-he feeds, i open-he opens, as language preparation for completing the task.
post-task activity
workbook page 10
1. ask the students to study the table at the top of the task.
2. invite students to read each of the speech bubbles in 1.
3. the students fill in the missing words.
 grammar practice book page 21
板书设计  what time do you feed…?  i feed them at…in the morning.13页,当前第212345678910111213
 what do the…eat?        they eat…
 how much…do they eat?   they eat…kilos of…
 when do you …?          i …at … in the morning.
教学效果的反馈 1.在上一节课的基础上,本课的问答学生学得较快,教学效果很好。
3.作业中,the tigers eat 10 kilos of meat every day.和the tigers eat 10 kilos of meat every day.部分学生容易混淆,需在练习中加强训练。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 1 animals in the zoo
look and read
教学目标 知识与技能:using imperatives to give instructions.
using prepositions to indicate position.
using prepositions to indicate direction.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
recognize differences in the use of intonation and respond appropriately.
produce simple phrases and sentences.
locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 using imperatives to give instructions.
using prepositions to indicate position.
using prepositions to indicate direction.
教学媒体 a street plan of the area near your school, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, some pictures.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
2. ask and answer
t: what time do you have breakfast?
s: at seven.
t: what do the elephants eat?
s: they eat hay.
t: how much hay do they eat?
s: they eat 60 kilos of hay.
3. recite the text on page 23
4. review: left, right. turn left. turn right.
5. teach the new words: up, down, along.
6. read: look and learn. invite students to read the words.
7. play the cassette: look and read. the students listen and follow in their books.
8. work in pairs. the students ask and answer questions about places on the map, e.g.  where is the rainbow hotel?
now listen
the tasksheet for this listening activity is photocopiable page 25. this task will give students additional practice in locating specific information in response to simple instructions.
post-task activity
display the sheet plan of the area near your school. draw a star on the school. explain to the students that the star shows where they are right now. invite different students to give you directions to places close to the school, e.g. a bus-stop, a shop, etc.
 grammar practice book page 22
板书设计  excuse me, where is…?
 go to…
 go up the steps. (go down the steps)13页,当前第312345678910111213
 left (on the left)  right   along
 rainbow hotel  holiday hotel  yanan road
教学效果的反馈 1.本节课主要掌握如何行走一条路线,学生对祈使句掌握较牢,因此,对于路线的表达学生学得较好。
3.作业中,学生完成较好,但在专用名词上,部分学生不注意大小写,少数学生cross和walk along还不能分清,在练习的反馈中要重点操练。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 1 animals in the zoo
ask and answer
教学目标 知识与技能:using imperatives to give instructions.
           asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out the place, position or direction.
using the present continuous tense to describe an action.
asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an object.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
            produce simple phrases and sentences.
          locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 using imperatives to give instructions.
e.g. go down the steps.
asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out the place, position or direction.   e.g. where are the tigers?
using the present continuous tense to describe an action.
e.g. it’s talking.
教学媒体 a map of the zoo, pairs of scissors and some blu-tack, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, some pictures.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
3. ask and answer.
4. review: working in pairs, the students take turns to ask and answer questions about the map on page 24 , e.g. where is the holiday hotel? go along yanan road. the hotel is on the right.
5. show the map of the zoo. ask the questions. e.g. where are the tigers?
6. play the cassette: ask and answer. the students listen and follow in their books.
7. working in pairs, students take turns to read the dialogue.
8. invite a few pairs to read aloud the dialogue.
9. review: the names of different colours, two-coloured, and the present continuous tense.
while-task procedure
1. using the map, the students ask and answer questions.
2. invite a few pairs to ask for and give directions in front of the class.
3. working in pairs , the students take turns to talk about their parrots.
post-task activity
1. 1 workbook page 11
the students use blu-tack to stick their parrots in different places on the frieze.13页,当前第412345678910111213
板书设计  excuse me, where are the tigers?
 go down the steps. cross the small road….
 s1: look at my parrot. it’s___ and ____.
 s2: what is it doing?   s1: it’s talking/….
教学效果的反馈 1.这是对上节课的再复习,学生掌握较好,教学效果好。
  句子:may, don’t crossing the road. (现在进行时)一部分学生没注意是否定句,类似题目要多做。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 1 animals in the zoo
where are the parrots?
教学目标 知识与技能:using adjectives to describe animals.
using prepositions to indicate position.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.
locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 using adjectives to describe animals.
e.g. the red parrot
using prepositions to indicate position.
e.g. it’s on the branch.
教学媒体  the parrot frieze, blu-tack, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, listening to the tape.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
1. ask and answer.
2. display the parrot frieze and ask questions about it, e.g. where is the red and green parrot?etc. invite different students to answer.
3. look at the picture on page 26.
4. read the dialogue below the picture. the students practise the dialogue. then read the words and phrases below the dialogue. the students listen, follow in their books and repeat.
while-task procedure
1. tell the students that the feeding time is 8:15. ask students to complete the notice at the bottom left corner of the page.
2. give each student a parrot from the parrot frieze and some blu-tack. working in groups, the students take turns to place the parrots in various positions on the picture. e.g. on the branch, in the house, beside the pond,etc. then they identify the parrots by colour and describe their location in the picture , e.g. the yellow and green parrot is on the pond.
3. move the parrots to the different place , then ask and answer.
post-task activity
1. invite different students to point to a parrot on the parrot frieze and describe it, stating its colour and its location, e.g.  the yellow and red parrot is under the table.
板书设计  where’s the red and yellow parrot?
 it’s on the branch.13页,当前第512345678910111213

教学效果的反馈 1.本课内容较简单,学生学得很好,教学效果好。
3.作业完成较好,在句子my father works in the zoo.提问都基本正确,但少数学生在does和your上出现错误,应加强针对性练习。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 2 favourite toys
read and answer
教学目标 知识与技能:using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
            use appropriate intonation in questions and statements.
           locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
e.g. grandma wang lives in pudong.
using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking.
e.g. kitty and alice are visiting her.
教学媒体 a large old key, two dolls and two puppets, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, some toys.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
2. ask and answer
t: what time do you go home?
s: at half past four.
t: what do the parrots eat?
s: they eat corn.
3. review toy’s names. ask students to tell you what toys they have.
4. review: doll. teach the new word: puppet and key.
5. play the cassette: read and answer. the students listen and follow in their books.
6. play the cassette again. ask the students to listen and look at the pictures and relate them to the story.
while-task procedure
1. 1. the students quietly read the story and relate it to the pictures.
2. ask the questions at the bottom of the story and invite different students to answer.
3. working in groups of three, the students role-play the story, using the pictures and questions as a guide.
post-task activity
1. workbook page 12
1. read the words at the top of the task.
2. complete the sentences orally.
3. the students write the answers in full sentences.
 grammar practice book page 24
板书设计                       favourite toys
live   visit    key   puppet   all the…
what’s in the box?  there is/are…13页,当前第612345678910111213
the girls give the key to grandma.
=the girls give grandma the key.
教学效果的反馈 1.本课是一篇综合性短文,主要提高学生的阅读能力,学生在听的基础上,能很快理解文章意思,教学效果较好。
3.作业中,部分学生对what’s +地点?用there be句型回答和give sb sth, give sth to sb有所混淆,在下次的教学中加强练习。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 2 favourite toys
look and say
教学目标 知识与技能:asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out about a specific object.
using the simple present tense to express interests, feelings and opinions.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
use appropriate intonation in questions and statements.
locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out about a specific object.
e.g. which aeroplane do you like?
using the simple present tense to express interests, feelings and opinions.
e.g. i like all the dolls.
教学媒体 some toys, word and picture cards, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, listening to the text.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
3. recite some words.
4. display the toys. review the names of the toys. ask: which toy do you like?
5. show a toy dinosaur, ask: is it a panda? teach the new word.
6. ask and answer with the toys: which… do you like?
while-task procedure
1. 1. use three toys to show the different use of “all the” and “both”. hold up two toys and say: both bears are brown. then hold up all three toys and say: all the bears are brown.
2. play the cassette: look and say. the students listen and follow in their books.
3. play again. the students listen and repeat.
4. divide the class into pairs of the same sex. the boys take turns to role-play the dialogues in 1 and 3, and the girls take turns to role-play the dialogues in 2 and 4.
5. invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogues in front of the class.
6. read the model dialogue in ask and answer. the students ask and answer the questions in pairs.
7. invite a few pairs to talk about the pictures in front of the class.
post-task activity
1. 1. photocopiable page 29.
2. working in groups, the students act out the story.
板书设计 which bicycle do you like?
i like both bicycles.
i like all the bicycles.
教学效果的反馈 1.both在前面的学习中学生早已学会,all the的学习学生也较易学会,因此,这课学习效果很好。13页,当前第712345678910111213
  在ben likes both dinosaurs.和i like all the bikes.部分学生用了how many提问,要加强针对性练习。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 2 favourite toys
do a survey
教学目标 知识与技能:asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out a person’s identity.
asking ‘how’ questions to find out quantity.
using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.           
          produce simple phrases and sentences.
          locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out a person’s identity.
e.g. who has a bicycle?
asking ‘how’ questions to find out quantity.
e.g. how many girls have a ball?
using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
e.g. six girls have a bicycle.
教学媒体 some small toys, word and picture cards, etc.
课前学生准备 english book, listening to the text.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
5. ask and answer
6. ask: who has a doll/ ball? to elicit: i’ve got a doll/ ball.
7. ask: who has got a computer. teach the new word: computer.
8. play the cassette: do a survey. the students listen and repeat.
9. explain to the students that they are going to find out how many students in the class own different kinds of toys.
10. distribute a copy of the table to each student. explain to the students how to do the survey.
while-task procedure
1. do the survey in the groups.
2. when the groups have filled in their survey forms, invite each group to tell you their finding. ask: how many girls have a ball? how many boys have an aeroplane? etc.
3. working in pairs, the students take turns to ask and answer questions about their survey forms.
4. read: write a report.
5. ask the groups to write their group’s report.
6. invite the group leader to read out the report.
post-task activity
1. 1. workbook page 13
2. ask individual students: what is your favourite toy? to elicit: my favourite toy is a…..
3. more oral practice page 35. ask and answer.
 grammar practice book page 27
板书设计 who has a bicycle?
six girls have a bicycle.
three boys have a bicycle.13页,当前第812345678910111213
教学效果的反馈 1.对人及数量的提问学生进行了再复习,学生学得很轻松,教学效果好。
2.通过调查,学生能熟练运用who has a bicycle?及three boys have a bicycle. one girl has a bicycle.
3.作业中,部分学生ten boys have a gameboy.做成了who have a bicycle?还有how many have a gameboy?要加强针对性练习的训练。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 2 favourite toys
look and say
教学目标 知识与技能:asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about an object.
using adjectives to describe objects.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements.
produce simple phrases and sentences.
use appropriate intonation in questions and statements.
use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other.
教学重点和难点 asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about an object.
e.g. what colour is the small dinosaur?
using adjectives to describe objects.
e.g. it’s green.
教学媒体 some toys, coloured pencils

课前学生准备 english book, listening to the tape.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
3. recite some words.
4. have a dictation.
5. review: both and all the , using some toys. invite different students to practise in front of the class.
6. play the cassette: look and say. the students listen and follow.
7. play again. the students repeat.
8. work in pairs. the students role-play the dialogue.
9. invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.
10. read: ask and answer. the students practise the model dialogue in pairs.
while-task procedure
1. 1. distribute paper. each student draws either two or three pictures of a toy and colours them.
2. work in groups, the students ask and answer questions about the toys in their drawing.
post-task activity
1. 1. workbook page 14
2. encourage different students to describe classroom realia, using full sentences, e.g. all the desks are brown. both my pencils are red, etc.
 grammar practice book page 28,29

板书设计  what colour is the …?  it’s…
 what colour are the pandas?
 they’re black and white./
 both pandas are black and white./
 all the pandas are black and white.
教学效果的反馈 1.本课对颜色的提问较为简单,学生学得较好。
2.通过实物的展示,学生对子操练较为流利,能熟练运用both 和all the句型。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 3 at home
look and say
教学目标 知识与技能:asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out place.
using the simple past tense to talk about past states.
using prepositional phrases to indicate time.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
recognize differences in the use of intonation.
             produce simple phrases and sentences involving lists.
             locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
情感、态度与价值观: 了解丢失的东西去哪儿找。
教学重点和难点 asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out place.
e.g. where’s sam?
using the simple past tense to talk about past states.
e.g. he was here at ten o’clock.
using prepositional phrases to indicate time.
e.g. he was here at eleven o’clock.
教学媒体 word and picture cards, some paper
课前学生准备 english book,  listening to the text.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
1. ask and answer
2. t: this is my dog. it’s lovely. do you like it?
3. t: i can’t find my dog. where is it now?
4. play the cassette: look and say. the students listen and follow in their books.
5. play again. the students listen and repeat.
6. teach the new sentences: he was …
7. work in pairs. the students role-play the dialogue.
8. invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.
9. read the notice:’lost dog’, and invite different students to repeat the sentences.
10. read: write a report. the students help you to complete the report orally.
while-task procedure
 distribute a copy of photocopiable page 32 to each student. explain the task. the students fill in the missing words to complete the report.
post-task activity
1. workbook page 15
2. write different times of the day on the board. invite different students to tell you where they were yesterday at those times, e.g. where were you at eleven o’clock?
 grammar practice book page 30
板书设计 was, were, market, telephone, date, police station
where’s sam? 
it was here at ten o’clock.
where were you at 7:05?
i was on the road.
教学效果的反馈 1.本课主要是对一般过去时的初步运用,was/were对学生来说还是较为简单的,学生学得较好。
2.通过寻物招贴,学生对过去时有所了解;通过语境的设置,学生能熟练运用where was/were…?句型。
  句子:the dog was inside our flat.有的学生做成了:where did the dog is?需加强练习的讲解和类似题目的反馈。

课题 module 2 my favourite things
unit 3 at home
look and act
教学目标 知识与技能:asking the simple past tense to talk about past states
asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out position
using prepositions to indicate position
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
use appropriate intonation in questions and statements.
             locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 asking the simple past tense to talk about past states
e.g. the picture was beside the window.
asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out position
e.g. where is it now?
using prepositions to indicate position
e.g. it’s beside the mirror now.
教学媒体 word and picture cards
课前学生准备 english book, some pictures of the furniture.
教学流程 pre-task preparation
1. ask and answer
t: where were you at 7:15?
s: i was at home.

1. 2. ask: what furniture have you got at home?
2. introduce: furniture, using the word and picture cards.
3. invite different students to tell you any english words that they may know for different kinds of furniture. write the words on the board.
4. introduce: lamp, rug, sofa and mirror, using the pictures. ask: what’s this?
5. play the cassette: look and learn.
6. play again. the students listen and repeat.
7. read: look and act. the students practise the model dialogue.
8. work in pairs, the students take turns to ask and answer questions about the pictures.
9. invite a few pairs to ask and answer questions in front of the class.
while-task procedure
1. invite different students to come to the front of the class and to move a small classroom item from one place to another. encourage the students to follow the model dialogue. e.g. the book was on the desk. where is it now?
 grammar practice book page 31,32
板书设计 lamp   shelf   rug    picture   sofa   mirror
the picture was beside the window. where is it now?
it’s beside the mirror now.
教学效果的反馈 1.有了上一节课的基础,学生对过去时就能运用自如了,基本达到了预设的目标,教学效果较好。
3.作业中,基本消除了上次练习中的错误,学生完成情况较好,在练习:where ______ the children? i don’t know. now they ______ on the playground.中有些学生没有分辨出前面的过去时而出现了错误,类似题目要加强训练。13页,当前第1112345678910111213

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