

执教教师             课题名称教学年级四年级unit 1  our schoolthe 6th  lessonb  read and writec  task time   pronunciation课  型操练课授课时间40分钟


析1、         本课时的重点是read and write中的四个四会单词以及问句“is this a teacher’s desk? ”及其答句“yes, it is.”在四线格中的正确书写。2、           本课时的难点是拼读单词picture,在四线格中书写句型“is this a …? ”以及总结元音字母a 的发音规则。

1、能够理解并朗读read and write和task time中的对话。2、能够在真实情景中灵活运用新学的词汇和句型。3、能够正确朗读pronunciation中的单词,并能分析出读音规则。4、能够以小组合作的方式完成task time中的任务。5、能够学会本单元的歌曲、歌谣。6、  能听懂故事。

略l. 本节课采用动起来的活动教学方法,因为是一节复习课,大部分的知识都已经学过,如果再以平常的教学方法,可能学生不感兴趣,只有活动才能调动起他们兴趣。2.热身,猜谜语,玩游戏,这些都是学生所喜欢的,让学生始终都兴致高昂。

3. 课前需要准备该部分的挂图,相关的词卡,录音机和录音带,学生准备好白纸和彩笔。

step 1   revisionwarm-up: let’s do. (全班同学边说边做动作)go to the garden. water the flowers.go to the library. read a story-book.go to the canteen. eat some noodles.go to the teacher’s office. hand in the homework.go to the playground. play football.

let’s chant. school days, school days. what a lot of fun!                read in the library. draw in the art room.               eat in the canteen. play in the gym.     school days, school days. what a lot of fun!





2. let’s guess: *jack is in a room. there are many books in it.

he can see many students .they are quiet.

                   where is he?

           s: he is in the library.2页,当前第112

           t: where is the library?

           s: it’s on the fourth floor.

                  *lily is in a room. there are many flowers in it.

                   she can see the red flowers, the yellow, the

pink one. where is she?

s: she is in the garden.

           t: where is the garden?

           s: it’s on the first floor.

                    *mike is in a room. there are many desks and

                   chairs. he can see many schoolbags and books.

                   many students are studying hard. where is he?

s: he is in the classroom.

           t: where is our classroom?

           s: it’s on the first floor.




step 2   presentation

t: is this the teacher’s desk?   

s: yes, it is.

t: what’s on it? let’s go and have a look. is this a tv?

s: no, it’s a computer.

t: is that a picture?

s: no, it’s a map.

t: what’s this?

s: this is the floor. that is the wall.

t: yes, you’re right.

step  3   practice

listen to the tape and read it.


play a game:

ask your partners: what’s this?

(let him /her guess, is this a......)

step 4  pronunciation



step 5  task time






step 6   homework

1、finish the exercise book.

2、copy the new words.

3、draw the dream school.

思1、本节课是学生讲得多,做得多,老师只是一个指导的作用,运用学生喜欢的活动,游戏,吸引学生的注意,他们自然会喜欢英语这一门语言多一些。学英语是为了作为日后的交流,将课本中的知识,回馈到实际生活当中,让学生更有成就感,更有胆量去学,说。2、  让优生带着差生学习,不但可以减轻老师的负担,还可以让差生学得自在些。2页,当前第212

上一篇:四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式 下一篇:四年级下册英语期末测试题1听力录音材料