
牛津小学英语6A Unit 6 Holidays


《牛津小学英语》6a unit6 第一教时(part b、c)
本单元围绕“谈论节日里所做的事”这一话题展开教学活动。这是一个学生十分感兴趣的话题。我教的是本单元第一课时(partb、c),主要是让学生了解中、西方国家的节日以及人们在节日里所做的事情,在课前,我安排学生通过查书、上网等搜集中、西方国家节日的资料,让学生可以在课堂上“有话想讲,有话可讲”。在b部分没有christmas这个单词,而在a部分却有这个单词,既然也是一个节日,我就将它放在第一课时中引出,还有a部分中的 favourite和relatives也可放在第一课时的相关情景中引出,这样一来,第一课时单词与句型的教学就为第二课时语篇的教学降低难度、扫清障碍。
1、认识目标:a听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写children,s day, new year,s day, christmas, people.
b听得懂、会说、会读dragon boat festival, easter, may day, mid-autumn festival, spring festival, relative, didn’t=did not, delicious, favourite, dress up, a moon cake.
c 听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型 when’s…?
it’s in…? what do people usually do at/on…? they….
did you…last…? yes, i did. /no ,i didn’t.
2、技能目标:a .激发学生的思维,培养学综合运用语言的能力 。
3、情感目标:a培养学生对英语浓厚的兴趣 。
1、能听懂、会说、会读词组children’s day, new year’s day, christmas
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型when’s …?it’s in….
what do people usually do at/on…?they….
did you…last…?yes, i did. /no, i didn’t.
a. 单词、句型卡片
b. 多媒体
2、板书准备:预先写好课题unit6 holidays
a greetings
free talk
t: what day is it today?
ss :it’s…..
t: what day was it yesterday?
ss :it was….
t: what date is it today?
ss: it’s the….
t: what date was it yesterday?
ss: it was the….
t: what did you do last…?
t: what else did you do last…?
t:did you…?
s: yes, i did./no, i didn’t.
b  presentation and practice.
1、t: today is a fine day. i’m very happy today. i want to talk about some holidays with you. there are many holidays in china and there are many holidays in the western countries, too ,first, let’s talk about some holidays in china.
do you know how many holidays are there in our country?
t: oh, you know a lot about holidays in our country. can you tell me what is the last holiday?
s: the national day holiday.
t: when’s national day?(多媒体出示国庆节图及句型when’s national day? )5页,当前第112345
s: it’s in october(多媒体出示it’s in october)
t 领读句型,板书
t: what do people usually do on the national day?
(多媒体出示句型 t解释people means man ,woman ,boy, girl ,领读people t领读句型板书,而且on用不同颜色表示)
t:can you say something about your national day?
t: did you …last…?
s: yes, i did /no, i didn’t
t : do you want to know what did i do on national day?
s:did you…?
t:yes, i did/ no ,i didn’t.
板书句型:did you…last…?yes, i did / no, i didn’t
因为did you…last…?yes, i did./no, i didn’t的句型已在第5单元的教学中补充学习过,所以学生在此能很熟练地听说。
2、t: what holiday comes after the national day in china?
s: …?(学生看图猜)
t: (多媒体出示)it’s new year’s day.(t领读并将new year’s day贴在板书the national day下)
t: can you guess , what holiday is coming?
s: 新年。
t: yes, it spring festival.(t领读)
t: when’s spring festival?
s: it’s in january or february. (凭看学生的生活常识,学生很容易回答这个问题)
t: spring festival is a popular festival in china. it’s my favourite festival. i can eat a
lot of delicious food and visit my relatives.
(在老师阐述的同时,多媒体配上相应的图,让学生能通过直观的图片理解delicious food和visit relatives)
出示单词favourite和词组eat a lot of delicious food.
visit relatives 领读,板书。
t: did you eat a lot of delicious food last spring festival?
s: yes, i did./no, i didn’t.
t: did you visit relatives last spring festival?
s: yes, i did./ no, i  didn’t
t: did you get lucky money last spring festival?
s: what do people usually do at spring festival?(多媒体出示)
t将what do people usually do at spring festival?句型的板书贴在what do people usually do on the national day?旁边让学生对on和at用法有个初步了解。
4、(多媒体出示日期)t: what date is it?
s: it’s the first of may.
t: do you know what holiday is it?
s: it’s may day.(多媒体出示may day图与词组)
t 领读,并将may day的板书贴在 the national day下面
t 引导学生用板书上的句型四人小组自由交谈。
5、(多媒体出示日期)t: what date is it?
s: it’s the first of june
t: what holiday is it?
s: it’s children’s day(多媒体出示图与词组)老师将children’s day 贴may day下面
t: the children’s day is your favourite holiday. yes or no?
s: yes. it’s my favourite holiday.
学生同桌讨论操练句型 when’s…?it’s in….
what do people usually do on…?they….
did you…?yes, i did. / no ,i didn’t
(多媒体在学生操练过程中出示学生 sing and dance图,t领读板书)5页,当前第212345
6、t: in may or june, there is another holiday. people eat rice dumplings. there are dragon boat races. people usually go to watch them. what holiday is it? (多媒体出示吃粽子、赛龙舟图)
t: yes, it’s dragon boat festival.(多媒体出示,t领读,同时领读 rice dumplings ,dragon boat races)
t将板书dragon boat festival 贴spring festival下面
t:t引导学生问what do people usually do at dragon boat festival?
t: let’s say something about last dragon boat festival.
s1:did you…?
s2: yes ,i did /no, i didn’t
7、(多媒体日历往后翻)t: the holiday comes after the dragon boat festival maybe it’s in september or october. in the evening, people usually watch the moon. they also eat moon cakes. children like to play with lanterns. what holiday is it?(多媒体出示)(t领读,将板书mid—autumn festival 贴在spring festival 下面,领读watch the moon, eat moon cakes)
s1: when’s…?
t: it’s in….
s1: what do people usually do at mid-autumn festival?
t: they….
s1:did you….?
t: yes ,i did./no, i didn’t.
8、t: we know a lot about chinese holidays. look, what are they?
s:(看板书)they are national day, new year’s day, may day, spring festival, dragon boat festival, mid-autumn festival
通过以上的教学环节,我将中国的重要节日教授给了学生,我通过直观教学法、问答法直接引出national day, new year’s day , may day , children’s day,典型的春节,我通过歌曲《新年好》来引spring festival, 既吸引学生的注意力,又培养了学生对英语的兴趣,我还将本单元e部分的猜谜游戏运用到新课的程现中来,通过老师声音的描述,通过多媒体图片的展示,让学生猜出了端午节、中秋节,此时,老师再配上英文dragon boat festival和mid—autumn festival,此环节共学习了b部分7个节日,词汇量大,此时用猜谜的形式呈现新授词组,可调节课堂气氛,活跃学生思维,培养学生愿说、乐说的好习惯。
9、t: there are many holidays in the western countries ,too, what holiday do you know?
t: oh, you know a lot about the western holidays.让我来考考你们(老师故意装作考学生样子,激起学生非常想说的愿望)
when’s easter?(多媒体出示图与词easter)
(t领读 easter 板书贴在spring festival下面)
s: it’s in march or april. (多媒体呈现)
t: what do people usually do at easter?
t: they….(介绍复活节来历)
10、t: when’s halloween?(多媒体出示图与词halloween)
s: it’s in october
t: what do people usually do at halloween?
(t将 halloween 的板书贴在spring festival下面)
s: they….(可用中文)
t:(多媒体出示图片及词组)they dress up in costumes, make pumpkin lanterns and go to parties.5页,当前第312345
t领读词组 dress up in costumes, make pumpkin lanterns and go to parties.
t引导学生之间操练句型s1:when’s halloween?
s2 :it’s in october.
s1: what do people usually do at halloween?
s2: they dress up in costumes ,make pumpkin lanterns and go to parties.
11、t: last question, when’s christmas?
(多媒体放we wish you merry christmas音乐,出示圣诞节图及词christmas)t领读
s: it’s on the 25th of december./it’s in december.
t: what do people usually do at christmas?
(t将christmas板书贴spring festival下面)
s: they….
t: i think the christmas is getting more popular in our country. can you tell me something about your last  christmas .
s: i….    t: did you …?    s: yes, i did/no, i didn’t.
12. t: we know a lot about western holidays.
what are they?
s: they’re easter , halloween and christmas.
c、consolidation and production.
play a game.
1. read the new words after class.
2. talk about the pictures of part c with your  partners.
then write the sentences down on the book.

本节课教授的是《牛津小学英语》6aunit6 holidays第一课时,通过这堂课的教学我认为自己是完成了预期的目标与任务,解决了这节课的重、难点。整个教学新授过程主要分成两块,一块是通过直观法、问答法、听音乐、猜谜语等方法引出中国的重要节日及人们在这些节日里所做的事情,第二块是通过老师考学生,让学生引出了西方国家的重要节日及人们在这些节日里你做了什么事情,同时复习了上个单元中的一般过去时的句型,语言的熟练运用是靠平时不断地积累的,在新知中复习旧知,就是培养了学生语言的运用能力。5页,当前第412345

上一篇:Unit 6 Holidays 下一篇:小升初英语句型总汇