


unit 1 a new term
period 1
part b and part c
二、 教学目标
monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, chinese,
computer studies.
2、能正确地理解并应用句型what day is it today ?it’s…
what lessons do you have in the … we have …
3、能用所学单词、句型问答并初步感知句型welcome back to school. nice to see you.
step1. free talk
用“happy new year!’’ “welcome back to school!” “how are
复习 “i like english .what do you like?’’ “do you like…?’’ “how
about you?’’等所学句型,渗透新知
3.present “science,social science, pe, computer studies’’
例如: i like science. what subject do you like? oh you like art.
me,too. how about you/ and you? …

step2. presentation and practice
1.learn “monday”
教师自由谈话引出,例如:oh, someone likes pe, but someone likes
english…today is
“monday”(出示自制课表),师重复该单词,生静听、模仿跟读。延续以上对话,引出:“what lessons do we
have today? ”
2.present “what lessons do we have in the morning?”
引导学生用“we have┅”回答
3.learn “tuesday, wednesday…friday”
方法:渗透新句型“what day is it today? it’s…”
例如:what day is it today?
it’s thursday.
lessons do we have in the morning?” “we

step3. practice
a:what day is it today?
b: it’s thursday.
a: what lessons do you have in the morning?
b: we have┅
b: what day is it today?
c: it’s friday.
2) 师利用投影进行有意义的操练,图文结合。

step4、 homework

period 2

read and say 和part f
2、能正确地听、说、读写单词a subject. interesting, a week 和句型what subjects
do you like ? i like…
3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语nice to see you. i hape we have more. how
about you?

1.play a game:
2.free talk.
a: i have a … what do you have?
b:i have a …
a:i like going sopping. what do you like?
c:i like …
a:i often going shopping on sundays. is it sunday today?
ss: no, it isn’t. it’s monday.
3.复习前一课所学有关的单词a: what day is it ?
b: it’s …
4. sing a song 生初步感知、熟悉歌词及旋律。

1.教学句型“what subjects do you like?” “i like…”
(由对话自然引出)t: we are having an engilsh lesson. do you like
ss: yes, …/no, …(师帮助学生回答)
t: what subjects do you like?(生跟读,出示板书)
s1:i like …(师作提示)
2.teach: how about you?
提示“i like…”
4.learn “interesting”
1).教师可由以上的对话what subjects do you like? do you like pe?生回答yes,
i do.师可引入yes, it’s interesting.
2).say a rhyme
根据不同的学生不同的爱好这一特点,由生描述i like …,it’s interesting .一方面训练
english, english, a, b, c.
maths, maths, one, two, three.
chinese, chinese, write and read.
art, art, draw and sing.
pe, pe, run and swim.

step3.listen, read and say.
1.present “i hope we have more ” “a week”
i like pe, do you like pe? who like pe, please hands up.
but we have only two in a week. i hope we have more.
单词week让学生多听几遍,读音可与 “need”比较读。也可提问:how many days are there in a week?
在引入i hope we have more 后可改动课表,
2.listen and answer
1).what day is it today?
2).what lessons do they have in the morning?
what do su hai and su yang like? su hai likes and su yang
likes .
3.read the text by yourselves then together.
4.read in roles

step4. practice
1.look ask and answer
2.do a survey


period 3

part d, e, f and part g, h
step1: sing a song
1.listen to the tape
2.sing after the tape9页,当前第2123456789

step2. free talk and revision
t:good morning, class. nice to see you.
ss: nice to see you.
t: i like running on sunday morning. do you like running?
s1:yes, i do./ no, i don’t.
t: he likes pe, so he likes running.
what subject do you like?
s2: i like science.
t: how many science lessons do you have in a week?
s2: we have two. i hope we have more.
t: excuse me .do you have science today?
what day is it today?
ss: it’s friday.
t: what lesson do you have in the afternoon?
3.利用挂图,操练句型 “what subject do you like ?”
i like … how about you?
i like …
step3. look and read.
2.学习单词“trick” “minus”, 猜其意并试读。
例如:i like maths very much. it’s┅
what’s 654 minus 456?
it’s ┅

step4. design a timetable
how many subject do you have this morning?
we have ┅
how many chinese lessons do you have in a week?
we have ┅
what subject do you like?
i like┅
what lesson do you have on wednesday?
we have┅
2. make a new dialogue in pairs.
3. action.
4. design a timetable you like.
s1: today is ┅
the first lesson is┅
t: do you have any questions to ask?
s2:what subject do you like?
s1:i like ┅
s3o you ┅

step5. listen and repeat.
3.read after the tape.
4.归纳出clock, coffee, doctor, hot的共同音标,
师生共同看图说话:the hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor.

step6. homework
2.能熟读并会表演read and act .

 unit2 a telephone call

period 1
1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词 a headache, bad , a cough ,got, a fever , a
2、能正确地听、说、读单词 a toothache , an earache , a backache , a
stomach ache
3、能正确地理解并运用句型 what’s wrong with you? i’ve got…
2、能正确地理解和运用句型what’s wrong with you? i’ve got….
step1  warm-up
1、ame: touch your nose/eyes/head/ear/tooth并导入back stomach
. 2、free talk
t: how are you?
s: fine thank you. /not so good
当有学生回答not so good 时,教师关切地询问what’s the matter?
what’s wrong with you? 并用手势引导学生回答。
板书:what’s wrong with you? 生跟读9页,当前第3123456789
在生回答后,师:i’m sorry to hear that. i hope you get better
step3. presentation and practice.
1、teach: toothache
a. 师与一生表演呈现
t: how are you?
s: not so good.
t: what’s wrong with you?
s: i’ve got a toothache.
t: i’m sorry to hear that. i hope you get better soon.
b. 师出示图片并配以单词 a toothache
生跟读:a toothache a toothache i’ve got a toothache.(板书:i’ve got
c. 练习what’s wrong with you? i’ve got a…. i’m sorry to hear
that. i hope you get better soon.
师问生答 生问生答
step4、同法教学单词 earache backache headache stomachache
学单词fever cold cough
step5、 听b部分录音并跟读
step6、 say a rhymea.听录音,理解意思
c.试着模仿改编,并朗诵.(替换high fever)
1、 整体操练
师出示图片问:what’s wrong with you?
要求生根据图片内容边做相应的动作边回答:i’ve got a……
t: i’m sorry to hear that. i hope you get better soon.
3、p18 work in pairs
a.picture1 师生问答
b.picture 2-6 学生两人一组看图进行模仿练习。然后分角色进行表演。
step6  homework
2、 运用所学的词组和句型自由交谈

1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词lunch , speak, feel
2.能初步理解并运用句型how do you feel now? i feel…..
3.能正确地听、说、读日常用语m ay i speak to…?this is …speaking .see you
a. revision
师生之间以free talk的形式复习句型what’s wrong with you?和本单元b部分的单词
t: hello how are you today?(出示图片 要求学生根据图片回答)
s: not so good.
t: what’s wrong with you?
s: i’ve got a stomach ache
t: i’m sorry to hear that. i hope you get better soon.
s: thank you.
2.生问师答 生问生答
b. presentation and practice.
1. 师关切地询问刚才回答不舒服的学生:how do you feel now?
帮助学生回答i feel ill/ hot /tied…
t: i can get a glass of water for you
s: thank you.
2、板书:how do you feel now?
i feel….
i can get a/some…for you.
c read and say.
1、复习打电话(5a学过)并新授may i speak to …
may i speak to….
t: hello, is that wang bing?
s1: yes, this is
s2: no, this is yu wenjie.
t: sorry, may i speak to yang jie?
帮助生答hold on, please.并把电话递给yang jie
yang jie: hello, this is yang jie speaking.
(板书speak may i speak to … this is …speaking)
2学生练习用may i speak to …打电话
3在此基础上,教师出示课文挂图并用语言直接导入:helen is not at school she’s absent
today she’s ill 引导学生理解absent的意思,然后指着挂图说 helen is in her
bedroom su yang is calling her.让学生理解第2句中her的意思9页,当前第4123456789
教师出示钟面,指针显示12:30 师:su yang calls her after lunch.帮助学生理解after
what’s wrong with helen?
c. listen and repeat.
a.师把钟面指针拨到4:35 问:what’s the time now?
s: it’s four thirty
t: yes classes are over. su yang calls helen after school.
b. 看图听录音
c. 帮助学生理解still take any medicine
d. listen and repeat.
d. assign homework

一、 教学目标:
2.进一步掌握句型how do you feel now ? i feel … i can get a/some…for
you . 及 what’s wrong with you ? i’ve got a…
3.能正确地听、说、读、写句子 how do you feel now ? i feel … what’s wrong
with you ? i’ve got …
4.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 sorry, wrong number
能正确地听、说、读、写句子 what’s wrong with you ? i’ve got a … how do you
feel , now? i feel ……
b、 a. say a rhyme
1.出示儿歌《 i’m ill 》
c、 b. ask and answer
t:,what’s wrong with you ?
s:(根据图片内容)i’ve got a …
t: i’m sorry to hear that ? how do you feel , now ?
s: i feel …
t: i can get a /some … for you .
2. practise in groups.
d、 c. read and act
1.让学生听录音整体理解对话内容。并回答问题 what’s wrong with the woman ? 从而了解学生对对话的理解。
2. listen and repeat
3. ask some pairs to act it out
e、 d. work in pairs
1. 学生自由朗读这部分对话。
2. 教师指名朗读,检查学生掌握情况。
3. 模仿对话,让学生进行游戏。
注意提示学生别人打错电话时可以说 sorry ,wrong number .
f、 e. assign homework
1. 朗读并抄写要求四会的单词,词汇和句型。
2. 用句型 what’s wrong with you ? i’ve got a … 和 how do you feel
, now ? i feel … 进行笔头编对话各两组。

unit 2 (第四课时)
1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关疾病类词汇
2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语
3. 能进一步掌握句型 what’s wrong with you ? i’ve got … how do you feel
now ? i feel …
4. 能初步了解字母o在闭音节单词中的读音
能正确地听、说、读、写句型 what’s wrong with you ? 及其答语 i’ve got … 和 how do
you feel , now ? 及其答语 i feel …
1. 录音机和磁带,玩具电话机,医生用的一些道具,各种动物头饰
2. 单词图片
g、 a. free talk and revision
1. 教师一边报出一生的电话号码,一边拨打电话,该生就拿起玩具电话机和老师进行对话。
t: 722, hello , may i speak to ?
s: this is speaking .
t: hi , , this is miss huang , how are you , today ?
s: i’m fine , thank you . / not so good .
(当生答not so good 时)t: what’s wrong with you ?
s: i’ve got a …
t: oh , i’m sorry to hear that .
how do you feel , now ?
s: i feel …
t: i can got a / some … for you .
s: thank you .
t: not at all , see you soon .
(教师也可故意报错号码,让学生练习用sorry ,wrong number )
2. 学生两人或三人一组模仿编对话并练习。
3. 小组比赛,看看哪一组表演得自然、流畅、正确。
h、 b. say a rhyme
i、 c. play a game
2. what’s wrong with you ? i’ve got a … open your mouth and say
“ah” …等日常用语展开一段对话。
3. 教师巡视各组情况,进行及时表扬和纠正错误。
j、 d. listen and repeat
1. 教师逐个出示单词 brother , love , monkey , mother . 让学生认读
2. 让学生在多次朗读单词后找出它们的共同因素。即o发 |∧|
3. 听录音跟读句子 my mother and my brother love that fat monkey .
k、 e. assign homework
1.copy the new wordsphrasessentences
 2. read and act 。
3. make a new dialogue.

 unit 3
period 1
1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。
2 能正确地听、说、读、写单词:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a
ship, an animal。
3 能正确地运用对话中的词组和日常交际用语:take photos, show us his stamps, please.
here they are.
4 能正确地理解并运用句型do you have any hobbies? do you like…? yes, i do.

no, i don’t. he/she likes…
5 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。
6 初步熟悉歌曲:hobbies。
a   free talk
eg: good morning./how are you?/what day is it today?/what
lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?/what subject do
you like? do you like…?
b presentation and practice
1 t出示一张印有花卉的邮票)what’s this? it’s a stamp.
drill: stamp
t: look at this stamp. what’s this?
ss: it’s a flower.
t: yes, it’s beautiful.
drill: beautiful
2 t(出示一张印有船的邮票)look. there’s a ship on the stamp. it’s a ship
drill: ship
3 t出示几张印有动物的邮票)what’s this on the stamp?
ss: there’s a dog on the stamp.
t: yes, the dog is an animal. it’s an animal stamp.
t: they are animal stamps.
drill: animal
4 t出示一本邮册)i like collecting stamps. look, i have many stamps.
they are beautiful. do you like collecting stamps?
ss: yes, i do./no, i don’t.
drill: collect/collect stamps.
5 t:(拿出一本相册)i like collecting photos. 9页,当前第6123456789
(拿出照相机拍照)i like taking photos, too.
drill: photo/take a photo.
practise: the students say and do.(take a photo)
6 tshe’s your classmate.
(指全班学生)they are your classmates.
drill: a classmate
7 teaching of the sentence patterns.
1) t: i like swimming. do you like swimming?
引导学生用yes, i
do./no, i don’t. i like…来回答。
2) 请一学生用i like…句型说出自己喜欢做的运动,教师逐一想全班:he/she likes…领说句型,学生跟读。
3) 教师出示read and say部分的挂图进行句型介绍
this is yang ling. she likes
making clothes. helen likes cooking and growing
学生理解图片意思后模仿学说句型yang ling likes making clothes. helen
likes cooking and growing flowers.
4) 教师利用挂图进行问答练习,引出does yang ling like making clothes? yes, she
does. does helen like taking photos? no, she doesn’t.领说句型。

c read and say
1、 the students look at the picture and listen to the tape.
2、 the students listen to the tape and read after the tape.
3、 the students read the dialogue themselves and the teacher
gives some help.
4、 the students read the dialogue in roles and act out the
5、 ask several groups of students to act out the dialogue.
d listen to a song: hobbies
e assign homework
1 listen to the tape, read the dialogue and act out the
2 make a new dialogue according to the dialogue of the text.

一、 教学目标
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping.
2、 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, 
grow flowers, make clothes.
3、 能唱本课英文歌曲。
二、 教学重点
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping.
2、 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps
grow flowers, make clothes.
三、 教学过程
a free talk and motivation
1 eg: good morning!/how are you?/nice to see you./do you
like…?does he/she like…?
2 the students act out the dialogues.
3 listen to the song: hobbies, and sing after the song.
b presentation
1 present the pictures and say the phrases: take photos, make
clothes, collect stamps.
2 t:(教师根据多媒体课件或动作图片提问)what’s he doing? he’s going
shopping.通过教师自问自答引出make model ships,
grow flowers等词组。
3 the students listen to the tape and read after the tape.
c practice
1 把所有词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师说出一个词组并请一位学生指出黑板上相对的图片。
2 师生根据动作或图片进行问答练习,如do you like going shopping?no,i don’t. do
you like keeping goldfish? yes, i do.
3 教师引导学生看图,并用主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时叙述图片内容,如he likes making model
ships. she likes making clothes.
4 学生同桌看图说话,自由操练词组。9页,当前第7123456789
d consolidation
1 listen and act or look and say.
2 play the game: what’s missing?
3 play the game: chinese whisper
e assign homework
1 read the phrases and copy the phrases.
2 make some sentences with the phrases.

unit 3 hobbies
一、 教学目标
1、 能熟练掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好词汇。
2、 能熟练掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i do.
3、 能用句型i like…和he/she likes…,too.描述自己或他人的爱好和活动。
4、 能用所学句型进行情景会话和交流。
二、 教学重点和难点

能正确地听、说、读、写句子do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i do.和i
like…及he/she likes …,too.等句型。
能正确运用do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i
四、 课前准备
五、 教学过程
a sing a song
the students sing after the tape.
b revision
1 present the pictures of part b with the cai, the students
say the eight phrases.
2 the teacher present the picture of part b, the students talk
about their hobbies with the sentence pattern: i like…..
3 play a game
he/she likes …
c ask and answer
1 revision
present the cai and talk with the students.
eg: s1: do you have any hobbies?
t: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps.
2 practise in groups
1) work in groups.
eg: s1: do you have any hobbies?
s2: yes, i do. i like collecting/…
2) compete in groups.
the students make sentences: do you have any hobbies? yes, i
do. i like…he/she likes…,too.(the group which makes the most
sentences is the winner.)
3) make an interview.
the student interview his classmates with the topic: hobbies.
eg:s1: do you have any hobbies?
s2:yes, i do. i like making model ships/…
s1:(point to another student) he likes making model ships,
too. right?
s2: yes, he does./ no, he doesn’t. he likes taking photos/…
d look,read and complete
1 the teacher present the pictures of partd: this is a picture
of su hai’s family. su hai and her family have some hobbies.
the talk about the picture with the students, make the
students know the meaning of the picture.
2 the students do the exercise.
3 check the answer.
f assign homework
1 read and copy the words and sentences.
2 make out a new dialogue.

unit3 hobbies9页,当前第8123456789
一、 教学目标
1、 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。
2、 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
3、 能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i do.并能用i
like…和he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的爱好和多动。
4、 能初步了解字母u在单词中的读音。
二、 教学重点难点
能正确地听、说、读、写句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i do.和i
like…及he/she likes…,too.句式。
三、 教学过程
a free talk and revision
eg: good morning, class./i like…do you have any
hobbies?/he/she likes …right?
b sing a song
the students sing after the tape.
c do a survey
1 present the cai or the picture of part b, the students say
the phrases.
2 free talk.
the students talk about hobbies with each other.
3 do a survey.
1) the teacher do a survey as a model.
eg: t(present the form)do you have any hobbies?
s1:yes,i do. i like…
t:(fill the form)
2)the students do the survey in groups.
4 sum up.
eg: t: can you tell me about your survey?
s: yes. five student like taking photos. one student likes
making model ships.
taking photos 5
making model ships 1

d read and act
1 t:(present the picture) now ,boys and girls. look at the
picture. what does liu tao like? can you guess?
(the student listen to the tape.)
2 teach the words: water, every, aunt, carefully with the
picture. learn the dialogue.
3 answer the questions:(make sure the students understand the
eg:1)what is liu tao doing?
2)who likes growing flowers, too?
3)does liu tao water the trees and flowers every day?
4 read the dialogue after the tape and act out the dialogue.
e listen and repeat.
1 play a game:

上一篇:五年级上册unit4 what can you do?第三课时教学设计 下一篇:五年级英语上册教案 Unit 6 I like sweets 导学案