
牛津小学六年级英语Unit5 On the farm教案


 六 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit5 on the farm





教学目标: 1.听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及短语milk, a cow, else, taste, pull up 及其中动词的过去式。 2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型did you like the film? it was a funny cartoon. we all liked it very much. were there any fruit trees on the farm? there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. whatdid you do … ? i … 3.能听懂、会说、会读单词 a holiday, last, a farm, a carrot, fun, collect, a camp.重点难点: 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词和词组a holiday ,last ,early,meet,befor,did,taste,pull up,milk,cook及其中动词的过去式课前准备: 投影片、录音机、磁带、多媒体电脑教学过程: free talk: when’s your birthday? what date is it today? what day is it today? 一.presentation and practise: 1. t: do you know something about the farm.. now let’s go to the farm. 出示词汇部分图片。 t: what he/she doing? do you know? s: he/she is …其中八个词语中 cook, collect, milk, pick,water是已学过的词语,稍微复习一下学生遍掌握了。让学生了解milk以前的意思为牛奶,在这里指挤奶,并拼读这个四会单词。 plant, taste, pull up 为新内容,让学生边读边做动作并反复拼读。 2.多媒体播放国庆节的场景 t: boys and girls, do you know the national day. learn: national day t: i watched a film on the national day. 板书,并让学生观察动词有什么变化。 3.讲解过去时态中动词过去式的变化规则。 1) 不规则变化。 2) 一般情况下动词后加ed 3) 以不发音的e结尾的加d. 4) 以辅音加y 结尾的y变i再加ed. 4. t: i watched a film on the national day.how about you? s: …. (在此巩固动词的过去式。) t: i watched a film on the national day. what did you do? 板书:what did you do? 学读这个句型。 出示图片师生操练what did you do? what else did you do?i milked cows. i collected eggs. i tasted oranges.i visited a farm. i planted trees. i pulled up carrots. 然后同桌间操练。 板书设计: unit5 on the farm练习设计: 听磁带跟读课文,讲解课文内容 学生分角色朗读教后记:


 六 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit5 on the farm





教学目标: 1.复习巩固课文对话。 2.能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型what (else) did you do … ? we/i …重点难点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词和词组a holiday ,last ,early,meet,befor,did,taste,pull up,milk,cook及其中动词的过去式 2、听懂、会说、会读、会写句型what else did you do ...?we/i.课前准备: 投影片、录音机、磁带、多媒体电脑教学过程: 一free talk: what date is it today? when is your birthday? what did you do yesterday? 二review and presentation: 1. 学生分角色朗读,再次分析课文内容。并让学生找出对话中的动词及他们的过去式。 watch—watched, is –was , plant—planted, visit—visited, like—liked, pull—pulled, do—did, collect—collected, taste—tested, milk—milked, pick—picked. 和学生复习动词过去式的变化规则。 2.学生找出本课词组。 national day, last week, watch a film, a funny cartoon.,very much, visit a farm, on the farm, plant trees, pull up carrots, milk cows, collect eggs, taste oranges. 让学生齐读这些单词并注出中文意思,深入理解他们的内容。 1. 完成对话后面的判断题。 让学生知道,family意为家人不一定是爷爷奶奶。 三.look and say: 1. t: 师生间问答what did you do? what else did you do? t: i wasn’t at home yesterday? s: what did you do yesterday? t: i visited my grandma. s: what else did you do? t: … 2. 用所给句型就图画中的场景进行问答。 3.指导学生进行书面练习。did you like the film ?it was a funny cartoon.we all liked it very much.were there any fruit trees on the farm ?there were apple trees ,orange trees and pear trees. 板书设计: unit5 on the farm did you like the film ?it was a funny cartoon.we all liked it very much.were there any fruit trees on the farm ?there were apple trees ,orange trees and pear trees.练习设计: 抄写本课的四会句型并默写。教后记:2页,当前第112


六 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit5 on the farm





教学目标: 1.通过复习使学生熟练掌握课文的词汇与会话,了解过去完成时态的构成。2.能听懂、会说、会读walk in the mountains, go camping. 3.完成c d 部分的练习。重点难点: 能听懂、会说、会读walk in the mountains, go camping.课前准备: 投影片、录音机、磁带、多媒体电脑教学过程: 一free talk: what did you do? what else did you do? what date is it today? when’s your birthday? 二 review: 1. 请学生分角色朗读会话。并请几组学生表演。 2. 复习本课的词组和四会单词。 3. 复习c部分的句型,让学生两两会话。 三.listen and write: 1. 听录音学生完成填空。 2. 结合图片让学生以wang bing的口气描述假日活动。 四 read and judge. 1. 让学生通过自己朗读对话来了解本段对话发生的背景和时间,并教授单词camp, mountain. 2. 教师提问what did the children do at the camp?让学生带着问题继续朗读,理解对话内容。 3. 完成判断题。 板书设计: unit5 on the farm练习设计: 抄写并默写本课的四会单词和句型教后记:


 六 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit5 on the farm





教学目标: 1.了解字母组合ir在单词中的发音。 2.通过复习使学生熟练掌握本课所学内容。重点难点: 1.了解字母组合igh在单词中的读音 2.能诵读歌谣last week.课前准备: 投影片、录音机、磁带、多媒体电脑教学过程: 一.free talk what date is it today? what day is it today? what would you like as a birthday present? what did you do last sunday? 二.review: 1.学生根据自己的周末活动自编对话然后表演。 2.复习本课的词组和句型。 三. listen and repeat: 1.师示范朗读单词 bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt, 让学生找出共同的音素,再听录音跟读。 2跟读句子,并说明句子的意思。 3.让学生归纳其它含有字母组合ir 发[ ]音的单词。 shirt, sir, circle, birthday, third… 四. do a survery: 1.帮助学生复习其中的活动类词组。 2.教师示范,用 what did … do last weekend?询问学生, 并根据学生的回答填写表格,作出示范。 3.将学生分成小组,每人用所学句型依次向同学发问,根据同学的回答填写表格。并让学生增加表格上没有的活动。 五. say a rhyme: 1.听录音,按节奏读歌谣。 2.学生间比一比谁读得好。 板书设计:unit5 on the farm练习设计: 完成练习册中的作业教后记:


上一篇:牛津小学英语6A Unit 2 Ben’s birthday教学设计 下一篇:六年级英语Meeting the BINGO Kids教案