
牛津小学英语2A教案 Unit6 Christmas

一.教学课题   unit6  christmas lesson 1二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: using nouns to identify objects.using prepositions to indicate the position.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: 1. teach the new words: in on under bell star present tree四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:.教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song,,and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:t :look at the light. what  color  is it?s1: it’s red /green /yellow.……复习上单元学过的句型。  greetings in the class.      say and do together.   work in pairs.t and s.    互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。  通过对话的形式来复习句子,并为下一步教授打下基础。    while-taskprocedure1.       teach the new words:1.t show the word cards and ss look at the word  then read. 2.       show students the picture card for kite and say kite.2.listen and say.3.practices:take out the word cards and ask some individual to read them out.    teach the words in on under bellstar present tree  listen and say. look and read.  通过儿歌教授新的单词,一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,三,知识也能在玩的过程中学到。  听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivities1.  play a game:teacher says ‘under the desk., the students should put the things under the desk.   play a game in the class. 最后猜游戏再次巩固单词和句子,并能很好的吸引他们的注意力, 加深他们的印象。assignment read page29.copy kk.   板书:unit6 christmason  in   under       k k  kitebell      star present   tree        教学后记:学生掌握情况较好,对单词的认读,要进一步加强。一.教学课题   unit6  christmas lesson 25页,当前第112345二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: using imperatives to give simple instructions.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: 1. teach the new words: put…in…                                    put…on…                                    put…under…四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:.教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure: producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: teacher gives the ordersand the students follow the orders.     ……3.       free talk:t :look at the light. what  color  is it?s1: it’s red /green /yellow.……复习上单元学过的句型。  greetings in the class.      say and do together.   work in pairs.t and s.    互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。  通过对话的形式来复习句子,并为下一步教授打下基础。    while-taskprocedure1.t: put the pencil in the pencil-box.…2.t: put the bag on the desk.…3.t: put the rubber under the book. 2.listen and say. listen to the tape .let students read after the tape.3.practices:give the students paper cut outs and say the commands.e.g. put the star on the tree. put the pencil in the pencil-box…put the bag on the desk.… put the rubber under the book. listen and say.look and read.  perform the actions and repeat the commands put the star on the tree.(say and do it)通过边说边做来提高学生的兴趣。同时让学生对今天学习句型有的进一步掌握。  听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。锻炼学生的认读能力。 让学生来放东西的位置并重复所说内容。      post-taskactivitiesdivide the class into groups of three. let students give commands and doing the  actions  give commands and doing the  actions    最后分组表演和让学生自己来发布命令以此来巩固所学单词和句子,并能很好的吸引他们的注意力, 加深他们的印象。assignment read page27.    板书:unit6 christmas                put the tree in the room..                put the star on the tree.                put the present under the tree.                              5页,当前第212345教学后记: 一.教学课题   unit6  christmas lesson 3二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: using formulaic expression to greet people at christmas.using formulaic expression to offer offer people things.using formulaic expression to express thanks. 三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: 1. teach the new sentence: merry christmas!                                      here are your presents.                                   thank you.四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:.教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:give commands and do the  actions   greetings in the class.      say and do together.   give commands and do the  actions   互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。     while-taskprocedure1.       teach a christmas song.2.       play some christmas roles. go to individual students and greet them with the expression ‘merry  christmas!’ 3. t: here are your pencils./rulers/4.       use the wallchart. listen to the tape. and read after the tape.3.practices:ask some individual to read them out.  learn a song.      ‘merry  christmas!’ thank you. merry christmas!here are your presents.thank you.                                      here read the sentence.  通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,   听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivitieslet students play the roles. try to act it. act the scene out to the class.  通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page28..   板书:unit6 christmasmerry christmas!                here are your presents.                 thank you.         5页,当前第312345教学后记: 一.教学课题   unit6  christmas lesson4二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: using formulaic expression to greet people at christmas.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: 1. teach the new sentence: tell a story.四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:.教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:give commands and do the  actions   greetings in the class.      say and do together.   give commands and do the  actions   互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。     while-taskprocedure1.       sing a christmas song.. play the roles.  merry christmas!here are your presents.thank you.2.. listen to the tape. and read after the tape.3.practices:ask some individual to read them out.  sing  a  song. merry christmas!here are your presents.thank you. listen and read.                                 here read the sentence.  通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,   听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivitieslet students play the roles. try to act it. act the scene out to the class.  通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page30..   板书:unit6 christmasmerry christmas!                here are your presents.                 thank you.         教学后记: 一.教学课题   unit6  christmas lesson55页,当前第412345二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: using formulaic expression to indicate the position.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: 1. teach the new sentence: rhyme 四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:.教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure: producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings: t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, teacher. t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you? t: very well. thanks.2.       warming up: sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……3.       free talk:give commands and do the  actions   greetings in the class.      say and do together.   give commands and do the  actions   互相问候,创造英语气氛。    激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。     while-taskprocedure1.       sing a christmas song.. play the roles.  merry christmas!here are your presents.thank you.2.. say the rhyme.and read after the tape.3.practices:ask some individual to read them out.  sing  a  song. merry christmas!here are your presents.thank you. listen and read.                                 here read the sentence.  通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,   听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivitiesteach a new song.learn a new song.  通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page31..   板书:unit6 christmasmerry christmas!                here are your presents.                 thank you.         教学后记:5页,当前第512345
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