
2B Unit1 period 7(上海版牛津英语教案)

lesson plan
school:  shanghai shi yan primary school
name:   li jun
book:  oxford english (shanghai edition) 2b unit 1
topic:  farm animals
aims:   letters: nn , nose , oo , orange
language focus:  learn the names and sounds of the letters “nn, oo”.
aids:   letter cards, multi-media, word cards, wall-chart ...etc .
procedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-task preparation:1. warming-up:1. sing songs and read rhymes. 2. revision for the alphabets:1.      (multi-media) ps: recite the alphabets.2.      (letter cards)ps: read the letter cards in rising tone and falling tone. when they read the capital letters, they stand up. when they read the small letters, they sit down.以“读大写,起立:读小写,坐下”的形式,使学生机械性朗读的过程变得有趣,学生在辨别字母大小写形式的同时,快速反应能力也得到了锻炼。ii. while-task procedure:content 1:letter: nn1.      (multi-media)t: introduce the letter “nn”.1.以多媒体动画使“n,n”走进学生的视野,从而引出新授内容。2.        ps: imitate the pronunciation .t: check. 3.        pa+pb: ask and answer in pairs.e.g. what letter is it?it's n.it's big n.(it's small n). 4.        t: show some word cards, such as ‘nurse’, ‘nice’, ‘nose’, ‘night’ and so on.t : ask individuals to think of more words which contain n /n/.e.g.: new … etc.2.通过限时抢答的形式开展这个活动,尽可能地调动学生的知识库存,活跃他们的思维。content 2 :letter: oo1.      (multi-media)t: introduce the letter “oo”   2. ps: imitate the pronunciation.t: check. 3. pa->pb->pc : ask and answer in succession .e.g. it is o?yes, it is. it's big o.is it o?yes, it is. it's small o. 4. (multi-media)ps: listen to the teacher's pronunciation and figure out the words with the same pronunciation /εu/.


         t: conclude that o is pronounced as /εu/.ps->p1 :  look at the screen and read the words again.e.g. oo /εu/ nose…etc. 学生通过听音辨别,将单词与字母连线,自己归纳出字母o不同与其他元音字母的发音。这一活动为学生们提供了主动探究、自主学习的空间。iii. post-task activity:1. do a quick response.ps: read the letter cards with music. 2. build up the four letters “nn, oo” with body language.ps: practice in pairs or individually to show a letter.e.g. p1: look at me. i am np2+3: look at us. we're o.“用自己的身体搭出字母”,使学生得以展开想象的翅膀,尽情展示自己的表演才能,同时以自己感性的体验,巩固了新知识。iv. assignment:1.read the letter cards at home.  2.listen to the text .  2页,当前第112

本课的教学内容主要是字母“nn, oo”本身的发音及单词nose, orange中o的发音。二年级的学生年龄尚小,注意力不容易集中,纯机械化的字母教学很容易使他们感到枯燥乏味,从而渐渐失去对英语学习的兴趣。所以,在教学中,我采用各种形式的操练活动,使学生“动起来”,在“动中学”,“学中用”,避免字母学习的过程枯燥化,机械化。我主要就以下几方面进行了实践,
在新授字母“nn, oo”的教学中,我先是使用多媒体特效引出新授字母,使字母活蹦乱跳地“走”进学生的视野。学生们对生动形象的字母感到既好奇又十分有趣,从而产生了学习的积极性。其次,学生不是等待灌满的“空罐子”,而是语言和思维的积极探索者,他们具备一定的观察能力和归纳能力。在本课中教授字母组合“oo”在单词中的发音时,我尽可能地放手让学生自己观察,总结出发音规律。学生通过听音辨别,总结出字母o在单词中的发音为/εu/。这一活动为学生们提供了主动探究、自主学习的空间。让他们积极参与并自己探索语言的意义和答案。
在复习巩固字母“nn, oo”的环节中,我请学生们“用自己的身体搭出字母”。使学生得以展开想象的翅膀,尽情展示自己的表演才能,同时以自己感性的体验,巩固了新知识。

2b unit1 period 7(上海版牛津英语教案) 来自皮皮范文网。 2页,当前第212
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