
牛津小学六年级英语Unit 4 Review and check教案


 六 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题: unit 4 review and check



共 3课时,本课第1 课时


教学目标: 1.通过复习要求学生掌握四会单词,词组。 2.复习字母组合在单词中的发音,使学生熟练掌握,并能正确判断。 3.复习unit 1~3所学句型。重点难点: 通过复习要求学生掌握四会单词,词组。课前准备: 小黑板教学过程: 一.free talk: what day is it today? what date is it today? when’s the teachers’ day? what would you like as a birthday present? 二.review: 1.guess: 猜单词说出意思并拼读,如,出示单词卡的背面,学生猜出单词present,拼出且说出意思为礼物。以此复习所学的四会单词。 2.默写这些四会单词。 3.帮学生归纳1~4单元的词组。 unit 1 public sings  a lot of questions  different things  on the wall  stay away from 公共标志   许多问题   不一样的东西  在墙上      远离 walk on the grass       make noise      no smoking    no littering      no parking 在草地上走           制造噪音      禁止吸烟        禁止乱扔垃圾    禁止停车 keep off        keep quite    take a walk      look around 使不接近     保持安静        散步           向四周看 pick up         come up to       point to 捡起             走向           指向 unit 2 ben’s birthday  go home  on the 18th of october  a birthday present ben的生日    回家     在10月18日    一个生日礼物 a vcd of japanese cartoons    the fifth of april    take off    blow out 一盘日本卡通vcd    4月5日       脱下        吹灭 unit 3 the running race   look for  a moment ago  just now   on the ground  新课标第一网 赛跑比赛       寻找     刚才       刚才      在地上 a pair of glasses   a roll of film 一副眼镜         一卷胶卷 三.assignment: 板书设计: unit 4  review and check what does this sign mean?      what day is it today? it means…                 what date is it today? must    mustn’t        when’s your/his/her birthday? should   shouldn’t     what would you/he/she like as… can      can’t                    练习设计: 抄写所归纳的词组及意思一遍。教后记:3页,当前第1123


 六 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题: unit 4 review and check



共 3课时,本课第2 课时


教学目标: 1、复习第三单元四会单词和词组 2、复习介词in, on, under, behind, near 3、复习be动词的过去式was.were重点难点: 1、正确拼读和默写四会单词、词组 2、熟练掌握be动词的过去式,正确运用be动词的各种变化形式课前准备: 1、教具准备 录音机和磁带。 2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。教学过程: step 1 free talk t:  ask some questions         ss: answer the questions 1. what day is it today ?    what day was it yesterday? 2. what date is it today?    what day was it yesterday ? 3. when’s your birthday? 4. tom was seven three years ago, how old is he now? 5. mr green is forty this year, how old was he five years ago? step 2 review the past tense of “be” 1 t: show the students some toys and ask: where is the camera/diary/ watch ? where are the films/earphones/cds ? 2 t:(put these things in a bag and ask) look, they are now in the bag, can you tell me where they were a moment ago? try to tell me one by one. s: the camera was on the desk a moment ago/just now. the cds were near the watch just now. step 3 written work 1 put the sentences into past tense: example: i’m in the library. i was in the library this morning. 1) mike’s skateboard is behind the door.   2) there are a lot of oranges on the tree.  3) there isn’t a car near the building.  4) tom’s mother is in the kitchen. ask the students to practise orally, then write the sentences, check the answer with the class. step 4 consolidation 1 play a game : listen and draw ask each student to draw two squares ( the right one means “now”, the left one means ”past”) t: there is a dog in the room. (the students draw a dog in the right square) there was a book on the desk.( the students draw a book and a desk in the left square) play the game in groups. 2 write some sentences according to their pictures: there is/are… there was/were… step 5 homework 1 draw some pictures and write a passage about the pictures. 2 review unit 3板书设计: unit 4 review and check am     was          i am…        i was… is      were         he/she is…    he/she was… are             where is/are…?     where was/were…? it’s/they’re…    it was/they were… there is/are…    there was/were… 练习设计: 书中 a~d的练习, b部分也以书面形式完成教后记:3页,当前第2123


 六 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题: unit 4 review and check



共 3课时,本课第3 课时


教学目标: 1、复习第一至第三单元四会单词和词组 2、复习第一至第三单元的句型 3、熟练运用日常交际用语重点难点: 1、熟练掌握第一至第三单元的句型 2、熟练运用日常交际用语和句型编演对话课前准备: 1、教具准备 录音机和磁带。 2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。教学过程: step 1 free talk 1 talk with some students freely 2 sing some songs or recite some rhymes step 2 ask and answer 1 play a game: brain storm ask the students to write some questions , they should write ten special questions and ten general questions ( practise in groups of four) 2 ask and answer these questions 3 look, read and respond look at the pictures at p32-33, read the sentences and respond, and then write the answers. step 3 talk about their birthdays 1 ask six or seven students to say something about their birthdays. my birthday is … i’d like … as a birthday present. 2 ask and answer some questions according to the information above. when’s ’s birthday? what would he/she like as a birthday present? is he/she your friend?   … step 4 talk about their pictures 1 ask some students to show their pictures they drew last class, practice these sentences: there is/are…       there was/were… is/are there…       was/were there… where is /are…      where was/were… step 5 review some public signs 1 give the  students some places: park, airport, hospital…, ask them to write some rules for the places. example:  library           you must keep quiet.           you can’t eat or drink.             you mustn’t write or draw in the books. …  2 finish the task in groups. step 6 consolidation 1 look, match and say look at the pictures at p30-31, write the letters in the correct bubbles. then say the dialogues. 2 encourage them make and act some new dialogues with their friends. ww w. xk b1.c om topic: a happy birthday a. invite your friends to come to your birthday party b. the friends prepare some presents for you c. have a party in the park  板书设计: unit 4 review and check be: am  is  are  was  were what does this/that sign mean ? when’s your/his/her birthday? what would you like as…  练习设计: 练习册教后记:


上一篇:What's the matter, Mike? 第六课时 下一篇:牛津小学英语6A Unit 1 Public signs教案