
2020年牛津英语6B Unit2 Good habits词组语法(苏教版)

6b u2 good habits
1. try to form good learning habits
2. have many good habits
3. get up early in the morning
4. never go to bed late
5. brush his teeth
6. before bedtime
7. at home
8. put his things in order
9. finish his homework before dinner
10. listen to his teachers at school
11. do well at home
12. keep his room clean and tidy
13. help his parents
14. have some bad habits
15. do his homework late at night
16. go to bed early
17. feel sleepy in the morning
18. know liu tao well
19. went to bed late last night
20. i’m not sleepy.
21. walk fast
22. you shouldn’t go to bed late.
23. what habits do wang bing and liu tao have?
24. walk fast in the street
25. have breakfast on time
26. do their homework in the evening
27. pick one
28. four short horses
29. run through the grass
30. run very fast
31. this is the way we wash our face.
32. come to see her
33. show you around our house
34. let me show you around our house.
35. go into the living room
36. go into tina’s bedroom
37. they are in bobby’s bedroom.
38. see a lot of books and toys on the floor
39. whose bedroom is this?
40. my brother’s
41. put your books and toys in order
42. under the bed
43. loot at the pictures
44. run slowly
45. walk slowly
46. sing badly / well
47. do badly at school
48. get up at six o’clock in the morning
1. 试着形成好的学习习惯
2. 有许多好的习惯
3. 早上早早地起床
4. 从不晚睡觉
5. 刷牙
6. 睡觉前
7. 在家
8. 把他的东西放的井井有条
9. 在晚饭前完成他的作业
10. 在学校听他老师的话
11. 在家做得好
12. 保持他的房间又干净又整洁
13. 帮助他的父母
14. 有一些坏习惯
15. 晚上很晚做他的作业
16. 早睡觉
17. 早上觉得困
18. 很了解刘涛
19. 昨晚睡觉很晚
20. 我不困。
21. 走得快
22. 你不应该晚睡觉。
23. 王兵和刘涛有什么习惯?
24. 在街上走得快
25. 准时吃早饭
26. 晚上做他们的作业
27. 选一个
28. 四匹矮马
29. 跑过草地
30. 跑得很快
31. 这是我们洗脸的方式。
32. 来看她
33. 带你参观我们的房子
34. 让我带你参观我们的房子
35. 进入客厅
36. 进入蒂娜的卧室
37. 他们在波比的卧室。
38. 看见很多书和玩具在地板上
39. 这是谁的卧室?
40. 我哥哥的
41. 把你的书和玩具放的井井有条
42. 在床下
43. 看着图片
44. 跑得慢
45. 走得慢
46. 唱得不好/ 好
47. 在学校做得不好2页,当前第112
48. 早上6点起床
1. 频率副词的区别:always: 总是  usually: 通常   often: 经常   sometimes: 有时  never: 从不。 这些副词可以经常用在v.之前,助动词之后,be动词也是用在后面。sometimes也可用在开头。    它们的频率从小到大的排序为: never--- sometimes --- often --- usually --- always. 而且看到这些词的话,一般都用一般现在时。
2. early : adj. 早的。you are early. adv. 早地:she gets up early.
3. late: adj. 晚的,迟到的。he is late.  adv.  he never go to bad late.
4. before : prep. (介词) 后面接n. / v-ing. 
5. finish + doing
6. or :    [] :重读情况下 horse, for 
[ə:] : [w]后面发 world, work, word
[ə] : 弱读情况,或第二,三个音节上发。doctor, 2页,当前第212
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