
Going about ---- 公开课教案


teaching plan1


teacher: yu hai jiao     class 3, grade 1      december 9, 2008


title: going about

textbook: oxford english ----- 1a



contents& abilities

1.ss can use nouns to identify forms of transport: plane, ferry, train, taxi, van.

asking how questions to find out means.

using prepositions to indicate means.

improving students listening and speaking abilities.

process& methods

direct teaching approach ;

communicative teaching approach

and tprtotal physical response

moral education

1.making the students feel happy

2.cooperative consciousness

key points

1. five new words : plane, ferry, train, taxi, van

2. sentence patterns: 

how do you go to the park?

i/ we go to the park by….                 

3.developing expressing ability

difficult points

1.using the words and sentences in a certain time and certain time.

2. using preposition” by” to indicate means.

teaching method


teaching aids

multi-media, pictures  recorder& tape

teaching procedures


i warming-up & revision:

1. i like chicken. yummy, yummy…

2. hello/good morning/how are you?/what do you like?

where do you live?

ii leading-in: using a paper plane to lead in the new lesson.

today we will go on to learn unit4 going about.

iii presentation:

   learn 5 new words .  

show them a picture of a plane.
   1. plane a. meaning

          b. pronunciation

          c. spell the word using figures

          d. reading (team by team ) .(high &low voice )

          e. make a sentence using” plane”.

f. using ‘pictures ’to lead to next word

show the picture of shanghai. and ask the students the question:” how do you go to shanghai?”

new sentence: how do you go to shanghai?(read with action)

             i go to shanghai by plane/ ferry/ train…

2. ferry  a. meaning

        b. pronunciation

        c. making up sentences by using ‘ferry’

        d. use the sound of train to lead to next word.

3.train  a. meaning

        b. pronunciation

           c. spell the word using figures

d. reading

4.taxi   a. meaning                 

        b. pronunciation

           c. spell the word using figures

d. reading (reading with actions )

5.van    a. meaning                  

         b. reading (reading with action )

         c. making up new sentences .

show a picture of a park. ask students the question:” how do you go to the park?” then bring in the answer:” i go to the park by taxi/ car/bus/van…”

iv 2页,当前第112drills & practice :

1. listen to the tape & follow the tape: page 34 & 35.

2. pair-work:  i go to …by…

two students to make up a dialogue

3. group work: two students want to go to shanghai. two students want to go to the park. one day, they meet on the road and make a dialogue.





students recite the rhyme and answer my questions.



students read the words several times.



students read the sentence after me part by part.


students listen to the sound and guess the word.



students make sentences using van, car, taxi, bus….


four students a group do the dialogue.





review the old knowledge.





solid the new words.






use the picture of shanghai to teach the new sentence.


use the sound of the train to lead in the new word.



solid the new words and the new sentences.


use the pair work and the group practise the dialogue

上一篇:二年级牛津英语下册-Unit 1 Farm animals 下一篇:英语教案-Module3