
牛津英语2B unit4 In the park

教学目标1.     能听.说.认读单词:climb/swing/skip/ride.2.     能听.说.认读单词:i can …句型,并能自如替换单词。3.     能听.说.认读句型:what can you do?what can ___do?并能回答。教学重点1.     复习两个单词walk/fly2.     四个新单词和两个句型。3.     能运用句型进行自如对话。4.     swing和swim的发音容易混淆,注意孩子们的发音。教学手段运用多媒体辅助教学教具准备卡片  明星照片等教学步骤step1  greetingt: good morning,boys and girls.step2  presentation1)     lead int: you know,a big olympic games will be hold few months later.i want to watch it.a friend will go with me.who is he?please guess?t: he is my little baby.(屏幕上出现了小男孩在公园的照片)t: he is in the park now.(带读标题in the park)t: he is young but he can do a lot of things. he can walk. he can fly kites.(点击屏幕出现小男孩走路和放风铮的图片)t: he can climb.(点击屏幕出现小男孩爬梯的图片,并带读三遍)t: he can swing.not swim. please open your mouth and use your nose.(点击屏幕出现小男孩荡秋千的图片,提示同学们注意两单词的发音区别,并带读三遍)t: he can skip.(点击屏幕出现小男孩跳绳的图片,并带读三遍)t: and he can ride a bicycle.can you ride a bicycle?(点击屏幕出现小男孩骑车的图片,并带读三遍)2)     presentation(words)1.(拿出卡片,请同学们猜是什么单词,反应最快的同学把卡片贴上黑板。)2.play gamesa)bomb game.b)what’s missing?3)  presentation(sentences)1)t: now,i want to know what can you do? just tell me and say: i can…(课件一:what can you do?       i can ____.walkclimb ridejumpflyswingskipsingdrawdancewrite…t: read these sentences again.2)t: here is a chant.let’s chant together.(课件二:a chantwhat can you do? what can you do?i can walk. ican skip.what can you do? what can you do?i can swing. ican fly.what can you do? what can you do?i can skip. ican ride.   (老师带读,同学跟读,边拍边读)3)     t: my baby has got lots of fuwa.do you know their names?t: yes.they are beibei jingjing huanghuang yingying and nini.they are so clever. look here.(呈现课件三:福娃的故事,展现他们本领的故事)what can beibei do?  beibei can———? (呈现课件四:  以此类推依次问  what can jingjing/huanghuang/yingying/nini do?step3 consolidationt: i have many photos here.(拿出明星的照片,有刘翔.李宇春等。一张一张展示让同学们看)   t: do you know him?(请同学们说)t: now ,each group take one photo then discuss and describe the person. here are some tips for you.he/she is__. he/she is tall/short/thin/fat…___can sing/dance…i love ___.  (课件五:  (请小组讨论选出代表抽照片,并讨论卡片,最后请各组派代表描素照片)4)老师总结全课,表扬做得好的学生。电脑记分派牌显示胜方,胜方欢呼。step4 endingthe students sing a song: goodbye
牛津英语2b unit4 in the park 来自皮皮范文网。
上一篇:Unit 2 Look at me第三课时 下一篇:Unit 5 How old is he?