
PEP 4 Unit3 my friends B Let’s talk第四课时

教学内容pep 4    unit3 my friends b let’s talk第四课主备教师使用教师教材分析本节课是第三单元的第四课时,属于会话教学课,主要是引导学生对朋友的外貌特征和喜好做大概的描述,并能够猜测出朋友。要求学生能区分男女分别用哪些人称代词,对he ,his,she,her这些代词与物主代词的初步认识和运用。教学目标1,knowledge aims:by ending of the class the students will be able to understand ,read and speak“he’s…..he has…….his shoes are…”and can ask “who’s he? is he…?”2skill aims:the students will be able to describe friends and guess friends by using the sentence structure3,emotion aim:let them know “make friends in your life make your life colourful”教学重点 能够在实际生活中,结合一定的语言情景描述朋友的特征能够在情景中恰当运用句型he has…and his…描述外貌特征;能够在语境中理解新词or ,right ,glasses, shoe 的意思,并能正确发音。教学难点glasses 和shoes 的末尾-es 和-s 的发音需要重点关注。教学用具

教学课件教材相配套的教学录音带 教学评价

1小组评价:通过争得身体部位的图片进行小组之间的评价。 2. 个人评价: 3. 学生互评教    法情境法,区别法,举例法学    法猜测法,游戏法,表演法学情分析学生对身体部位的单词不陌生在此基础上学习学生更容易接受新知识。学习起来兴趣更浓。教学步骤教师活动学生活动阶段目标与设计意图留白warming up

1. 做接龙游戏。教师(指着一名男生)问一个学生what’s his name?然后让这个回答问题的学生继续向另一个学生问同样的问题,直到教师命令停止为止。(注:如指的是女生则用what’s her name?来询问)                                2.say something about your friend: i have a friend. he/she has… he/she is… he/she likes…3.让学生看图片造句子。通过做游戏让学生迅速进入学习英语的状态,复习了上节课所学的内容,为本节课学习做铺垫。

presentation1.做“猜物”游戏。教师手拿一本书:i have a book. guess! a maths book or a chinese book?教师手拿一个苹果:i have an apple. guess! red or green?2.教师自己蒙上眼睛,随便点一位学生,问全班“boy or girl?” 学生答“a boy.”教师问:what’s his name? 3.教师出示mike的面具(给学生看面具背面),问学生boy or girl? 学生答出boy.教师再问:what’s his name?4.教师出示john的面具(给学生看面具背面),问学生boy or girl? 学生答出boy。教师再问:what’s his name?5.教师:mike and john are talking about their friends.让学生观看教学课件。6, show them a picture john has a friend let’s guess who is he/she?       a boy or girl? htt      tall or short?2页,当前第1127,listen to the tape and answer the question  who is john’s friend?     wu yifan8,listen to the tape again and answer the question  what’s he like?  ss will answer: “he’s a boy .he’s tall and thin .he has glasses . his shoes are blue” 9,look at the picture and teach them   he has glasses. his shoes are blue  she has ……  her ……  are…10,make a chant about: he has glasses.  his glasses are black he has shoes .   his shoes are blue.she has ……    her ……  are….11,listen the third time and imitate12,work in pairs ask and answer教师提问学生:have you got brothers or sisters?让学生理解or的中文意思。 6.看完课件回答问题:who’s mike’s friend? who’s john’s friend?7.8听录音跟读课文。9.让学生自编新对话展示,教师给与评价。10.听录音,让学生跟读chant。.两人一组表演课文做这个游戏时教师可有意识地点向男生。继续游戏,指向女生问:who’s this girl? what’s her name?学生兴趣较浓,积极参与。通过不同的操练形式练习所学知识,巩固了新知识。practice1.听音猜人。教师让猜谜的人到前面来,背对全班,然后让一位学生站起来用英语跟他说一句话。全班同学先一起问:boy or girl? 猜的学生要根据说话人的声音判断性别。如果回答对了,全班同学再问:what’s his/her name? 猜的学生要继续回答出说话人的姓名。全班同学用yes或no来判断对错。猜的学生规定有5次机会,如果回答5次还猜不出来,就算输了。 2.传话游戏。每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组。发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写一句话,在教师说“开始”后,学生即用耳语说纸上的话…这样依次进行下去。最后学生说给大家听,看一看答案与老师写在纸上的句子相同或相近。游戏简单易操作,参与度广,使句子得到充分的练习。做到了用英语做事情,课堂气氛活跃,充分营造了轻松愉快的课堂。 production1.      let’s sing:学唱歌曲2.      老师提供内容让学生造句子。老师拿出班级同学的画像让他的朋友描述,其他学生work in groups to talk about your friends .describe your friends and make a new dialouge by using the key words and the sentence structureher name is...  she likes...his name is...  he likes..操练句型,巩固新知识。endingemotion  watch the video about friends and let them know make friends in your life make your life colourfulhomework  1,copy the dialogue and recite(必做  )  2,introduce your friends to your family(选做) 让学生总结今天学习什么。练习口语表达能力。巩固今天所学知识。 2页,当前第212

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