
闽教版四年级上册Unit 6 Weather 教学设计

闽教版四年级上册unit 6 weather 教学设计

unit 6 weatheri.teaching content:闽教版小学英语第三册ii. teaching aims:1.aim words:weather  sunny  cloudy  rainy  snowy  need  cloud  sky snow  cold                2.aim sentence:how is the weather today/in beijing…?——it′s a sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy dayiii. teaching focusaim :aim words:.aim words:weather  sunny  cloudy  rainy  snowy  need  cloud  sky snow  cold                       .aim sentence:how is the weather today/in beijing…?iv. teaching difficent :如何利用本课的目标单词以及目标语句进行简单的对话并能在实际情境中运用v .teaching methods:本课采用tpr教学法 中心任务为让学生掌握目标单词和目标语句的听说读写,通过对单词以及目标语句的学习使学生掌握对目标单词和语句的交际运用vi.teaching aids  自制有关于天气的卡片vii.teaching procedures一. 1.greeting     2.review the unit 5二. 导入新知.t:did you ever see the weather forecast of tvss:yes .i do t:do you like to be a person just like the forecaster.ss:…t:  please turn to page 49,and look at the picture .whay do you see in the picture ss:太阳 云 雪…t:do you know how to say these words in english .ss:i don′s kown t:do you want to kown ?ss:yest:now let′s learn the new words please fine out the new words in this lesson.( write down the new words in the bb ,teaching the new words with game “loud voice-  low voice”) 进行单词操练,。在学生能熟读的前提下,使用one by one 的形式对学生的掌握情况检查并对pronounce进行纠正。t:all right.we have learn some words about weather , we all know the forecaster from the tv. do you want to act the weather man to roport the weather?ss:ok.t:now i will go and see the forecaster how to report the weather.do you want to go with me.ss:yes i am t:look at picture and answer thing about two question 1.who are they? 2.what are they talking about.(give them 3 min )t:time is up.ask the students to amswer the question ss:有三个学生,他们在谈论天气情况t:very good. one of them say a sentence :how is the weather today?   who guess the meaning of weatherss:是天气的意思t:yes.we have learned just now.who tell me the meanning of the how is the weather today?ss:今天的天气怎么样。t:wonderful,read after me (教读句子)  everyone know the sentence ,这是一个疑问句,有谁知道他的答句是什么?2页,当前第112ss:今天是晴朗的/多云的/下雨的t:good job.w learn the words about weather.how to say the sentence in english? ss:it′s a sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy dayt:so clever you are.(教师带读课文数遍,让学生熟悉了以后,看图进行分角色朗读,先从小组再到两两对话) ss:……part 2 ask and answert:i want to invite some ss to act the weatherman to report the weathen in many city .(让几对学生分角色扮演,ab两角色进行天气预报)part3.say a rhyme listen to the t read after teacher imitate the teacher′s  pronunciation(review the knowledge we learn in this lesson )4.homeworkclass is over ,goodbye boys and girs2页,当前第212

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