
Unit 8 Home ( 2 )

unit 8  home ( 2 )lesson 15teaching aims and demands : to demand ss to hear and speak these words correctly:watch,lamp,near the computer,on the wall. to demand ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:there is a …on /in/under the ….is there a …on /in/under the ….?yes,there is.  /  no,there isn’t.teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards of teddy bear,computer,watch,lamp,computer desk…teaching steps :                                         step 1 warm-up/ reviewto review the words: on, in, under,near, piano,tv, teddy bear,clock,fan,computer,bedroom,desk,chair,beautiful,vase,picture,telephone.step 2 learn to say1.the teacher shows the picture and ask:what’s this? it’s a …2. learn to say:there is a bed , there is a teddy bear,there is a desk,there is a computer,there is a watch,there is a picture .this is sally’s bedroom.it’s beautiful.3.listen to the tape and read.step 3 ask and answer

1.     point to the picture on page 57 and ask:

is there a____ in sally’s bedroom?

yes,there is.  /  no,there isn’t.

2.to show the cards of computer,watch,lamp,computer desk, teddy bear, picture in turn and practise the sentence:

is there a____ in sally’s bedroom? yes,there is.

3. to show the cards of piano,tv, clock,fan,vase,,telephone in turn and practise the sentence: is there a____ in sally’s bedroom? no,there isn’t.

4. practise the sentences in pairs. step 4 look and say.1. to learn the words;toy panda,toy pig,ball,kite,toy train,robot.2. look at the picture and point to the place of the subjects.3. ask some ss to say the sentence with “there is a…” step 5 homeworklisten to the tape & repeat for some times .finish off the activity book of lesson 15.lesson 16teaching aims and demands : to demand ss to hear and speak the sentences correctly :there are_______.  are there______? yes,there are. / no,there  aren’t.can use the prep. to describe the room.teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards;some tea and cups.teaching steps :                                          step 1 warm-up/ review1.     to review the words:sitting room,window,tv,door,piano,vase,sofa,2页,当前第112picture,wall,fan,flower,light,table.2.     to review the prep.:near,in,on,under;

  the sentences: there is a_______.

is there a____?  yes,there is.  /  no,there isn’t.step 2  learn to say 1.show the pictures of tv,piano,desk,sofa,books,picture,table,readthem in english first,then make the ss put them in the right place.  2.make the ss look at the picture of page 60,and point to the place of tv,piano,vase,table,sofa,books,pictures.to learn the phrases:near the window,near the door,on the piano,near the long sofa,on the table,on the wall.3.practise the sentences in groups.  4. play the game:welcome to my home.step 3 ask and answer1.     look at the pictures and review the words:flowers,books,pictures,fans,chairs. 2. to write” are there______? yes,there are. / no,there aren’t.”on the blackboard and practice the sentences in different words.3.listen to the tape & repeat for some times .step 4 say and act1.     ask and answer according to the text. 2. ask and answer according to their home.3.     listen to the tape and repeat. step 5 listen and circleplay the tape for the ss to listen and circle.play again for the ss to check their answers . step 6 homework  listen to the tape & repeat for some times .finish off the activity book of lesson 16. 2页,当前第212

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