
Unit 5 What would you like?


unit 5   what would you like?

part a.  let’s learn  let’s play   part c. let’s sing

target and command:
1. enable ss to master the new words: rice, beef, soup, noodles, vegetable, fish.
2. enable ss to use these words for communication.
3. learn the new song 《what would you like》.

teaching aids:
prepare a tape recorder and the pictures of food.

step1. warm-up
1. sing the song 《let’s have a picnic today》.
2. free talk.
step2. presentation
1. t: i like hamburgers, what do you like?
s: i like ……
t: do you like ……?
s: yes. /no.
2. give the pictures of food to the ss.
t: i’m hungry, can i have some rice?
s: sure, here you are.   (choose the right picture to teacher)
t: thank you.     (drill this word: rice)
3. teach the other words in the same way.  
(emphasize the pronunciation of “vegetable”)
step3. practice
1. play the game: find the picture.
hide a picture in one student’s desk, one student try to find it out, others say the words loud or lightly according to the distance between the finder and the picture.
2. listen to the tape and read the words and sentences.
3.  paste the pictures on the blackboard, teacher acts like a shop assistant.
s: can i have some ……, please?
t: sure, here you are.
then choose some students to act like the assistant.
4. learn to sing the new song 《what would you like》.

part a.  let’s talk   group work   part c. good to know

target and command:
1. enable ss to communicate with the sentences “what would you like” and “i’d like some ……”.
2. master the words the ss have learned.
3. know what dessert is.

teaching aids: prepare a tape recorder and some pictures of food.

step1. warm-up
1. sing the song 《what would you like》.
2. review the words.
3. t: can i have some ……?
s: sure, here you are.
(let one student be the assistant, others be the customers.)
step2. presentation
1. t: do you know what’s for dinner today?
s: chicken?
t: oh, i’d like some chicken and vegetables, what would you like?
(write down the sentence on the bb)
s: i’d like some ……     (help ss say out “i’d like some ……”)
2. drill: what would you like? i’d like some …… and ……
3. practise saying these sentences, with the group work below.
s1: what would you like for dinner?
s2: i’d like some ……     (s1 tick or cross in the blanks)3页,当前第1123
4. t: ok, we don’t know what’s for dinner, so please wait and see.
(write: wait and see)
step3. practice
1. t: open your books to page 59, are you ready?
s: yes.
t: you can say “everything’s ready.”
   ss be able to know what’s the meaning.
2. read after and tape.
3. read by individual or by group.
4. practise with partners and act out.
step4. good to know
read the dialogue and understand what dessert is.
step5. strengthen
do the activity book.

part a. read and write  write and say   part b. let’s learn

target and command:
1. master the spelling of these words: bread, egg, milk, water.
2. learn the new words: knife, chopsticks, plate, spoon, fork.

teaching aids: prepare a tape recorder and some pictures of the tableware.

step1. warm-up
1. sing the song.
2. review the words of the food.
3. s1: what would you like for dinner?
s2: i’d like some ……
step2. presentation
1. t: what would you like for breakfast?
s: i’d like some eggs.
t: how to spell egg?
s: e, g, g, egg.
2. teach the other words in the same way, let them try to memorize how to spell these words.
3. play the game: concentration.
4. write and say.
5. t: what’s this?    (show them the picture of a plate)
s: plate.
t: good.            (drill it)
6. use the same way to present the other four words.
step3. practice
1. read after the tape.
2. review the new words together.
3. play the game: knock it.
4. if there’s time left, copy the words.

part b. let’s do  let’s talk  let’s chant

target and commang:
1. enable ss to use the words and phrases to communicate.
2. be familiar with the words and sentences they have learned.

teaching aids: prepare a tape recorder and some pictures of food and tableware.

step1. warm-up
1. review the spelling of the four words.
2. read the words of the tableware.
3. learn to do.
step2. presentation
1. t: what can you use when you have dinner?
s: i can use chopsticks.
(ask several students)
when they say: i can use forks and knives, teacher says: please show us.
let him/ her do the action.
2. t: can you use the forks and knives now? let me show you again.
let me show you means ……?
(let ss say out what’s the meaning)
3. show them some pictures of food.
t: help yourself, please. do you know “help yourself”?
4. t: do you like chinese food?3页,当前第2123
s: yes. /no.
step3. practice
1. choose some students come to the board, put the pictures on the teacher’s desk.
t: dinner’s ready! what can you use?
s1: i can use chopsticks.
t: ok, your chopsticks. what about you?
s2: i can use forks and knives.
t: here you are. now, help yourself.
(let them try to pick up the picture)
2. listen to the tape and read after it.
3. practise with partners and feedback.
4. let’s chant.
listen and read after the tape.

part b. read and write   write and say   part c. write and say   let’s check

target and command:
1. enable ss to master the spelling of the words: rice, beef, fish, chicken.
2. be familiar with the words and sentences in this unit.

teaching aids: prepare a tape recorder.

step1. warm-up
1. let’s do.
2. let’s chant.
3. review the words of food.
step2. presentation
1. t: hello, what would you like for dinner?
s: i’d like ……
(write the word what they say)
2. present the words: rice, beef, fish, chicken.
3. erase some letters in the words, complete them.
4. choose some ss to spell the words, or spell them together.
step3. practice
1. write and say.
write by themselves first, then check together. at last read it together.
2. part c. write and say
complete the words by themselves first, then check and read.
3. let’s check.
4. do the activity book.

part c. story time    dictation

target and command:
1. understand the story time, and be able to act.
2. review the points in this unit.

teaching aids: prepare a tape recorder and a hat made of paper.
step1. warm-up
1. let’s do.
2. review the words in this unit.
3. sing the song 《what would you like》.
step2. story-time
1. t: hello, i’m the shop assistant. who can be the customer?
(choose one student to be the customer)
   what would you like for lunch?
s: i’d like some ……
t: anything else?
s: i’d like some …… and ……
t: your …… and ……
(pass her/ him some pictures of the food)
t: here’s your bill.
(help them know what it means)
2. s: hello! what would you like for lunch?
t: i’d like some ……
s: your ……
t: now, i’d like some beef and vegetables.
s: your beef and vegetables. here’s your bill.
3. listen to the tape and read after it.
4. practise with partners and feedback.
step3. practise
1. have a dictation of the words in this unit.
2. finish the activity book.

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