
Unit 5 What would you like?

teaching aims:
1.  能听、读、说新单词rice、fish、noodles、beef、soup、vegetable.
2.  能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气;
can i have some ….?
sure,here you are.
important points:
the new words and sentences.
difficut points:
act out the dialougue.(综合运用本节课的单词、句型,联系新旧知识进行交际性活动,完成本节课的任务。)
teaching aids:
食物图片:ice-cream,hamburger,bread,milk,french fries…
  teaching steps:
  step 1.warming up activities
1.  greetings
t:hello!good morning,class! (do actions)
s:good morning,miss pan. (do actions)
t:nice to see you!(do actions伸手)
s:nice to see you ,too!(do actions)
t:how are you,today?
s:fine,thank you!and you?
t:i am fine.thank you.i am very happy!let’s sing and act a song 《one,two,three...》开录音机。
step two:presentations:
t:excellent!thank you very much!can you chant?(cai)
s:pass me…..
t:you’re very good.give some hands.(大力表扬全班)
t:hello!what do you like?
s:i like …(ask some students try to answer it)
t:do you like hot dog?
t:ok!today we will learn more food.if you can learn them well,i will take you to the canteen.
unit five, what would you like?
read after me,please.
ss:unit 5 what would you like?
2.  new words:
a.  t:now,please open your books on page 58. listen to the tape.try your best to remember the words.
ss:listen to the tape.
t: this time. read after it.
ss: read afeer the tape.
   t----show out the word cards.(音标教学)一次。
   eg: t: rice .i----[ai] .-----rice. how do you spell?
ss: r--- i----c-----e.
t: i like rice.
ss: i like rice.
(teach the new words fish,noodles,soup,vegetable in the same way.)
when i teach “beef”,i do the actions,
t:um,it tastes good.it’s yummy!who can guess what it is?
who wants to try?
ss:尝在口里,oh,this is beef.(尝一尝学单词)
7:please  learn the new words in your small growps.
ss:learn the words in grops.
t: stop! let’s check out the words.
(point to cai) , call some students to say it out.
b.let’s play games:
let’s play a lucky turning game.
ask some students to play it.
t: you can play games with your partners.
 mouthing game.
 guessing game.
 clapping game.
3.  new sentences:
1.t: i’m very hungry .can i have some noodles, please?
s1:sure. here you are.
t: read after me.2页,当前第112
can i have some noodles.please?
sure. here you are.
t: look! i have a lot of food.(一篮子的水果和食物)
who wants get it?
s1: can i have some rice,please?
t: sure, here you are.
t: who wants to be little teacher?
2. let’s play a guessing game.
t: look at the cai.
we must read the words first. hambrger. hamburger.
one, two, begin.
ss: hamburger. hamburger.
t: let’s begin.
who can ask?
ss: can i have some… please?
t: sure, here you are.
t: who wants to be a little teacher?
3.let’s chant.
4.[show out a small blackboard]
a.chant after the teacher.
bo cha cha, bo, cha, cha.
hello, i’m miss pan.i like fish.fish is yummy.
can i have some fish please?
sure, sure, here you are.
b.make a new chant in your small groups . using many words you like.
eg: rice, beef, soup noodles.
vegetable, also,fruits drinks.
c, check it out.
step 4.communicative practice.
t:today,i’m very happy.because yoday is my birday and you are very liever.give some hands.so i want to take you to school canteen,ok?
ok,let’smake an example first.show out a small blackboatd.
  what do you like?
s:i like fish. can i have some fish,plkease?
w:sure,here you are.
s:thank you.good bye.
s:thank you.good bye.
t:now,let’ go to theschool canteen.
checking:  t:stop here.let’s count.how many cards do you have?
t:oh!gtop one is excellent!who wants to act?(answer two students to try to9 act.)
t:see which group is the best?
t:today is my bitday,let’s sing a birthday song.
s:sing a song《happy birthday》.and then say “happy birthday!”t:thank you.通过今天的学习,同学们去饭堂拿饭时要注意什么啊?
1.copy the new wods.
2.make a new chant or a new song about the words and sentences.
3.blackboard design:
unit five   what would you like?
can i have come noodles?
rice  fish   beef   noodles   soup   vegetable
  sure.here you are.  2页,当前第212
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